Sentences with phrase «fear for someone»

Our of fear for what a large dose of sugar would do to him we have limited his knowledge of maple syrup (the real stuff).
No victim of domestic violence should live in fear for her and her children's safety just because she can't afford legal help.
Days after taking power, it merged the science ministry with the communications ministry, leaving researchers fearing for what's left of their already diminished budgets.
The attorneys at our firm have years of experience helping people who fear for their safety.
I do fear for women who give up their financial independence.
Think of the fear of public speaking, which ranks as the biggest fear for many people, even higher than the fear of death.
Yes, that time behind bars is meant to be a punishment but it's not meant to be a den of violence where people fear for their safety on a daily basis.
The biggest fear for many beach goers and surfers though, is coming into contact with a shark.
We should be thankful that we live in a nation where we can openly live our faith without fearing for our lives, no matter how unpopular it may be.
The second factor captures the amount of experience a respondent has with fearing for their own life, a loved one's life and worrying about their property due to a tornado.
From reading all the comments, I really fear for this country.
Again, we all lived with this kind of fear for years.
Guess they should be allowed to marry rather than taking the pill if fear for their health and life...!
This is an exciting time for your teenager and perhaps one of great fear for yourself.
You'd never guess it by looking at me now, but I was stuck in a holding pattern defined by fear for years.
This is very hard to talk about because there is a lot of pain and fear for so many.
This is a very real fear for most women.
They won't give you an excuse about fearing for their life.
This morning experts expressed fears for the future of social care, with the labour - intensive industry having little scope to pass on extra costs incurred to consumers.
This is a common fear for most property investors.
Loan Officers and Real Estate Agents have great fear for future purchase activity.
Using her own story as a catalyst she shows readers how to overcome fear for good.
They bring hope, but also fears for art's meaning and vitality.
The legitimate purpose of self defense, using firearms or any other force, is to stop an imminent attack where the defender reasonably fears for their life or grave bodily injury.
A: The worst fear for any little child is to think that he or she will lose mommy or daddy.
I don't think I've felt much fear for a long time.
So, should lawyers now fear for their jobs?
You may feel fear for what may happen, confusion in the midst of inconsistent health information, grief for the loss of your health, and frustration with your symptoms.
No matter what we do I even fear for our top 4 finish.
The court can extend the order for up to one additional year if the abused parent still fears for his or her safety at the end of the first year.
A huge fear for many people, public speaking is needed for a variety of jobs, and a good public speaker creates a great impression on employers and colleagues.
It has made teachers fear for their jobs, knowing they will be rated ineffective if their students don't do well on unreliable exams.
They live in daily fear for his well - being.
I'm not trying to create fear for people who wish to have children.
Frequency of concern and fear for personal safety from patient or visitor violence was calculated.
Once feared for being high in cholesterol, whole eggs have been making a comeback.
Still, the breach is unlikely to go totally unnoticed, as it raises fears for investors.
We are just as lost and scared as he is and everyone fears for his life.
This leads to an overwhelming sense of fear for students and may affect learning.
Although many users will fear for security reasons, there is a fingerprint sensor in the device.
Here he is in What's the greater fear for publishers?
This caused considerable emotional fear for the complainant as she did not want the house sold.
This is a common fear for many of our students, but it's quickly diminished by the flexibility of the course.
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