Sentences with phrase «fatal for»

It is very normal for a married couple to fight; however, prolonging the fight in a second marriage can be fatal for your relationship.
This bad habit can be nothing less than fatal for any job application.
A snoozing introduction of a cover letter for a Commercial Pilot might be fatal for your overall job hunt process.
• Elaborate your relevant experience: Any piece of information that is irrelevant or not directly related to the job at hand can prove to be fatal for your candidacy.
It's an irritating factor, which in some cases will be fatal for you as a candidate on that position.
The advances in Medicare and healthcare have helped in improving the life expectancy, which means more people are surviving illnesses that might have proved fatal for their predecessors.
Here, events of default under a revolving credit facility in particular, can prove to be fatal for the company and its directors.
A slow - speed accident may cause minor property damage to a passenger vehicle, but it can be fatal for motorcycle riders....
When a driver loses control of a truck, the results can even be fatal for people in the vicinity.
Exposure to listeria bacteria can lead to a level of food poisoning that is nothing short of miserable for some people and even potentially fatal for others such as small children and those who already suffer from compromised immune systems.
But when things start to go wrong at work, the «wait it out and hope for the best» approach can be fatal for case where your rights have been violated.
Learn how sepsis can easily prove fatal for at - risk residents in understaffed care facilities.
Such rebuttal material was probably viewed as potentially fatal for enviro - activists, and from all I've found, it appears they took a practically unknown pilot project PR campaign from the Western Fuels Association and blew it out of all proportion in order to have some kind of plausible - sounding «evidence» for their claim that skeptic climate scientists were no different than the paid shill experts who claimed cigarette smoking was not especially harmful.
But in my opinion that is not fatal for their hypothesis in itself because additional warmth causes reduced density, reduced weight and therefore increased buoyancy which would lead to a lower surface pressure.
What is fatal for their hypothesis is that even despite the higher temperature from latent heat release the dry air parcel still fails to achieve the buoyancy that was previously achieved by the water vapour laden air parcel.
Reports show the ocean's unique ecosystems are adapting to fluctuation in water temperatures likely caused by global warming, but increasing acidic levels may prove fatal for the world's coral reefs.
Science has no business in advocacy, which is fatal for objectivity.
Utterly fatal for any attempt to either blame or exploit CO2 as a control knob, luke - ly or otherwise.
Perhaps more fatal for Oreskes is that any debate that seems to proceed from a scientific claim is going to take the form that she describes, of a proposition and doubts about its soundness.
These conditions are quite fatal for fish and shell fish spawning, so bang go the world's major fisheries.
Furthermore, depression (like cancer) can often turn fatal for thousands of people if left untreated.
Adults accompanying the kids need to remember it is unsafe to jump from the top of this fall, and it has turned fatal for many.
We might make it sound light hearted but anyone who has surfed before knows full well that it can be dangerous - and anyone who has seen luggage handlers at the airport will know that it is probably going to be fatal for you board.
Dogs and cats may not process medications in the same way humans do, so something that is safe for you may prove to be dangerous or even fatal for your pet.
And, like other types of flu, a healthy cat can survive it, but it can be fatal for kittens and older cats with other health complications.
Understanding this — and the fact that many pet owners are unaware that their generosity at meal time could be potentially fatal for their animal companions — the folks at Reber Ranch tweeted a link to a helpful slide show that explains which foods should never be given to felines and why.
I thought this would be a good time to remind pet parents about the dangers of over-treating pets and to warn about people foods that can be potentially harmful, even fatal for dogs and cats.
Antifreeze is extremely toxic and just a small amount can be fatal for dogs.
That is why, in most cases, a canine enlarged heart is considered an advanced part of a dog heart condition and is declared as being fatal for a patient.
Unfortunately, the shelter is not a good place for a nursing mom and her babies; they all developed kennel cough, which is hard on an adult dog — but potentially fatal for puppies.
It can be fatal for cats, too.
Also ash can cause respiratory problems for pets and prolong exposure can be fatal for animals
Unhealthy teeth and gums along with halitosis (bad breath) can be caused by dental diseases that can shorten the life span, cause pain and even turn fatal for your dog if left untreated.
Some of these can be fatal for your pet.
The glass will amplify the heat and this could swiftly prove fatal for your pet.
The risk of having your pet's teeth cleaned by an uneducated layperson, with little or no formal training, outside of a veterinary hospital, could be hazardous and even fatal for your pet.
The risk of having your pet's teeth cleaned outside of a veterinary hospital could be hazardous and even fatal for your pet.
Caffeine can even be fatal for dogs if consumed in large amounts.
However, this is never a good idea, because a number of scientific studies have come to the conclusion that peppermint oil can be fatal for cats.
In significant amounts, caffeine can be fatal for your cat so keep him away from caffeinated beverages including soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks.
Ingesting kitty litter can prove fatal for these little dogs.
«This kind of poisoning can be fatal for dogs — so time really is of the essence, You've got to seek veterinary help quickly, as Alison did.
One false move could be fatal for handler and dog.
TBD can range from simply annoying, to serious or fatal for you and your pets.
An Easter Lily, for example, can be fatal for the cat who eats it.
While this condition is not very dangerous to humans, it can be fatal for your dog if untreated.
There is no cure for rabies and parvo is usually fatal for dogs.
Rabies: this vaccine will fight rabies, which is fatal for all mammals (including dogs and people), and are required under California state law.
Hyperthermia may cause low blood sugar and that may be fatal for a small cat.
In fact, some diseases could even prove fatal for a cat.
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