Sentences with phrase «fat out of the bloodstream»

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These components then slip out of the fat cells and into the bloodstream, where they are accessible to tissues throughout the body.
If you're partaking in a lower carb type of diet your liver will convert the stored glycogen into glucose and then release it into your bloodstream, then when out of glycogen, it will convert fat and protein for energy.
Insulin takes away any surplus glucose your body creates out of your bloodstream and takes it to the liver, the muscles or deposits it in the form of fat tissue.
Faced with a life or death situation, cortisol increases the flow of glucose (as well as protein and fat) out of your tissues and into the bloodstream in order to increase energy and physical readiness to handle the stressful situation or threat.
Wheat belly visceral fat is a hotbed of inflammation, sending out inflammatory signals into the bloodstream and results in higher blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides, all adding up to increased risk for heart disease.
There is one difference — belly fat produces an enzyme called aromatase that seeks out free testosterone in the bloodstream and converts it to estradiol — the most common type of estrogen.
The body will release a surge of insulin to shuttle the sugar out of your bloodstream and into the cells (particularly fat cells).
It's not like sitting in your bloodstream and being dumped into your muscle to go to Glycogen, or dumped into your liver to — to run De Novo Genesis and make fat out of it.
Your body uses insulin to transport blood sugar (glucose) out of the bloodstream to be either utilized by muscle as energy or stored as fat.
I mean, would the process of losing fat increase the amount o FFA circulating in the bloodstream (because it's being forced out of the fat cells) and provoke greater insulin resistance, and so hinder the weight loss attempt?
That's why insulin is so critical to taking it out of the bloodstream and putting it somewhere FAST, like muscle cells or fat cells.
The membrane of the small intestine allows only very small nutrients and fats, proteins and starches which are all broken down to very small particles to enter into the bloodstream, while the larger molecules and many different types of toxic compounds are kept out.
This is why we think there's so much less fat in our bloodstream after eating whole almonds compared to the same amount of almond oil taken out of the nuts.
A quick rise in insulin levels clears out the majority of the sugar in the bloodstream, pushing it into muscle and fat cells.
This is because some of those carbs that are converted to fats wind up being deposited first the liver, then in organs and tissue around the waistline creating «bellyfat» (or, as Dr. William Davis terms it «Wheatbelly» due to the particularly insidious glucose spike caused by wheat consumption) while the rest of those VLD's and Triglycerides are spit out and circulating in the bloodstream and wind up on your blood panel!
The liver then bundles triglycerides (liver - made - fat) with cholesterol and protein sending it out into the bloodstream as VLDL, the second largest lipoprotein and main transporter of liver - made - fat which can go on for several hours after a meal unloading its triglycerides.
There is less overflow of energy from the fat cells to spill out into the bloodstream.
While all of these remain true, there is some new knowledge out there proving that fat cells themselves release more inflammatory hormones into the bloodstream than other non-fat cells in the body.
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