Sentences with phrase «favor of the plaintiff if»

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If the class - action lawsuit against Honda, Nissan, Toyota and Ford rules in favor of the plaintiffs he notion of making money at all costs will also prove to be catastrophic at these companies.
Following months of legal wrangling, the commissioner said the county BOE would agree to grant access to those records if the judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff.
In the features section, readers will find an article from Mike Antonucci discussing Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, a case currently awaiting a hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court that, if decided in favor of the plaintiffs, could end the practice of «agency fees» charged by teachers unions to nonmembers to cover the costs of collective bargaining.
Adequacy cases decided in favor of plaintiffs in numerous states, such as Campbell County v. Wyoming, have emphasized that the state has a unique obligation to fund schools at high levels, even if other parts of the budget must suffer.
If you were served with a complaint but ignored it or failed to appear in court, the judge will most likely enter a default judgment against you in favor of the plaintiff and the plaintiff wins by default.
If, as the defendant, you lose the case then a judgment will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff.
If the jurors rated similarly situated attorneys equally, as one might expect, the lines on the graphs would appear as a perfect «X.» One would expect the defense attorneys to be rated significantly higher than the plaintiff attorneys when the juries return a verdict in favor of the defendant on all counts and the plaintiff attorneys to be rated significantly higher than the defense attorneys when the juries return a verdict in favor of the plaintiff on all counts.
If you are a defendant in a civil case and failed to appear, a warrant will not be issued for your arrest, but the court will find in favor of the plaintiff.
He or she also announces the type and amount of damages that the defendant must pay if the verdict is in favor of the plaintiff.
If the court decides that the intervenors don't have standing to appeal, the court could resolve the case in favor of the plaintiffs without granting much room for the Supreme Court to take the case and reverse it.
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