Sentences with phrase «fear of climate change»

While most of the world lives in fear of climate change, these rodents embrace it.
It's sad, since they're repeating long - failed attempts to arouse public fear of climate change by statements beyond those of the climate science consensus — and often contradictory to it.
It's sad, since they're repeating long - failed attempts to arouse public fear of climate change by statements beyond... Continue reading The record closes on 2014.
One explanation, they found, may have more to do with conservatives» general opposition to the most popular solution — increasing government regulation — than with any difference in fear of the climate change problem itself, as some have proposed.
Children have right to live without fear of climate change and can sue US government, judge rules
With much of the country experiencing an unseasonably warm winter, fears of climate change come to mind.
The publicâ $ ™ s receding fear of climate change may be related to the series of scandals and admissions that have been uncovered since Nov. 20 when e-mails from University of East Angliaâ $ ™ s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) were leaked.
In the absence of apocalyptic scenarios — there would still be social engineering ambitions but fear of climate change lends an unwarranted imperative to solutions based almost entirely on taxing fossil fuels out of the energy mix.
Meanwhile, fantastical reports emerge every day stoking fears of climate change and attributing every possible ill to a supposed evil that none truly understands.
The promulgation of fear of Climate Change now serves the same purpose.
If climate scientists are angling for more money by hyping fears of climate change, they are not doing so very effectively.
In contrast to the scientific rigor of the epidemiologists, Alan Pounds and the journal Nature actively campaigned to down - play the disease hypothesis and blame CO2 - caused warming to incite public fears of climate change.
Haapala reproached, «The fear of climate change has distorted spending priorities in the Federal government.»
What is most disagreeable to many «resistors» of global warming is the fear of climate change being used as a warrant for heavy - handed government intervention.
A survey conducted on behalf of SPIEGEL found a dramatic shift in public opinion — Germans are losing their fear of climate change.
A number of students from universities in Colorado spoke with emotional fervor in favor of regulating carbon dioxide, noting their love of the outdoors, fear of climate change's impact on their future and a robust distaste for Administrator Scott Pruitt's leadership of the EPA.
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