Sentences with phrase «fault accident history»

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A driver's use of a credit card does not factor in to the traditional way of coming up with a rating, which instead uses age, driving record, ZIP code, sex, marital status and three - year history of at - fault accidents.
In addition, having an at - fault accident on your record will increase your insurance premiums by 50 per cent, and a history of careless driving is likely to drive those premiums even higher.
While your «claims history» may have some bearing, if the accident was not your fault, it is hard to see how or why the carrier would hold that against you.
Whether your insurance rates will increase after an accident often depends on who is at - fault in the crash and your driving history.
If the accident is not your fault, it's the first in which you've been involved, and your driving history is free of moving violations and / or insurance claims, you may have no premium increase at all,
Insurance companies rarely give concrete answers to the question because they use many factors determine a rate increase, including a person's driving history, who was at fault in the accident and how serious the accident was.
Accidents happen, but this means trying to ensure that your driving history is free of traffic convictions or collisions where you have been at - fault.
However, several factors play into the rate decision, including the severity of the accident, your driving history, who's to blame, whether you're no - fault and your policy's details.
Mind also that history of past accidents, malpractice or other faults greatly increases the cost of Liability Insurance.
Drivers may need to seek out high - risk auto insurance options if anything on their record elevates their risk assessment, whether it's a DUI / DWI, an accident where they were at fault, or a history of claims.
If you have a poor driving history with accidents where you were at fault, traffic citations, misdemeanors, DUIs, or other infractions, you'll have a harder time finding an insurance that is willing to insure you at a low rate.
Most people seem to be proud of the 33 - year history in Michigan's no - fault insurance, where people of all ranks were assured of state - of - the - art coverage in the event they are involved in a catastrophic accident that may change their lives forever.
Your driving record contains information on your past traffic violations, at - fault accidents, and out - of - state driving history, and can be used:
However, if you try to drive safely from the day you obtain the driving license, then you would be able to explain to the insurance company that you had not been at fault in the accidents involved in your driving history.
The information included on your Massachusetts driving record includes full name, driver's license number, date of birth, past traffic violations, at - fault traffic accidents, and out - of - state driving history (when applicable).
While some states note the party at fault for accidents, Nebraska merely lists accident history.
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