Sentences with phrase «favor of gay marriage»

The reason is because of his vote in favor of gay marriage.
That said, I'd bet they will find in favor of gay marriage.
He differentiated between homophobia and opposition to homosexuality, saying «just because a person isn't in favor of gay marriage doesn't mean that one is homophobic — let's be very clear on that,» but was thoughtful in his response to whether or not he thought the Catholic Church was a homophobic institution.
This day and age coming out in favor of gay marriage as a Republican is quite literally political suicide, so why the hell would anyone do it if it weren't for a firm belief in equal rights?
The man who authored the «Vote Cuomo, not the Homo» line and who refused to lobby in favor of gay marriage needs to rethink his tactics before he calls out any more names.»
A man screamed at Weprin, calling him a «hypocrite» for voting in favor of gay marriage in the state Legislature.
Appearing on The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell, Perez Hilton gave his thoughts about Barbara Bush's recent statement in favor of gay marriage, but first made some amends for what happened with Carrie Prejean at the Miss USA pageant in 2009.
I am happy to see that the majority of the US population is now in favor of gay marriage and civil unions, and about 75 % of young people are.
As another example, I've heard conservative Christian friends of mine come out in favor of gay marriage.
It will be interesting to see if all those in favor of Gay marriage will use the same arguments to support a marriage between three people.
Now, I can not say for sure, but I imagine that since I heard this about five days after the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage, that this man's idea of «standing up for Christ» consisted of telling his coworkers that LGBT people were headed for hell, were destroying our country, and were signs of the collapse of modern society and traditional marriage.
I am not in favor of gay marriage
Opposite me was a professor of law, openly gay, who had just written a book in favor of gay marriage.
And it's not very hidden manipulation that you want to say, if someone adopts a spiritual - but - not - religious viewpoint, they are allowed to go vote in favor of gay marriage.
If the SCOTUS decides in favor of gay marriage, you and your entire premise will be even more of a laughing stock than you are now.
For all of you whiners who think that CNN only posts articles that are in favor of gay marriage, there is a new one at the top of the home page that was written just for you.
I am a Christian, and I am in favor of gay marriage.
The poll also revealed that 42 percent of Americans are in favor of gay marriage, while 40 percent remained opposed.
Also you say you don't hate gays, but are you in favor of gay marriage?
Ohio Senator Portman, a supporter of DOMA, has come out in favor of gay marriage.
@Topher, «Would you like me to vote in favor of gay marriage?
Anyway, the split during the vote was by party, and all MPs with a «muslim heritage» (Razzy Hammadi, Ibrahim Aboubacar, Malek Boutih, Kader Arif, Chaynesse Khirouni, Pouria Amirshahi, Kheira Bouziane, Boinali Said) did vote in favor of gay marriage, even the one from Mayotte Boinali Said (over-seas department with a Muslim majority).
It's also worth noting that both Sen. Chuck Schumer and Clinton's replacement in the US Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, have experienced their own evolutions on this issue and are now both staunchly in favor of gay marriage.
The last remaining Republican New York state senator who voted in favor of gay marriage was ousted from the Legislature by voters Tuesday, a defeat helped along by a conservative party that worked against the other same - sex nuptials supporters in the Senate.
Soon - to - be governor Eliot Spitzer is unequivocally in favor of gay marriage, telling the Empire State Pride agenda on October 5, «This is not about government choosing winners or losers.
Ruffalo, a Hudson Valley resident who has been active in lobbying on several issues this year — in favor of gay marriage and against hydrofracking in the Marcellus shale — appears in a Web video paid for by New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, the labor - backed group that has long advocated for a more progressive tax structure.
The former Arkansas governor said in a Wednesday statement that Davis is «person of great conviction» and argued that she does not need to follow the Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage.
In the wake of its editorial in favor of gay marriage, Sen. Ruben Diaz is calling for a boycott of the influential Spanish - language newspaper «El Diario.»
You knew it was coming after his decisive vote in favor of gay marriage, considering that homophobic bigotry is a staple of the right.
Still, for what it's worth, he insisted that Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whom the party endorsed in 2010, did not ask MacKay to come out in favor of gay marriage.
Answered Paterson: «I didn't know he was convening Christ's Army, because I thought I was a member of it, and I'm in favor of gay marriage
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