Sentences with phrase «fear of the stranger at»

If the dog cowers or shows fear of the stranger at that time he is not suitable as a personal protection dog.

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«Being stared at by a stranger who appears large or ominous can be seen as a threat and elicit a fear response... However, the gaze of a potential sexual partner causes arousal that can be interpreted positively — as a sexual invitation.»
Some feared they were being watched; a car break - in, a strange woman found lurking in a backyard late at night and even a snake spotted on the grounds of the DNC all fed an undercurrent of fear.
Awed and unnerved by Kateri's firmness, the warrior suddenly dropped his weapon: «Admiration, then a strange fear, overmastered the young brave... he could not have been more astonished at what he beheld if a spirit had appeared before him and ordered him out of the lodge.
The concensus of these pastors was that it is odd that we don't shake in our boots at the very suggestion that God knows every sin we commit; downright strange that we don't fear his knowledge of our thoughts.
Disturbances among the people at the time of a religious festival, when the city is crowded with strangers, have always been feared at Jerusalem.
At the same time, I am quite aware that the fear of something bad happening is a reality for women (although for the most part women are more likely to victimized by individuals they know than by a stranger).
At around nine to twelve months, fear of strangers and fear of separation from a caregiver can peak crying again.
If your child has a fear of strangers, or a fear of being alone at preschool or meeting new friends, a comfort object can be a big confidence booster to a toddler.
Infant separation anxiety behaviors are crying when a parent is out of sight, clinginess, strong preference to only one parent, walking at night crying for parent, and fear of strangers.
It's a strange implement, an awkward weight resembling a mini bowling ball with a luggage handle that most people look at with a kind of curious fear.
While 2008's «The Strangers» evoked a sense of dread and fear that made it feel as though this could happen to anyone anywhere, «The Strangers: Prey at Night» felt much more extravagant and didn't really capture the dread of the original.
In this in - depth and well - researched look at our strange fear of vaccines and the lore surrounding them, Biss uncovers fascinating truths about our society as a whole.
It's amazing how fears of public speaking fade away when you're talking with a gathering of neighbors, friends, and strangers at the library.
But to do it, she must tear down a neighborhood riddled with dangerous criminals who will stop at nothing to claim vengeance.Sent away from the threat for a week long tour in the wilds of Colorado, Jenna meets a stranger so intense her desire is equally mixed with fear.
In terms of other dogs / strangers, she usually barks / lunges at them but it seems to be out of fear.
This may be sibling aggression (in which the dog is constantly at odds with another dog in the household), fear aggression (loud noises, strangers, sudden movements, etc.), resource guarding (in which dogs become overprotective of food, toys, and other possessions), leash reactivity (in which the dog reacts aggressively to other dogs or stimulants while on the leash), or the simple will to dominate (in which a dog wishes to prove he / she is the alpha dog).
A new trend called Fear Free, aimed at reducing the stress of veterinary visits on pets, depends on owners training their pets to become familiar with travel carriers, to willingly step on a scale, allow strangers to handle them and take medicine from a syringe.
Dogs in this class will work on accepting a friendly stranger, sit patiently for petting, walk on a loose leash, accept grooming and handling from a stranger, walk through a crowd without fear, deal with other dogs, work under distractions, respond to cues at a distance and remain calm when left in supervised isolation for short periods of time.
If this person backs away, the dog will learn that this behavior is effective at getting what he wants (for the stranger to go away), and a new habit of fear aggression will be formed.
I evaluated this dog, and sooner than later, figured out the dog was really acting out of fear as he left a dribble of urine when he faced a stranger coming into his home and tried attacking this person with barking, lunging and nipping at the heels.
Abnormal dogs watch (or stare at) what they are afraid of quite intently; unfortunately the strange dog may inadvertently make eye contact with the fearful dog which then appears to be perceived to be a threat which then may trigger the fear response.
There are no consequences at all, which is strange to me when it comes to video games; the fear of losing is what makes them fun and challenging.
Roja's character and dilemma in many ways resembles hers: the fear of the «stranger» and the «strange land,» and desire for a reunion with «home» with «mother,» with the «motherland» that seems welcoming at first but becomes terrifying and demonic in the end.
(2005) his discourse, with English subtitles, rambles from a no - holds - barred account (to his analyst) of a sexual encounter with a male stranger in a shop, to his fear of strong women, to his rages at his domineering mother, to whom he refers with an obscenity.
One of the most common is the presence of an adult stranger, a fear that begins to appear at about seven months.
Fear of strangers usually becomes more intense at around 7 - 10 months of age.
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