Sentences with phrase «fear of reprisal from»

I have to say that I didn't expect the vote to go otherwise, but I'm surprised it was so lopsided: The Farm Bill amendment that would unambiguously give states the rights to label genetically modified ingredients in food without fear of reprisal from biotech companies has been voted down in the Senate.
«Anytime no - bid contracts are being put out there, I certainly have a great deal of concern,» said a City Council member who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal from the mayor.
On Monday, one legislative staff member, who insisted on anonymity for fear of reprisal from the governor's office, suggested that Mr. Cuomo's demands were so onerous that they set the entire process up for failure.
If people would realize you can be good out of your own heart and not out of fear of reprisal from the almighty then we'd all be better off.
Normally genial, Johnson said she was «damn mad» that Rangel's office had contacted her supporters, and said she knew of other potential supporters who were reluctant to go public for fear of reprisals from Rangel.
Many spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals from either camp.
With all of these figures, the actual number is likely much higher, as many victims of sexual violence never report their experiences to the authorities for various reasons, including fear of reprisals from authorities or perpetrators.
He can therefore say anything he likes, without any fear of reprisals from the cabinet, whips, or the electorate.
Its use to legally control family life through care orders will no doubt spark a feeding frenzy of judgmental paternalism in respect to some children, but others will have their details electronically shielded if considered to be at risk — presumably the children of ContactPoint users in fear of reprisals from parents.
Women experiencing family violence can confidentially visit a lawyer at Royal Women's Hospital without fear of reprisals from their partner.

Not exact matches

Workers spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared reprisals from the company.
If your morality comes from fear of reprisal or promise of reward, it is false.
A South African newspaper published Friday a cartoon depicting the prophet lamenting that his followers lack a sense of humor, drawing ire from the Muslim community and fear of reprisal attacks just ahead of the World Cup soccer tournament that is expected to draw thousands to South Africa next month.
The exact source of these reprisals is unclear, but apparently they were not the result of direct orders from bishops or the Vatican; rather, they came from college presidents engaging in self - censure out of fear of picketers from the «prolife» movement.
NYSUT argues the SED policy prevents teachers from raising issues with state testing out of fear of reprisal.
This threat from extremists led to the bankers of Huntingdon Life Sciences withdrawing their credit in 2002, for fear of reprisals.
Kurdish woman Meryl, 27, from London — who did not want to give her surname for fear of reprisals when she visits Turkey — was among scores of pro-Kurdish protesters outside Downing Street ahead of Mr Erdogan's arrival.
Bloody reprisals in response to perceived blasphemy have become an endemic problem, and states like Bangladesh must affirm the human right to express one's own beliefs without fear of attack, and do more to prevent such attacks from happening in future.»
Alimohammadi starts the talk by noting that fear of reprisals had kept many on campus from attending the event.
Firstly, confidentiality is there to protect the accuser: reprisals (either direct or indirect through them becoming known as a «potential troublemaker») are a genuine threat and the fear of them deters many from making allegations.
Most ofthe time, thesesystems coexist in the sameareaandthey are often contradictory.As a result, the Somali peoplehave the right to choose whichlawthey applyinany given case, a decision made on the basis ofself - interest, while bearinginmind that when it comes to the securityandpeace the decision will provide forthe inter-clan relations.Most of the survivors of sexual exploitation don't file complaints with respective «authorities because they fear stigma, reprisals from family members, the police, and the Islamist insurgent group» while others «do not belief authorities would be able or willing to take any effective action» (HRW, 2014, September, p. 35) a predicament that confines the survivors to silence and anguish.
Most of the survivors of sexual exploitation don't file complaints with respective «authorities because they fear stigma, reprisals from family members, the police, and the Islamist insurgent group» while others «do not belief authorities would be able or willing to take any effective action» (HRW, 2014, September, p. 35) a predicament that confines the survivors to silence and anguish.
Often there are people on staff that have ideas they are afraid to share for fear of reprisal - from their colleagues.
Federal law does not spell it out quite so directly, but federal employees «have the right to form, join, or assist any labor organization, or to refrain from any such activity [emphasis added], freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal, and each employee shall be protected in the exercise of such right.»
In addition, such school climates encourage students and teachers to bring thoughtful debate, listen to and learn from others» perspectives, and disagree with one another (as well as adults) without fear of reprisal or recrimination.
Did some sniveling cowards trash the paper in review out of fear of future reprisals from the people Spencer sarcastically calls «The Keepers of All Climate Knowledge» (p. xxi)?
For those who qualify for leave, you are entitled to take such time off from work without fear of reprisal for your absence.
In 2012 the Illinois legislature enacted HB 5877, the Judicial Privacy Act, to prevent the release of personal information related to judges and their immediate families, allowing «judicial officers... to administer justice fairly without fear of personal reprisal from individuals affected by the decisions they make in the course of carrying out their public function.»
National Observer was able to review the email from a confidential source who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisal.
Fear of reprisal and lawsuits keep many employers from responding at all.
The only thing that keeps a sociopath from committing breaches of fiduciary responsibility against one's clients and or potential clients is the fear of reprisal.
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