Sentences with phrase «fears die hard»

When you've lived with life - threatening obesity, old fears die hard.
I know that might seem a silly question in light of what I just said, but old beliefs and fears die hard.

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To «create» a solution out of pure thin air that can take away his fear of death, can be something to aspire to be like in an imperfect world, can provide a promise of better days to come no matter how hard things are today, even if that time is only after you've died.
Superstition dies hard because there is so much invested in it, and its guard is fear.
While you cower in fear over the «brown boogeymans» of the world, the real villians are plotting how to send your kids off to die in foreign wars for their gain and how to steal more of your hard earned money through austerity measures and taxes.
I do however fear that he will stick to his convictions as old habits die hard, use the same tactics, not address and fix the blatant cracks in the team and play the same players who keep letting him and us down.
We can get back in this race but even the most die hard out there will be fearing a repeat on yesteryears.
But die hard comedy fans have no fear!
Die hard comedy fans have no fear!
Gen is supposed to be a powerhouse character and one that Kiwi actor Cliff Curtis, familiar to Western moviegoers from such films as Live Free or Die Hard and Sunshine (and TV viewers from AMC's «Fear the Walking Dead»), should be more than capable of bringing to life with zeal.
In the 1988 film «Die Hard,» Rickman grew a beard to play Hans Gruber, an internationally feared German terrorist.
That's because the Focus RS is a car that can be driven hard on the track without fear of dying, and then back and forth to the office all week without anyone knowing you're driving a 350 - horsepower RPG that didn't require a second mortgage on the house
And never fear if you've become a die - hard digital fan since the day your first Kindle arrived... many indie bookstores have affiliate agreements to sell ebooks and e-readers, as well as ways you can take advantage of other in - store offers.
As a die - hard saver myself, I fear they might be on to something.
We've never been more accepted, and while some part of me mourns the loss that comes with acceptance, the slight sense that we aren't the same band of die - hards that have to stick together for fear of ridicule anymore — bedraggled but proud creatures huddled together in the trenches awaiting the latest onslaught from the media or the school bully — the much larger part of me basks in how new people are discovering my beloved hobbies and ashamed of that little errant thought.
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