Sentences with phrase «favour of the public sector»

It takes a braver person still to do it with a microphone in one hand and a set list full of segments on the merits of privatisation in the NHS and arguments in favour of public sector cuts.
But the argument in favour of the public sector should be an argument for local control and popular ownership.

Not exact matches

The Chile of Pinochet has applied immediately its program, in a very hard way: deregulation, massive unemployment, antiunion repression, redistribution of the wealth in favour of the rich, privatisation of the public sector.
Those who favour a renewed commitment to public support for the media will therefore have to rethink the role of public policy, of public service media organizations, and reconsider how governments can support those private sector media companies that provide public goods like the kinds of accessible accountability journalism and diverse public debate that democracies benefit from.
When this Conservative government bans public sector strikes (FFS Vince Cable is in favour of banning private sector strikes), or when they go in heavy handed against public sector workers striking to protect their livelihood then I will like to see you explain how «liberal» this Conservative government is.
Such voices include the public sector unions who oppose radical reform of schools and hospitals and the foreign office establishment that favours multilateralism and stability over pre-emption and regime change.
So in a ballot where 50 % of members take part, public sector unions will need a whopping 80 % vote in favour before any strike action can go ahead.
The TUC warned that attacks on public sector pensions by opposition leaders and employers» groups in recent months threatened to undermine what was left of «decent» retirement provision in Britain in favour of a «race to the bottom».
These favours take the form of public sector jobs, appointments, distribution of resources through licences, contracts and tax waivers.
While such transparency is a laudable concept, and one which has found favour in government in respect of the public sector, including the BBC, it is questionable how much impact in reality the prohibitions contained in the Equality Act will actually have.
The government rejected proposals from the private sector in favour of this plan, which will see public - private partnerships and the sale of the government's share after five years of operation.
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