Sentences with phrase «feces becomes»

If your bun's feces becomes runny after they begin eating parsley, give them a few days to recover before you try to feed it to them again.
When a child is being breastfed, their feces becomes soft and lighter in color.
Feces become black and tarry from internal bleeding.
I saw a radical difference in my dogs energy, their feces became a lot more consistent and firm, and their breath is fresher as well as a super soft coat.
The longer the feces sit in the colon, the more water is pulled from it (since the colon's job is to save water for the body) and the drier the feces become, leading to constipation in some cats.

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Goddid not MAKE them eat feces or become cannibals..
While we were so busy with Prop 8, Chick Fil A, DOMA, and Rick Perry's strange idea of sniffing feces for gay conversion therapy we let the hate and ignorance spewed by politicans and some religious groups become our definition in the debate and therefore we are accountable for the evils which have been done to them.
With EC, the baby doesn't become accustomed to going in the diaper and sitting in moisture and feces all day... and thus diaper rash and other infections caused by unsanitary stuff on the skin are less likely.
Cleaning up urine (and occasionally feces) had become part of our daily routine, so I decided to (literally) go with the flow.
If all those pig feces were collected in lined ponds to let anaerobic bacteria thrive, they could become a renewable source of 1600 tons of biogas, which can be used to generate heat and electricity on site while simultaneously reducing Israel's greenhouse - gas emissions.
After mating, adult females travel to the distal colon to deposit eggs, which are then excreted in feces and become infective 5 - 8 days later.
This same «web of life» was thought to exist in the sea, whereby the carcasses or feces of organisms living in the euphotic, or lighted, region of the seas, descended to the bottom where they became a source of food for bottom dwellers.
Sharing feces with DIY transplants have become trendy but doctors warn the practice is dangerous.
«Dust mite feces (the part we're most allergic to) become part of the dust that hides in headboard and bedframe crevices,» says Paul Ehrlich, MD, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at New York University School of Medicine and president of the New York Allergy & Asthma Society.
The toxic substances essentially become captive within the porous, sieve - like architecture of ZeoBind and are then shuttled out of the body via the feces or urine.
A dog can become infected with CAV - 1 through direct contact with an infected animal or contaminated objects (e.g., food dishes or feces).
Dogs become infected with Giardia when they come in contact with infected feces, directly or indirectly.
BUT, toxo does not become contagious outside of the cat's body until 1 - 5 days after the feces have been shed.
When feces remain in the colon for two days or more, they become extremely hard and dry making it difficult for your dog to pass them.
Cats can shed the parasite in their feces; however, the cysts do not become infectious for 1 - 5 days after being passed, which is why daily cat box cleaning is recommended.
Since parvo can be spread from dog to dog in addition to bring spread through feces and soil, neighbors dogs may have become infected simply by walking their dog on your grass.
If the oily, smelly secretion doesn't come out in the feces, your dog's anal glands can become impacted.
This ingested hair results in the formation of coarse and hard feces intertwined with hair and this becomes very difficult for kitty to pass.
Dogs become infected with roundworms when they unknowingly ingest the eggs contained in other dog's feces, or when they eat something with dirt on it that once contained the feces of an infected dog.
So some dogs who stumble upon feces occasionally decide to sample it, while others become completely obsessed with eating certain specific poop.
About 10 to 15 percent of cats, though, can't rid themselves of the virus and become carriers - they may continue to infect cats around them with their saliva and feces.
The feces then became normal in consistency and remained so throughout the entire three - month follow - up time.
It is common for this hair to become matted with feces.
Since consumption of the feces is inherently self - rewarding to the dog, it becomes a habit that is difficult to eradicate.
People can also become infected with tapeworms if they somehow ingest infected feces.
Adequate cooking of meat intended for human consumption, daily cleaning of cat feces from the litterbox (it takes 24 - 72 hours for any cysts in cat feces to become infectious), and washing hands after gardening or cleaning the litterbox, are all you need do to avoid becoming infected.
You or your children can become infected by accidentally swallowing dirt that has been contaminated with dog or cat feces that contain infectious Toxocara eggs.
Pets can also become infected by ingesting another animal's feces or through hunting and ingestion of birds and rodents.
These thick - shelled, weather resistant eggs, are passed through the feces, enter the soil and become active to infest within one to two weeks.
Because diarrhea is more watery than normal feces, animals with this problem can become dehydrated easily.
Farm raised salmon may also become contaminated with feces, chemicals or additives that are in their water.
Once that area smells like urine or feces, it becomes the new bath room of choice.
Adult dogs and cats can become infected from eating contaminated rodents or feces.
Leave the rabbit in the cage until she urinates, being sure to check often to prevent the urine from becoming contaminated with feces.
Humans can become exposed through contact with cat feces, contaminated soil or by the consumption of uncooked infected meat.
Grated toilet solutions on the other hand leave trace amounts of feces behind that must be cleaned thoroughly before any waste material dries or becomes stuck on.
In the U.S., people are more likely to become infected with toxoplasmosis by eating unwashed fruits and vegetables or raw meat than from handling cat feces.
My 14 year old Alaskan Malamute has become incontinent and unable to control his feces and urine.
Recommendations include: keep your cat indoors; always cover its litter box when not in use; change the cat's litter daily (T. gondii does not become infectious until 1 to 5 days after it is shed in feces); avoid feeding cats raw or undercooked meat; wash your hands after gardening; and wash fruits and vegetables from the garden.
You need to be there anyway to inspect and pick up your dog's feces (before the stool becomes home and dinner for several hundred baby flies).
As the babies become more mobile, they will start to leave the nest and deposit urine and feces nearby, which is a good time to start introducing a couple of low - sided litter boxes (disposable tend to work best).
However, in young kitties, the bleeding of the intestines causes the feces to appear black and tarlike, although it could become fluid and smell really badly.
Don't let waste sit in the yard or litterbox for several days; parasite eggs can become infectious as soon as one day after being shed in pet feces, and, in turn, can contaminate the soil.
During your pet's routine wellness exam, if it is suspected that something is wrong, it becomes important to conduct certain laboratory tests using the sample of pet's blood, urine, skin, hair or feces.
They may become infected with parasites at birth (passed from their mother through the placenta or milk) or become infected through contact with infected feces or other infected animals.
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