Sentences with phrase «favour of a new trial»

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A new survey has found MPs are largely in favour of randomised controlled trials, even if they don't understand why.
Thankfully, the Superior Court found in favour of the self - represented defendant («allowed the appeal»), even if the appeal resulted in a new trial.
While Canadian judges, like their Commonwealth siblings, are unwilling to adopt a New York Times v. Sullivan6 - type approach to defamation law (which would require public figure plaintiffs to prove actual malice in order to be successful at trial), doctrinal and technological developments point in favour of an adapted cause of action for public figure plaintiffs under Canadian law.
In Bentley v. Anglican Synod of the Diocese of New Westminster, the B.C. Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the Anglican Church of Canada, and the trial judge in Delicata referred to the following paragraph in Bentley in his decision over the charitable purpose trust advanced by the congregation:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z