Sentences with phrase «favourable terms»

The phrase "favourable terms" means that something is agreed upon or offered in a positive and beneficial way. It suggests that the conditions or terms being offered are advantageous, fair, or advantageous to someone. Full definition
So if you don't have the money to pay them, you should be able to arrange a line of credit with a bank on more favourable terms.
Where a tax dispute can not be resolved on favourable terms for our clients at an administrative level, appeals to the appropriate Court for an impartial review may be appropriate.
It's your fiduciary responsibility to your clients to do everything possible to obtain the most favourable terms for them.
This cuts down on bureaucracy and gives the centres and candidates freedom to negotiate the most favourable terms.
In contrast, the recovery in trade - exposed industries is yet to generate sustained momentum despite the ongoing global economic expansion and favourable terms of trade.
Mortgage brokers can often secure favourable terms for lenders in the form of competitive interest rates.
Some businesses reporting more - favourable terms linked this development to greater competition among banks, while others pointed to firm - specific factors such as their own stronger performance.
Products or services are often combined to give consumers better prices, incentives or more favourable terms.
The better you can present a successful business plan, the more likely you will be convincing lenders to approve your loan on favourable terms.
Similarly, corporations negotiating deals, large and small, want clever lawyers who help transactions happen and secure favourable terms.
Humans are hard - wired to see themselves in the most favourable terms.
Under intense public scrutiny led by Ona and aided by the World Bank, Gabon renegotiated the mining contract on more favourable terms in May 2008.
«This season he has had good times and bad times, he started pretty well and was able to sign a long contract on very favourable terms with the intention of staying long - term,»
For one thing, they had secured favourable terms with the city council in order to make the 48,000 capacity City of Manchester Stadium their home.
Having a great credit score can help you obtain all of the following on highly favourable terms, since you will be considered a low risk:
They say that such a settlement would have been more valuable to Levicom than that which was eventually reached in June 2004, and that the prospects of agreeing such favourable terms were (at least) much reduced once the arbitration proceedings were brought.
In 2004, for example, he suddenly became a fervent climate change believer as part of a typically shady deal brokered by then British prime minister Tony Blair: Putin agreed to sign up to Kyoto in return for Russia's being granted admission on favourable terms as a «developing country» to the World Trade Organisation.
The new Youth Investment Co. could continue to administer student loans, but also make loans available to young entrepreneurs on the same favourable terms.
Again, this only goes to underline the dominance of sellers in the market — in that they are able to call the shots and dictate more favourable terms into deals.
Competition is the process by which rival businesses strive to maximise their profits by developing and offering desirable goods and services to consumers on the most favourable terms [Harper Review Issues Paper para 1.1]
Man Utd forward Zlatan Ibrahimovic wanted a move back to the club this summer and has got it, but he's certainly on more favourable terms now for the club.
To which publishers will reply that they do not give Amazon favourable terms; that Amazon is able to sell on the tiniest of margins — or even at a loss — because it enjoys huge volumes and books are just one of myriad goods it sells.
The EU is our largest trading partner offering access to a larger marketplace and the opportunity to trade with other member states under favourable terms and conditions.
This is because the law implies a number of favourable terms designed to defend them, such as the requirement not to change the terms of their job, from which constructive dismissal arises; the prohibition against dismissal without fair notice, which is otherwise a wrongful dismissal; and the ability to work for competitors and solicit clients following departure.
Offering favourable terms can help bolster the top line sales but can impact profitability if one is forced to write off debtors at some point in the future.
Some of these technologies include concentrated solar thermal, battery storage and pumped hydro, which Turnbull also mentioned in favourable terms in his Press Club address.
However, for non-investors who intend to live in the condominium, what matters is their ability to secure a mortgage at the time of occupancy at favourable terms.
If Trump succeeds in getting more favourable terms of trade from his trading partners, along with perhaps relief on his defence budget, he will emerge as the winner in the noisiest trade quarrel the world has seen in the last couple of decades.
After agreeing to the Kyoto Protocol, following being given very favourable terms, Australia refused to ratify the Protocol.
The judge found that Amersham's ownership of the Myoview patents was a significant factor in achieving these deals: without these patents, there was a substantial chance that the deals would not have gone ahead or at least not on such favourable terms.
Both organisations advocate that authors should receive «at least 50 % of e-book revenue, not a mere 25 %» as well as more favourable terms in relation to non-competes, indemnities and royalties.
The National Farmers Federation is hopeful to secure favourable terms for the country's agricultural exports, while US President Barack Obam...
The venture capitalist team needs to be good at ensuring that a company has the potential to be a big success, before negotiating favourable terms for an investment.
This means that you can put forward the most favourable terms you wish and it is likely that in their tender returns contractors will limit any points they wish to raise as they are in competition and usually very keen to win your work.
The trick is that if things turn out better than expected — the restructuring proves less expensive than predicted, or the lawsuit gets settled on favourable terms — the company can release the reserves into earnings, providing a one - time boost to financial results.
With each deal it has made — and there will be more to come — Zymeworks has been able to negotiate more favourable terms, he notes.
Going bold, he adds, has only earned him favourable terms.
In March 2018, SES secured an eight - year EUR 500 million Euro Bond at a low annual coupon of 1.625 % which allows SES to refinance an upcoming debt maturity at more favourable terms.
This financing allows SES to refinance an upcoming debt maturity at more favourable terms.
EVP introduced us to the lead investors for our second round and helped us close the deal on favourable terms.
Sales practices, such as preferential pricing and bundling of products and services, offer potential and existing customers better prices or more favourable terms.
The Trump administration has made it known that the softwood lumber industry and Canadian livestock are both sources of interest, where the U.S. would like to seek more favourable terms of trade.
Some technical details are still missing in the initial press release but, overall, TLTRO II offers long - term funding to banks with much more favourable terms and conditions than TLTRO I:
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