Sentences with phrase «fate took»

Then fate took a hand — two months later I met my wife, we moved in together and were married last summer.»
But that's when fate took a cruel twist.
In a pearl - shaped island south of the Philippines, Sardine Boy cheated death when fate took his side one morning.
A family emergency made it impossible to move and in the fall of 2005, fate took over.
He said his tee shot felt perfect and was on a good line until fate took over.
Fate took song away from arsenal to barca where he failed and was shipped back to London.
To let fate take charge,» she says.
Miami trailed 17 - 7 at halftime, but fate takes over sometimes.
Fate takes a hand, and I can't explain it, but I'm grateful.»
A great choice for those who want to let go of the reins and let fate take control.
After you've decided to strike up a conversation, let fate take its course naturally.
C) Go out on blind dates D) Go out to clubs and bars and hope fate takes a hand.Now, you can still do all of that and get some dates.
Her fate takes an extraordinary turn, however, when Bishop Anastasius poisons Pope Sergius in an attempt to claim his title, and Johanna ascends to the throne instead.
After the success of Fire Emblem Awakening, Fates takes it as a base to build its new world but trying to keep old fans on board too.
Fire Emblem Fates took a backseat in third place, but sales are still strong with nearly 30k sold this week.
He basically weighs up the two options we all have when our fate takes an «outrageous» turn.
And then, in a busy market square in Athens, their fate takes a frightening turn when Fereiba's teenage son, Saleem, becomes separated from the rest of the family.
A twist of fate takes her to France where she meets Christophe Beauchene.After a lengthy courtship, Kate and Christophe get married and settle in San Francisco together with Christophe's daughter, Chantal.
For all the risks Mirror of Fate takes in terms of story and aesthetic, its core gameplay feels mired in antiquated design that just doesn't feel that relevant anymore.
Fire Emblem Fates takes the big bombastic story of a Fire Emblem game and spreads it across two games, Conquest and Birthright.
It is here that Resonance of Fate takes place.
Dr Frank draws inspiration from «The Great Race», a film from 1965 in which the offbeat Professor Fate takes on a conventional challenger in an automobile race.
Rather than letting fate take its course, they have implemented various strategies that increased their marketability to a potential employer, and believe it or not you too can follow these tactics and hopefully shorten the gap that lays between where you are now and the light at the end of what - seems like a never - ending tunnel.
We're just gonna have fun and let fate take the reins on this one!

Not exact matches

In the following excerpts, they recount the first of just two formal joint interviews with Steve Jobs, then running the ill - fated NeXT, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, which took place at Jobs's home in July 1991.
We were fortunate and privileged to fund it by ourselves, so we took the decision from the beginning to control everything - the fate of the business, how we hire, how we fire, and so on, and we didn't want anyone interfering with that.
«In many ways, it is GM's post-bankruptcy masterpiece, a real feather in the cap of CEO Mary Barra and her executive team, who took what the company had achieved with its ill - fated EV - 1 back in the 1990s and turned it up to 11.»
The theory, popularized by Harvard professor Clayton Christensen in his 1997 book The Innovator's Dilemma, warns that successful companies are inherently vulnerable to being «disrupted» by new entrants, and the only way to avoid such a fate is to replicate the risk - taking, pizza - devouring culture of upstart firms.
As some researchers put it: «Take things as they are, since you are fated for them anyway.»
Microsoft's (msft) ill - fated Tay bot experiment in which online commenters taught the bot — basically software that takes on human characteristics powered by artificial intelligence — to say racist and sexist things also illustrates this point.
But it was the debate over BHP Billiton's ill - fated attempt to acquire Potash Corp. that took «strategic asset» from an occasional buzzword to a full - on verbal tic for some politicians.
As the White House takes its first steps towards transitioning the imminent Donald Trump administration, there are a few logistical questions that remain to be answered about its grounds: namely, the fate of Michelle Obama's vegetable garden.
Even if ZTE's fate becomes a bargaining chip in a trade dispute, a resolution may take many months.
The other, a former White House aide to President Obama, tested positive for the BRCA2 gene mutation that has led to breast cancer in her family for generations — and is taking aggressive steps to avoid the same fate.
The author of her own professional fate, she's taken a publishing giant to new social media heights
Part of that was an ill - fated attempt to take over Circuit City, which went bankrupt soon afterward.
James Smith, head of workplace strategy and business development at Morningstar, says many broker - dealers are taking a proactive approach to measuring the rule's impact on their 401 (k) advisory business, and not waiting for courts to determine the Labor Department rule's fate.
Rapp regularly discussed her harassment on Twitter and seemed to be managing her way through it, but, when Fire Emblem Fates was released in February with a flirtatious face - touching mini-game removed, things took another turn.
Regardless of Levandowski's fate in this prickly matter, Uber's main challenge remains, as Gonzalez clearly outlined to Alsup, «to demonstrate to you that we are not using any of these things that they say he may have taken
We know now that when mighty «Casey» Bernanke stepped up to the plate on that fated Wednesday that was September 18, he adjusted his stance, surveyed the playing field and he took a mighty swing... and a miss.
If we wish to avoid this fate, we need to take immediate action to both reduce the burden of existing student debt and prevent future debt from piling up even higher.
Some believers leave their fate completely for God to decide, while too few take the old saying «The Lord helps those who help themselves» to heart.
But, where one has fallen, many others have rushed to put their hands to fate's perilous reigns and take their place among the stars.
Yet now that greater opportunity exists, taking advantage of it requires that we accept personal responsibility for our own fate, even though the effects of this past remain with us in part.
I'm going to take my chances in sounding like a nut job, and because I want others to share in my hoped - for fate for a pleasant eternity, I will share this with people.
It might take a few hundred or so years, (hopefully sooner), but the Church will someday face the same fate.
The most holy, the noblest, the best, the most godlike things about us is our human capacity to learn personhood in responsible self - government (taking up personal responsibility for our own eternal fate) and to share in communion with other persons, and most of all with the unseen God.
I see that God desires all men to be saved, and that by me taking a person's life, I am sealing their eternal fate forever.
Nobody, today, takes those gods seriously, and your god, at some point in the future, will suffer the same fate.
I also took matters into my own hands by feeding her natural yogurt, soft foods and spooning water into her - something which was to continue until she was released three days later, having been restored to full health, cracking jokes and saying goodbye to those who were unfortunately left probably to suffer the same fate
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