Sentences with phrase «fatal as heart attacks»

Strokes can be as quick and fatal as heart attacks.

Not exact matches

Mangano described it all as an «emotionally draining experience,» particularly after a difficult month in which Presiding Officer Peter Schmitt suffered a fatal heart attack in his office and two county cops were killed in the line of duty.
John Ciotti, 66, who served Nassau as a Republican legislator for 16 years and became an executive vice president at Nassau University Medical Center, suffered a fatal heart attack on Saturday morning, officials said.
[Stephanie Chiuve et al., «Adherence to a Low - Risk, Healthy Lifestyle and Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death Among Women»] These preventive measures might be especially important for women, who are less than half as likely as men to be diagnosed with heart disease or dysfunction before a fatal attack.
Progeria affects one in every four million to eight million births; there are about 50 cases currently recognized worldwide with 10 to 12 in the U.S. Common symptoms include fragile bones, hair loss, limited growth, stiff joints and wrinkling of the skin by as young as age two; about 90 percent of progeria patients die by age 13 from fatal heart attacks or strokes, according to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
It increases your risk of heart disease and brings on fatal and non-fatal heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular events 15 years earlier than in those without diabetes, as well as significantly shortens your lifespan.
High blood pressure is known as the «silent killer» because it has no symptoms and can lead to fatal conditions such as heart attack and stroke.
Although this crippling, fatal disease is not discussed as often as cancer or heart disease, this particular condition attacks the lungs with thick mucus, as well as the pancreas.
It's an impressive, unmatched (as of yet) feat, for sure, but compared to Bob's near - fatal heart attack or the deaths of one player's parents or the murder of a teammate, losing the streak seems pretty inconsequential.
However, just as quickly as we're reintroduced to the time - displaced, pre-Flashpoint Lex, he's ripped away from us once again when he suffers a fatal heart attack just moments before his armor catches fire and explodes.
Special moves are charged when you attack enemies — While Link is fighting, Hylian Troops also fight — They don't mind if you accidentally hit them in the heat of battle — Impa is in the demo and she gives Link tips — Tutorials also have the classic «hey, listen» line when they pop up — Castle Keep has a power up bomb — This is a one use item with a huge blast radius — Link can also collect Rupees dropped by enemies and glowing hearts to restore his life — E3 demo ends with a King Dodongo boss fight who appears at the North Square — King Dodongo breaths a cone of fire Link has to dodge — The trick to beating him is throwing bombs in his mouth when he inhales — Then Link can follow up with a combo ending with a fatal downward slash — Zelda uses a glowing rapier to fight — Has a combo where she darts left and right — Zelda has 3 orbs — You can charge these by pressing heavy attack and then use orbs as combo finishers like creating a golden triangle on the ground that damages all of the enemies inside it — Zelda also has a combo ending with a barrage of arrows from a golden bow — Zelda's special move is a charged bow strike that knocks enemies back — Lizardos was the first enemy with a weak point and if you hit him on the head you'll knock him down — Fill up your Focus Spirit meter with magic jars — When this is full you can press R to get a speed and attack burst — Your character will glow yellow and get a new combo too — Zelda can use three elemental magic spells as her Focus Spirit combo — Hyrule Warriors says «Zelda defeated Moblin» when you knock out a general
It was Mr. Oldenburg's visual reference to Adlai Stevenson, who in 1965 had a fatal heart attack on a London street as his signature hat was blowing away.
We have been discussing Daylight Saving Time as long as there has been TreeHugger, suggesting that falling back from DST, the actual change in time, increases depression, causes heart attacks and fatal car crashes.
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