Sentences with phrase «fear of liability»

This doesn't seem to be an area where a lot is known or perhaps those that may know are not so willing to comment for fear of liability.
When TRID went into effect in 2015, lenders were reluctant to share the new required Closing Disclosure (CD) with real estate professionals out of fear of liability for disclosing clients» nonpublic personal information.
Good Samaritan laws exist in Texas, and they allow individuals to provide aid to people injured in a motor vehicle accident without fear of liability in many circumstances.
The Wacky Warnings website does a parody of this, demonstrating how fear of liability in the...
 Targeting pit bulls only heightens needless fear of liability, meaning people are less likely to want to keep their pit bulls or adopt them.
-- People are now in practice stopped from apologizing either through their own fear of liability, their lawyers» advice, or their insurance companies» prohibition.
Notwithstanding years of research, case law and policy changes that facilitate the use of limited - scope retainers, fear of liability continues to be one of the main barriers to the expansion of limited - scope representation.
Recall what the Supreme Court did to libel law in NYT v. Sullivan, to protect the ability of a national newspaper to cover politically contentious issues without fear of liability.
The hospital where my son was born didn't supply clippers for fear of liability, and as a result my son gouged his face before he was 12 hours old.»
The single biggest restraint to food donation by companies and organizations is the fear of any liability issues both on the national and state level.
Many managers at farms, food processors, supermarkets, dining facilities, and restaurants say they are worried about donating wholesome unsold food because of fear of liability.
And since after a few scary experiences or Near misses or fears of liability you don't want a gap to be left where all the trained midwives drop the home service and leave it wide open for traditional or untrained yahoo mock wives.
She also addresses the overuse and misuse of medical procedures that can complicate labor and lead to C - sections, as well as reasons doctors may support or suggest C - sections, including outdated medical information, fear of liability, and economic advantages measured in doctors» time.
Legislator Savage continued «This law would allow restaurants and other public places to stock and administer epinephrine injectors, if they choose to, without the fear of liability so that people can get the help they need.»
Major theater chains refused to show the movie in fear of any liability to their patrons, so Sony pulled the movie and said they would never ever release the movie... ever, not even on home video, cable, or Netflix.
«I'm seeing fabulous nurses leave because of fear of the liability and the risk.
When hybrid owners discover that they can't manage their pets and so get rid of them, few shelters will risk placing them in another home for fear of liability.
The laws will allow people to donate food that has passed its expiry date, with the understanding that expiry dates are almost always arbitrarily assigned by manufacturers and reflect more a fear of liability than actual concern over a food's safety.
While traditionally there has been reluctance to share with others for fear of liability, high - profile data breaches suffered by retailers prompted the Retail Industry Leaders Association to launch the Retail Cyber Intelligence Sharing Center so brands and government could collaborate on strengthening defences against cyberattacks and better protect customers.
Such measures could have a chilling effect on participation in those services for fear of liability (at para 76).
If this isn't convincing enough, then realize that some employers will not even consider resumes with photos because of the fear of liability.
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