Sentences with phrase «fatal design flaw»

Worse, the expensive machine had a fatal design flaw, one the company only copped to four years later.
Seriously, this thing has a fatal design flaw.
A Simplicity crib with fatal design flaws was left on the market for more than two years after 9 - month - old Liam Johns died in one.

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And yet the fatal flaw in this design?
Governor Cuomo's crowing over his agreement to establish a voluntary program of public financing for the campaign for state Comptroller hid a fatal flaw — the program is designed to fail.
You might think that Spore's fatal flaw would be that it supports intelligent design rather than Darwinian evolution.
Arnie Gundersen, a former nuclear industry executive and chief engineer of Fairewinds Associates, an energy consulting company, stepped forward to spotlight what he sees as a possible fatal flaw in the AP1000's design: the separation of the concrete shield building from the steel containment vessel.
Using a molecule designed to overcome a roadblock formed by a common type of genetic flaw, researchers at the University of Wisconsin — Madison have made progress towards novel molecular treatments for Friedreich's ataxia — a rare but fatal disorder — in the laboratory dish and in animals.
As an act of conscience, Empire scientist Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelson) designed the Death Star with that fatal flaw that is exposed when viewing the original blueprints.
The Belko Experiment opts for a cartoonish, histrionic treatment rather than a nuanced exploration of specific characters, a design flaw in the writing that ultimately proves fatal to the infrastructure as a whole.
Jyn's estranged father Galen Erso (Hannibal «s Mads Mikkelsen) has designed an epic weapon called the Death Star for the Rebel Alliance's archenemies, the Empire, but she's convinced he deliberately included a fatal flaw.
These results are disappointing, but not surprising when you consider the fatal flaws that were incorporated into Louisiana's hastily designed program.
The Swan Defined Risk Strategy was designed to address the three fatal flaws in mainstream portfolio thinking.
These repetitive images are not an accident; they are designed to illustrate just how frustrating it is to see, over and over, the fatal flaw in an otherwise potentially great game.
If I'm applying for a job as a mechanical engineer on the Death Star, relevant experience is things like beam weapon development, superstructure design, or past work building fatal flaws into gigantic systems.
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