Sentences with phrase «favorite tactic»

B2B Demand Generation: Marketers» Favorite Tactics Recent research from Demand Gen Report shows that email remains a top demand generation channel for both top and bottom funnel prospects.
One of my personal favorite tactics is to use my Rogue to bleed a group of enemies, then electrify another foe and teleport its twitching form on to the spreading blood pool to zap them all.
One of my favorite tactics is to also use LinkedIn itself — I leverage third party automation tools like LinMailPro to send a personalized, 1 - on - 1 note to targeted LinkedIn connections with a link to the post.
-LSB-...] of my favorite tactics is to also use LinkedIn itself!
In the meantime, the Fed will continue to jawbone the market, a favorite tactic to influence investor behavior since it embarked on years of massive monetary accommodation to resuscitate the economy after the Financial Crisis.
Preapproval streamlines the negotiation process because you can sidestep the car salesman's favorite tactic: the monthly payment game.
Attempting to change the law was also a favorite tactic of Uber, where VanderZanden previously worked, which successfully pushed through legislation in dozens of states that sanctioned its ride - hailing model.
Rush Limbaugh said on his radio program last month, «A favorite tactic of the left, you know, when it suits them they'll talk about Jesus Christ.
A favorite tactic of the fundie, as you point out in your comments, is to always rely on tradition.
His favorite tactic is to take a smaller player down low and shoot over him.
One of his favorite tactics was to have his players practice hitting one - on - one, head on, right before a game or, when he was especially irritated, at halftime, or even during time - outs.
One of his favorite tactics is to attack big men by getting up into their body, thus cutting their leverage out from beneath them.
The CCF's favorite tactic is to paint attempts to improve the health and welfare of Americans as interference by «Big Brother government bureaucrats and greedy trial lawyers» which «erod [es] our basic freedoms.»
The lawmakers» complaints also echo a favorite tactic of the Great White Whiner, aka President Donald Trump, whose response to any critics is that they lie, are unfair and conspire to rig everything against him.
As attorney general, Spitzer's favorite tactic was to use shame and publicity as weapons against publicly traded companies, and for eight years, it was hugely effective — though Spitzer ran roughshod over more than a few innocent parties.
On the progressive, pro-research side of the argument — with which I happen to agree — a favorite tactic of those weighing in is to observe with postmodern panache that the frozen embryos in question are no bigger than the period at the end of this very sentence that I'm typing right now — as if anyone had argued that these embryos should be treasured for their sacred hugeness.
Individual birds apparently have favorite tactics; some always spin clockwise, others always counterclockwise.
A favorite tactic I've heard used to encourage epidurals is for the nurse to sweetly say when the woman is at her most painful contractions, «Don't you want some medication for that, honey?
To that end, I employed one of my favorite tactics for wearing crop tops.
 My favorite tactic was leaping on an enemy from a distance and then taking out my chainsaw and eliminating them before the next wave of enemies could get to me.
Which is your favorite tactic?
Today, I'm going to show you one of my favorite tactics that (in combination with the other tactics we've discussed so far) can make your credit score jump like Jordan.
One of my favorite tactics is to let an Ice Shroom freeze a zombie solid, then have a Snap Dragon finish it off with his flame breath.
I'm a base - building defensive lunatic who prefers to build up forces while maintaining a powerful defense, so building a fuck - tonne of Berthas to harass the enemy from afar was a favorite tactic of mine, even if it was an expensive and sometimes risky strategy.
We found a favorite tactic in using our mage - like character Moira to unleash Rat Swarm, which inflicts Hoboism, bringing with it social disenfranchisement and upward of a hundred damage per round.
My favorite tactic is to stack up two troops at one door, use the breach charge, and bust in weapons hot.
Special Notes: One of my favorite tactics in the game, also one of the most damaging.
Special Notes: One of my favorite tactics visually, good for combos, does decent damage.
Telepath Tactics borrows the best parts of our favorite tactics games to create a dream team of available strategies in battle.
As I said earlier, one of the favorite tactics of the exploiters is «let's you and them fight» — setting up one environmentally aware group against the others, by making up strawman arguments, pretending to be them, and encouraging people to believe their enemies are their friends and vice versa.
This statement is false and misleading, and is a classic example of one of the favorite tactics of climate change deniers: the use of short time periods to draw false conclusions about longer - term trends.
This was one of my favorite tactics in my resume writing days.
This was their favorite tactic: filing restraining orders against me so they could keep the kids for extended periods of time and brainwash the kids extensively.
A favorite tactic for Buyer's Agents and Buyers is to try and find out valuable details that indicate you «need» to move.
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