Sentences with phrase «feces into»

It's important to note that ScoopFree auto litter box uses a rake to rake the feces into a cardboard compartment at the end of the tray.
The mechanism of the CatGenie is collecting the clumps with a screened arm - type, deposit the feces into a chamber that pulverizes them with a sanitized process to get rid of this liquid through a drain pipe.
Toxoplasma gondii (II) T. gondii, Righthand continues, «has been shown to cause neurological damage to sea otters and other marine mammals that are exposed when heavy rainfall washes infected cat feces into the water.»
Then there's cats» most insidious disease of all, their Toxoplasma gondii parasite that cats spread through their feces into all other animals.
In humans, roundworm eggs can be ingested from eggs that have passed from the dogs feces into the environment.
And perhaps the most insidious one of all, the common Toxoplasma gondii parasite that they spread through their feces into all other animals and even livestock.
(The clueless family massaged the feces into their faces thinking that it was a health - giving mud preparation.)
As the bug feeds it defecates; later the sleeping victim often scratches the bite, rubbing the feces into the open wound or into the eyes or mouth.
In most cases, all that you need to do is lightly shake any excess feces into the toilet, perhaps using a bit of toilet paper, an old rubber scraper or a diaper sprayer to remove stubborn spots, and then simply throw the diaper into your diaper pail.
Most users don't follow instructions to dispose of feces into the toilet before throwing diapers away.

Not exact matches

Over the years he's watched humans, robots, and a car rocket into space, toured crumbling and cutting - edge nuclear facilities, chased a total solar eclipse over the North Pole, and donated his feces to researchers, among other reporting adventures.
Please do not inhale too deeply when near me, my putrid stench of dried feces and semen that lingers in the air around me might just make you pass out before you can gaze into the rotted hole that's where my face should be as I am a brutal depository of all that is foul and decayed, putrid and filthy attempting to spew out my brain eating cancer that is religion on any unsuspecting dupe that crosses my slimy viscous path...
The blend of insoluble and soluble fiber helps to sweep and sponge microorganisms and environmental toxins out of the colon and into the feces (7, 8).
As for this breathtakingly moronic blithe assumption that the risk of infection is «* probably *» just as high with the benefit of a protective covering, smegma, and white blood cells as with an open wound on a mucus membrane being thrust into constant contact with urine and feces?
We, as a human culture of mammals, used to pick up on our babies» signals and feed, provide rest, provide a sanitary disposal of their feces (off their skin, into the bushes), and provide sleep.
First of all, if it's at all possible, be sure to dump any feces from the diaper into a toilet.
Little scientific information exists on how well swim diapers and swim pants are able to keep feces or infection - causing germs from leaking into the pool.
This could transmit infectious material (such as feces) into the baby's mouth or eyes.
But if the eggs are laid into a fecally - contaminated area, such as the nest boxes at most small farms I have visited or just onto the ground, then as they cool and the cuticle dries, whatever bacteria were present in the feces are drawn INTO the egg, where they can live and multiply and make you sinto a fecally - contaminated area, such as the nest boxes at most small farms I have visited or just onto the ground, then as they cool and the cuticle dries, whatever bacteria were present in the feces are drawn INTO the egg, where they can live and multiply and make you sINTO the egg, where they can live and multiply and make you sick.
If the feces are a bit more solid, they can be dumped into the toilet before the diaper is added to the diaper pail
But sometimes, feces seep into the amniotic fluid during labor.
Diapers leak and urine and feces can seep into a mattress, leaving not only stains but also the possibility of bacterial contamination, which could make a baby ill or possibly contribute to sudden infant death syndrome, although this has not been conclusively proven.
When bilirubin reaches the liver, it is changed into a form that can be transported to the intestines and passed out of the body in the baby's feces.
When your baby is getting little milk, bowel movements tend to be scanty and infrequent so that the bilirubin that was in the baby's gut gets reabsorbed into the blood instead of leaving the body with the feces.
One SARS patient with diarrhea managed to infect 321 other people in an apartment complex because faulty plumbing aerosolized his feces, allowing them to drift on wind currents into other apartments.
As temperatures warm, the Arctic permafrost thaws and pools into lakes, where bacteria feast on its carbon - rich material — much of it animal remains, food, and feces from before the Ice Age — and churn out methane, a heat trapper 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
(They fall into two classes: Carnivores defecate «sinkers,» since their feces are full of heavy indigestible ingredients like fur and bones.
Via feces or scales, the fish release so - called environmental DNA into the stream.
Respectively, these symptoms spread the microbe into our exhaled breath, into the local water supply via our feces, and onto the skin of those who touch us, explaining why a microbe might want to induce unpleasant symptoms in its victims.
Put into cages, five packrats and five mice turned up their noses at chilies, although they readily ate an altered version that wasn't spicy — but after showing up in the feces, the seeds failed to germinate.
As the feces began to freeze, he shaped it into the form of an implement.
As the snowy trail zigzagged into the forest, I saw tracks made by a shrew; signs of a takin, an oxlike creature; and, finally, panda feces and a few footprints in the snow.
All organisms constantly shed DNA into the environment, such as via feces or skin particles.
To confirm that possibility, the researchers transferred the microbes into mice that had no intestinal bacteria, either by feeding the microorganisms to the animals or giving them the Bacteroides - rich feces of some ipilimumab - treated patients.
When infected people relieve themselves, the worms» eggs can spread into streams or ponds via their urine and feces.
«Panda feces study provides insights into microbiome, reproductive troubles.»
Once in the Americas, the bug would have leached into local food and water sources from feces or vomit from sick individuals, says Hendrik Poinar, an ancient DNA researcher at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, who was not involved with the study.
A key example is the Toxoplasa gondii parasite that travels from domestic cats, via their feces, into natural irrigation and waste disposal systems and on to marine animals such as sea otters and dolphins.
Aside from the fact that these animals are treated inhumanely and forced to sleep and eat squeezed into tight quarters in a sea of feces, they are pumped with chemicals and antibiotics and fed sub-par feed that is genetically modified.
Third reason is that about 10 % of the calories don't get digested and pass through into the feces — because of the fiber content of nuts / seeds.
In other words you simply take the microbiome from a healthy individual and you transplant it together with its environment (the feces) into an unhealthy individual.
Activated charcoal (AV) is known as the «universal antidote» which when ingested is renowned for its powerful ability to safely draw toxins, pathogens and wastes into its massive surface area, hold them fast, and efficiently remove them from the body right along with the feces during a bowel movement.
However, a recent study on kombucha showed it increases the amount of glucaric acid, which is essential to the elimination of toxins from the bloodstream into our main eliminatory routes, urine and feces.
So abdominal straining during efforts to evacuate firm feces corresponds to squeezing the ball, and may result in gradual expulsion of the upper end of the stomach from the abdominal cavity up into the chest.
It absorbs toxins excreted with the bile into intestine, and takes them out with the feces.
Second, excess copper is excreted into the bile and removed from the body via the feces, but many people have sluggish bile flow and / or constipation, causing copper to accumulate in the liver.
The second issue is waste management with the viruses and other contaminants from untreated feces and urine that may find their way into our soils and community water supplies.2 Although this scenario has not been clearly established as a current problem, the possibilities are real.
Ethinylestradiol (common in oral contraceptive pills, this is released into the environment as a xenoestrogen through the urine and feces of women who use this)
The blend of insoluble and soluble fiber helps to sweep and sponge microorganisms and environmental toxins out of the colon and into the feces (7, 8).
I think this may be a testament to the efficacy of the somewhat nasty but supposedly helpful operational procedure where someone with ostensibly healthy gut flora has their feces surgically implanted into the colon of someone who has bowel issues.
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