Sentences with phrase «faulty design»

Secondly, the construction company that built the porch or deck may be liable for faulty design or construction.
Many defects that cause injury stem from faulty design or faulty manufacturing of the product.
To date, 19 children have died in cribs of similar faulty design.
If faulty design, manufacturing or labeling was responsible for your accident and subsequent injuries, your attorney will show what specific defect caused your accident and how.
Any of the following injuries, among others, can give rise to a claim against a municipality: faulty maintenance, faulty design of roads, poorly maintained sidewalks, dangerous public parks, poor operation of city vehicles, and police brutality.If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of the negligence of any municipality, the attorneys at 1LAW are here to help.
Efforts to redesign Penn Station began in the 1990s but were stalled by faulty design specifications.
The National Transportation Safety Board on Tuesday blamed faulty design, improper maintenance and inadequate government oversight for the explosive failure of a cargo door that killed nine passengers aboard a United Airlines Boeing 747.
We consult with our network of experts to scientifically analyze conditions that may include faulty design or noncompliance with building codes.
In the case of tire defect (e.g. tread separation), a claim may demonstrate that faulty design led to the blown tire and caused a crash.
Whether the danger comes from faulty design, inadequate labeling, improper testing, dishonest marketing, hazardous materials or other issues, it is a horrible experience to be seriously hurt because of the negligence of a manufacturer, marketer or distributor.
Worse it could be one of those recalled models because of a faulty design or because it falls short on the safety standards.
Secondhand seats could be missing important parts, have been involved in an accident (even unseen damage can affect the way a seat functions), fall short of current safety standards, or have been recalled due to faulty design.
They could be missing important parts, have been involved in an accident (even unseen damage can affect the way a seat functions), fall short of current safety standards, or may have been recalled due to faulty design.
Previous generations of school facilities often had faulty designs, and many observers have attributed those problems to the fact that schools were routinely designed without any input from stakeholders.
In fact, it should be considered an isolated incident that was caused by poor management and faulty design.
GoPro Hero 5 really has a waterproof issue as evidenced by similar experiences of quite a number of users, and I feel you in that it's frustrating to not get a new unit for a faulty design.
It's clear that GoPro Hero 5 has a faulty design.
Be it defective parts, a faulty design, or a manufacturing and labeling issue, the manufacturer could be held liable regardless of who was actually at fault for the accident if there was a fundamental issue with the product they sold to the public.
Underride guards are metal structures placed on the rear - end of commercial vehicles to prevent car bumpers from sliding underneath them during collisions; however, due to faulty designs, underride guards that comply with the minimum federal standards for strength and size often fail, even at low speeds and do not protect motorists as intended.
For instance, a third party manufacturer might be liable if there was an issue with the vehicle that caused the vehicle to crash and rollover, or if the vehicle's roof was more susceptible to caving in and further injured occupants due to faulty design.
Representation of the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority in arbitration of claims related to faulty design and construction of energy recovery reuse facility against engineering procurement and construction contractor.
Amusement park accidents may occur because the ride is defective or a component involved is not working correctly due to faulty design.
What these basically set out is that a manufacturer's faulty design or production caused you injury when you were using it as it was reasonably intended to be used.
Whether it's the manufacturer of equipment at work or a faulty design that resulted in your accident, we can help you obtain the funds you need to cover your expenses while you recover.
Products liability cases may be brought if a product has a faulty design and / or was manufactured or marketed improperly, or the public was not sufficiently warned about the known dangers.
Acted in coverage disputes relating to faulty design and workmanship exclusions, and provided coverage advice with respect to historical and «long tail» insurance claims and in relation to political risk insurance in high risk foreign energy jurisdictions
Acted for a pipeline company advancing claims against its design engineers for the cost of remedial work done at its compressor stations due to a faulty design
Personal Injury can occur due to faulty design, a failure to properly inspect the product or failure by the manufacturer to explain to the consumer the manner in which the product is to be used.
These contingencies are poor workmanship, faulty design, and inadequate or unsuitable materials and is only triggered by the death, disappearance or insolvency of the builder.
Any type of loss / damage caused due to faulty design, bad workmanship or defective material used in casting will not be covered.
Product liability coverage will protect your business if it is sued due to a product malfunction or faulty design.
The faulty design has been present in chips for years and it will force a redesign of the Linux and Windows kernels.
The company rushed a product out to market to beat the iPhone 7, causing to issue a faulty design that made 2.5 million customers vulnerable to fire, rushed its original recall to get the device back up on shelves before too many flocked to Apple, and put even more at risk.
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