Sentences with phrase «fear of the future»

We self - regulate our behaviour not only out of fear of present consequences, but in fear of future consequences for past actions.
The idea of an endowment is that you can run your institution without fear of the future.
The weight returns — and then some, for fear of a future time when you might get into such an «emergency» again.
I responded to a comment that they have «skin in the game» by pointing out that they also profit by promoting fear of future events.
We understand this is a time where clients are experiencing a range of emotions from anger to sadness, as well as fear of the future and the unknown.
That joy, however, has been replaced by tears — and a deep fear of the future.
Instead, life insurance should be purchased when one is young, healthy and without immediate fear of future disasters.
The interracial couples, particularly women, face the following struggles: Refusal to accept by parents Refusal to accept by peers and friends Refusal to accept by the community Raising eyebrows and adverse comments by passerby Fear of future of the inter racial kids
Recent polls have shown a significant rise in support for independence, coinciding with the «Yes» campaign increasingly playing on fears of future Tory cuts to the NHS.
Are you tired of being in a state of uneasiness, apprehension resulting from fear of future uncertainties (realistic or fantasized) then you are probably experiencing anxiety.
The Hogan Lovells team filed the man's Application for Asylum with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services asserting prior persecution based on sexual orientation while living in Nigeria, as well as a well - founded fear of future persecution based on sexual orientation if he returned to Nigeria.
Weil is reporting that, in a case referred to the firm by LGBTQ immigrant rights organization Immigration Equality, its lawyers have secured asylum for a Russian pro bono client on the grounds that he suffered past persecution on account of his sexual orientation and had a well - founded fear of future persecution if required to return to Russia.
In February, the killing of 21 mostly Egyptian Christians drew widespread horror and fears of future massacres, but also led to Egypt's largest Bible outreach.
The truth is not that Bryan was wrong about the dangers of the philosophical materialism that Darwinism presupposes but that he was right, not that he was a once great man disfigured by fear of the future but that he was one of the few to see where a future devoid of the transcendent would lead.
Fears of the future form a vicious alliance with terrible remorse (usually hidden from others) about the past.
The caretaking parent during the incarceration may feel protective and be hesitant to allow the child to re-establish a relationship for fear of future similar abandonment.
Recruiting agents in future in Africa is going to be difficult out of fear of future exposure.
Technology Review says that in fear of future shortfalls, many companies are already looking to replacement options:
Heals uneasiness regarding fears of the future and the need to blot yourself out due to anxiety and despair.
Citizens of overleveraged governments will not readily spend, for fear of what may come later from the taxman, or from fear of future unemployment.
After trading flat for most of the week, stocks broadly sank Friday on fears of a future rate hike.
Refusing to adopt a pet beyond a certain age for fear of a future heartache doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you look at the larger picture.
The zeal of belief in fear of future distruction can cause mass suicide.
In September, Taylor further debunked the latest report hyping fears of future polar bear extinctions.
Did some sniveling cowards trash the paper in review out of fear of future reprisals from the people Spencer sarcastically calls «The Keepers of All Climate Knowledge» (p. xxi)?
Stop and think for a moment about the basic elements of the planetary boundaries hypothesis: apocalyptic fears of the future, a professed desire to return to an earlier state of nature, hypocrisy about wealth, appeals to higher authorities.
CLSMF provides its clients with essential services by collaborating with community - based organizations and its legal support staff that are dedicated to helping victims of domestic violence and individuals who live in fear of future domestic violence in the household.
New Orleans Asbestos Injury Lawsuit Attorney While we won't recommend living with an undue fear of the future, it is true that family members of workers who were exposed to asbestos have sometimes developed mesothelioma as a result of...
Llyods Banking Group will, starting today, bar it's 9 million credit card customers from buying bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies amid fears of future unpaid debts at a time when cryptocurrency prices are on the slide.
Your panic — fear of future negative emotion even worse than what you feel now (Caught!!)
Ex Machina is a science - fiction horror film that, like so many others, plays on fears of the future: of artificial intelligence, of the blurred line between human life and its imitations, of online surveillance shaping our experiences.
Permeating all of these is the knowledge of one's own inevitable death, if one stops to think of it, and fear of the future of mankind in a world far more precarious than secure.
So many of us live in regret of the past or fear of the future.
«I truly believe this fear of the future, related to jobs, is going to create bigger issues in the future.
She had no fear of her future.
But perfect love casts out fear... if he perfectly loved, there would be no reason for him fear that we are destroying America... no fear for us to teach sunday school... and no fear of the future when homosexuals are accepted as equals, even in Alabama (where I live) or in whatever southern state fishon is in.
Fear of «weirdness», fear of change, fear of the future, just plain fear.
The response of faith to the preaching of the cross of Christ, he claimed, could liberate us from anxiety and inauthentic living, which is characterized by bondage to the past, fear of the future and a search for this - worldly securities, to experience the joy of authentic living which is based on the reality of love which frees men and women from the burden of the past.
Kevin and I found the voices with which to articulate the sadnesses we had shared first in my father's death, and now in Brenda's; Kevin talked in greater detail about the accident, the isolation of grief, and fears of the future.
Often, Jesus suggests, we accumulate possessions because of our fear of the future.
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