Sentences with phrase «fear conditioning testing»

No differences in freezing responses between non-transgenic and transgenic rats were detected during contextual fear conditioning testing at this early stage (F2, 21 = 1.043; p > 0.05)(Figure 6b).
They then performed serial behavioral tests on the mice, including Y - maze test (to assess working memory), rotarod test (motor function and learning), and contextual and cued fear condition test (fear learning and memory).

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Other ethicists worry that fears of eugenics will be raised if testing can be done for less - serious conditions.
As a follow - up, they have now tested the effects of antidepressant treatment on extinction learning in rats using auditory fear conditioning, a model of fear learning that involves the amygdala.
Following contextual fear conditioning, we then tested fear memory retrieval in response to an auditory cue, within a different environment.
Following two days of habituation and animal handling, auditory fear conditioning was tested (a, d) followed by assessment of contextual fear conditioning 24 h later (b, e).
By two hippocampal - dependent memory tests, the Morris water maze and contextual fear conditioning, rivastigmine improved the memory
Although not explicitly tested here, one possibility suggested by the present study is that, in much the same way that stimuli that historically have threatened survival (e.g., snakes, spiders) are considered to be prepared fear stimuli [stimuli that are more readily fear conditioned and more difficult to extinguish (39, 40)-RSB- attachment figures may be prepared safety stimuli, that is, stimuli that historically have benefited survival and thus may inhibit conditioned fear responding.
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