Sentences with phrase «fear of pregnancy»

It lets people have sex without fear of pregnancy, it treats and manages medical conditions — and it advances economic opportunity for all.
But if I have to go through the worry, anxiety, and fear of a pregnancy after a loss in order to hold my child, then yeah, I would do it again in a heartbeat.
You know, Enoch, when a man and a woman want to have sex, they can do so pretty much whenever they want without fear of pregnancy by using contraception.
«My dear, I am diagnosing you with Pregnantophobia — an irrational fear of pregnancy.
She confessed that she thought some of her depression was caused by the realization that at this late stage of her life she wanted a child, even though her husband was adamantly against it, to the point of not wanting to have sex for fear of pregnancy.
Amid general anxiety, fears of pregnancy, and men's loss of self - worth and loss of respect from their wives, sex lives withered.
Fear of pregnancy is the reverse side of that coin.
They somehow think imposing the fear of pregnancy will keep other people from «doing it».
The difference between our current situation and that abrupt departure from the innocence of Eden is the development of a pill that removed the fear of pregnancy, long a barrier to promiscuity.
The fear of another pregnancy can definitely make sex a scary thought.
I have found through the fear of this pregnancy after loss, bonding and connecting with this precious baby I'm carrying has been harder than I expected.
Among the labyrinths of joy and fear of pregnancy, parents have a major worry on their mind: baby names.
I know the «fear of pregnancy» struggle is VERY real for every woman who is on hormonal birth control, so I'm pumped to share about this amazing device with all of you!
This may be due to decreased anxiety associated with a fear of pregnancy.
Today, though, the fear of pregnancy is being supplanted by another fear altogether, albeit one not yet widely understood in our community - that of not being able to have a baby when we decide the time has come.
When the risk and fear of pregnancy has decreased, there's an increase in the desire to try new and different things.
Jamaican - born performer Staceyann Chin performs her stage memoir MotherStruck about her fears of pregnancy, her later desire for motherhood, and her difficulty in achieving it.
They will guide you through the ins and outs, the happiness and fears of pregnancy.
Virgin college students indicate that a fear of pregnancy and / or STDs, or the notion that sex could interfere with their education, ranks way above religion as the reason these modern virgins abstain from sex.
In a marriage that is suffering difficulties relating to the recent birth of a child, certain marriage counseling questions might revolve around the fear of another pregnancy or the level of attraction one partner feels toward the other.
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