Sentences with phrase «fat target»

But when I reach my body fat target I stop it..
Second — the family with a big food stockpile will just be a nice fat target for everyone else — and guns whon't save yu either b / c everyone has them.
Revenue for physical activity Further levies must also be imposed on producers of food and drinks high in salt, sugar and saturated fat targeted at children.
Fattier cuts of meat should be eaten on this day, as well as various seed, nuts and oils while not exceeding the dietary fat target.
Banning the marketing of junk foods high in salt, sugar and fat targeted at children would help ensure children maintain a healthy weight and help prevent them developing diabetes..
Since it's more difficult to sustain weight loss than it is to lose weight initially, it's also important to keep your metabolic rate high once you hit your percentage of body fat target.
It's earning a remarkable 27 % on every dollar in sales before taxes, and that lush profitability makes the iPhone a fat targets for competitors.
In contrast, when Newark superintendent Cami Anderson presented her strategies in her «One Newark» plan, it gave her opponents a big, fat target, and she was gone within two years.
As the largest tech company in the world, Apple represents a fat target for rivals in the category, particularly for Samsung, which has fought Apple in court of late over various patent issues.
Insurance is a fat target.
The law firms that are filing these class actions see the alleged $ 600 million raised by the ICO as a fat target.
Planned Parenthood has itself to blame for the current crisis: Even if fetal organ sales are legal and rare, and even if the videos were highly edited by ideological foes trying to entrap Planned Parenthood by using phony identities, officials at the organization should have known they were a fat target for such things.
While the real estate industry argues the break is essential to keep the housing market healthy, some economists are not convinced, and the deduction is a fat target because it primarily benefits high - income households and those who live in expensive housing markets — like this one.
As one of the largest write - offs in the tax code — with a projected revenue cost of $ 357 billion between fiscal years 2016 and 2020 — the mortgage deduction is a fat target.
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