Sentences with phrase «fear of prosecution»

They are free to live together without fear of prosecution, but they have no special legal status.
Fear Is Not The Answer: It does no good to stop reading the manga you love for fear of prosecution.
The majority of today's nation states have adopted largely restrictive asylum policies whereby not everyone with a «well - founded fear of prosecution» and on sturdy legal grounds are granted asylum.
Some lawyers argue that companies discovering corruption might already be opting against reporting their findings to authorities for fear of prosecution.
«I think this is completely absurd that I have to write an entire article justifying the release of this data out of fear of prosecution or legal harassment.
A former Deputy Attorney - General, Dr. Dominic Ayine, has said his lawsuit challenging the nomination of Martin Amidu for the position of Special Prosecutor is not influenced by fear of prosecution as suggested.
«There has to be a sensible solution whereby every family has the option to spend time together when they choose to, without fear of prosecution from education authorities.»
Following Tomlinson, on 26 April 2005, in Hampstead Heath Winter Swimming Club and another v The Corporation of London and another [2005] EWHC 713 (Admin) Mr Justice Stanley Burnton (as he then was) was unimpressed by the corporation's purported prohibition of swimming in the mixed pond on Hampstead Heath, for fear of prosecution under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, s 3.
Not only would this spare bitcoiners from having to keep records of every piddling purchase they make or live in fear of prosecution, it might also improve overall tax compliance.
Australian parliamentarians have a legal right to say anything about anyone in Parliament without fear of prosecution for libel; it is called Parliamentary Privilege.
Yes, there is a right to life, and that is terribly important, but there is also a right to choose to die with dignity, knowing that one's relatives will not be prosecuted, and surrounded by family and loved ones — not alone for fear of the prosecution of those left behind.
The Obama administration has sent a message to the nation's bankers: Even though the sale of marijuana is a federal crime, they can provide service to this new industry without fear of prosecution, but only if the bankers follow a detailed list of guidelines.
Buffett's philanthropy and time serving in law enforcement allowed him to set up groundbreaking reforms such as his Macon County, Illinois program where drug addicts can turn themselves in for rehabilitation without fear of prosecution.
She's saying that she wants the same thing gays and lesbians have now; the ability to live together as consenting adults publicly and without fear of prosecution.
It claims there are several websites where individuals have developed a safe haven, a «virtual caliphate», where they can promote jihadist ideologies without fear of prosecution.
Hospital admissions fell but this was arguably only because users, burdened by the stigma of being branded criminals and the fear of prosecution, no longer felt as able to seek help when they needed it.
The Compassionate Access, Research Expansion and Respect State Act, as it's called, «would finally allow families and patients, including our veterans in 40 states that have some form of legalized medical marijuana, to access the basic care that they need without fear of prosecution,» Gillibrand said.
«Having considered the gravity of the offence, availability of the defendant to stand trial, the weighty evidence and fear of the prosecution that he may evade trial, what is not in doubt is that we can not overlook the fact that the presumption of innocence holds here,» the judge said.
Tony started a legal case in which he tried to obtain the right to have a doctor end his life without fear of prosecution.
Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish National party leader, had previously said that the fear of prosecution had driven May's early election, and stressed the previous fine by the Electoral Commission.
There are people behind these herdsmen, which is why they have continued to attack their targets without any fear of prosecution.
I have no intention of owning common stocks when we don't have a functioning SEC and CEO's and Boards of Directors are free to brazenly rape and plunder shareholders without any fear of prosecution.
It ignores the growing impact of wind turbines on raptors, and attempts by industrial wind developers to get US Fish & Wildlife Service «programmatic take» permits: 007 Licenses to Kill thousands of eagles, hawks, whooping cranes and other protected birds every year without fear of prosecution.
«It chills the ability of an elected official to speak out for fear of prosecution
This condition had been caused by a fear of prosecution due to her position of authority as Supervisor, Regulated Substances, Asbestos.
Insite has been in operation since 2003, offering a supervised environment for drug users without the fear of prosecution.
It can not be the Dean's contention that class sizes, once increased, can never again be reduced for fear of prosecution.
This is an amnesty program that lets a taxpayer disclose unreported income without fear of prosecution or penalties, if (among other things) the disclosure is complete and is made before the tax authority begins enforcement action against the taxpayer.
Common reasons are panic, fear of prosecution for secondary crimes, lack of insurance, or distracted driving.
I can open Windows real estate or Apple real estate tomorrow with no fear of prosecution.
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