Sentences with phrase «features debates on topics»

Not exact matches

Background Information of Note: The American Physical Therapy Association has highlighted the value of the integration of wellness into our practices on several fronts, including a national task force, various articles within the Association's PT in Motion periodical, and as the featured topic of discussion at the National Conference Oxford Debate in 2013.
Inside The NFL, Season 9: Football's Ultimate Fantasy Team, the cast of INSIDE THE NFL covers every game, every week, with trademark highlights from NFL Films, special in - depth features and debate on the game's hottest topics.
The revision sessions feature: - A «grid of learning» post-it task (to focus students on the day's topic and refresh their memories of the basics)- A «competitive mind - mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper)- A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable.
This revision session features: - A «grid of learning» post-it task (to focus students on the day's topic and refresh their memories of the basics)- A «competitive mind - mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper)- A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable.
Back on topic, a long but interesting read featuring actual debate on the Amazon vs Hachette debacle: The first comment also links to Data Guy's breakdown of daily gross takes across a large range of price points, though only for a single day.
Oh no sir, we've added some really cool new features like The Flashback, where we play and talk about an old - school Sega game voted on by our readers, and The Nerd Wars, where we debate a controversial topic surrounding Sega or the video game industry in general.
We'll feature a different topic — and a related debate — every few weeks on our home page, along with extras such as podcasts, polls and videos.
Although econometric analyses of these early childhood interventions suggest a high return on investment, the salient features of these programs (child - centered vs family - centered vs community - centered) and the mechanisms underlying their success (promoting cognitive vs non-cognitive skills) remain a topic of debate.18 — 20
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