Sentences with phrase «fear of exposure»

While parents would still have to be vigilant, there wouldn't be the same intense, constant fear of exposure.
Some clients may even overprotect their pets to the point of keeping dogs indoors to avoid exposure to ticks or refusing to socialize puppies for fear of exposure to fleas.
It polarises differences rather than respecting differences and encourages behaviour driven by fear of exposure, punishment and self - justification.
However, it also provides a perfect forum for unscrupulous breeders or brokers to operate virtually anonymously with little fear of exposure.
The people who fight these dogs can not take the dogs to a regular vet for fear of exposure to the law, so they generally «medically treat» the dogs themselves, with little to no knowledge of veterinary medicine.
The overwhelming atmosphere that I sense in the Climategate emails — particularly from Mann and Jones — is one of constant fear of exposure.
However, animal sales over the Internet have increased the opportunity for unscrupulous breeders or brokers to sell anonymously with little fear of exposure.
But they are living secret lives, hidden behind their professional believer masks and gripped by the fear of exposure and the drastic ramifications this implies, including unemployment.
One of the blocks to authenticity is fear of exposure.
Bianey Garcia, a transgender activist with Make the Road, a social justice group out of neighboring Jackson Heights, said while this is the 13th known attack on trans women in Queens this year, «so many are not reported for fear of going to the police,» partly due to transphobia in official ranks and also to fear of exposure for those who are undocumented immigrants.
The conflict here isn't internalized shame or the fear of exposure, but the ticking clock.
There were also questions asked regarding whether employees who voluntarily quarantined themselves due to fear of exposure were entitled to be paid.
• Developed and implemented a safe system to eliminate hazardous waste from the premises without the fear of exposure.
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