Sentences with phrase «feces of»

I'm talkin» bout doo doo I'm talkin» bout number 2 I'm talkin» bout the feces of species That's eaten by me and you I just can't stop talkin» bout poo
Additionally, the feces of a female komodo dragon emits pheromones that alert the males that they are ready to mate.
The feces of this cat will be collected, finished and sold as kopi luwak.
Seavirus: Prototype of a new parvovirus genus in feces of a sea lion.
Prevalence of potentially pathogenic bacteria in the feces of stranded and wild harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in central California.
It is excreted in the feces of infected dogs, and if someone — human, dog, bird, etc. — steps in (or otherwise comes in contact with) the excrement, the possibility for contamination is great.
Dogs of any age can get hookworms from the feces of infected animals, such as by licking their paws or grooming themselves after coming into contact with infected fecal material.
The highly resistant and potentially fatal canine Parvo virus can be easily spread through contact with the feces of an infected dog.
A: Dogs and cats are most commonly infected when they ingest (eat) intestinal worm eggs that have been passed through the feces of an infected dog or cat.
Though means of transmission can vary, one of the main ways that cats get worms is through the ingestion of the feces of infected felines.
More specifically, the virus can be transmitted through the feces of infected dogs, infected bitches and through indirect fomites (surfaces or other objects that contain the virus).
Since the pinworm is a direct life cycle with NO intermediate host, this means your rabbit got it from the feces of an infected rabbit (it didn't just happen to your rabbit).
Your rabbit becomes infected with pinworms by coming into contact with or eating the feces of a rabbit that has pinworms eggs in its feces.
Pups become infected by eating the saliva or feces of an infected dog.
Coccidia are often spread when the canine eats the infected feces of another animal.
Parvovirus infection is another infectious disease readily transmitted to a healthy dog when it comes in contact with the feces of an infected dog.
The life cycle begins when the eggs of the fluke Nanophyetus salmincola are released in the feces of the host mammal or avian.
Mother dogs and cats must eat the feces of their litter to keep the nest and offspring clean.
Even dogs that are unaffected by the MDR1 mutation may be exposed to toxic doses of this medication if they consume the feces of recently wormed cattle, horses, and sheep.
C. perfringens can be cultured from the feces of approximately 80 % of dogs, healthy or not.
To determine whether Clostridium is responsible for the presenting illness, it must first be identified in the feces of the sick pet.
It is carried in saliva and tears, and perhaps the urine and feces of infected cats.
Some people think that dogs eat their poop because the dog instinctively knows when the food she is fed lacks a certain nutrient, but even dogs that are fed high quality diets packed with nutrients will eat their poop or the feces of other animals.
(One indoor allergen responsible for much atopic dermatitis in dogs, the feces of the ubiquitous house dust mite, is a major allergen for humans, as well.)
The parasite toxoplasma gondii can be in the feces of inside / outside cats, and can survive sewage treatment and then travel down rivers until it gets to the sea.
It is transmitted through contact with urine or feces of an infected cat.
Taken together, the sour - milk with the specific probiotic combination had a normalizing effect on acute diarrhea in dogs which was associated with decreased numbers of potential pathogens in the feces of probiotic - treated dogs.
In addition, the disease can be transmitted through contact with the feces of an infected cat.
Eating the feces of other animals was another means the wild dog had for deceiving predators.
It is spread by virus shedding in the feces of infected dogs.
The tapeworm in the intestine breaks off its rear segments periodically, and they appear in the feces of an infested pet.
«Yummy» would not top the list of adjectives that YOU would use to describe the feces of Fido or his friends.
As the adult matures, individual segments, called proglottids, are passed in the feces of an infected dog.
Parvovirus organisms are passed in the feces of infected dogs, and they remain contagious in the environment for weeks to months after they are shed.
During this «switchover,» puppies are more vulnerable to viruses, especially parvovirus, which is shed through the feces of infected dogs and can linger in the environment for months.
The feces of some pets, especially reptiles, can contain Salmonella, and people can be infected if they do not wash their hands after contact with reptiles or their environment.
The virus sheds in the feces of infected dogs and enters the soil or surrounding environment.
This bacterium is spread through feces of infected dogs and is most commonly found in puppies that have developed the disease after exposure to infected adult dog's feces.
The main source of the virus is the feces of infected dogs.
It is also important to test feces of pregnant bitches to ensure that they newborn puppies are protected from infection.
Don't let little Fido wander around public parks unattended and keep him away from the feces of other dogs.
All too often, puppies do not receive the last of their booster shots because the owners of new puppies, who are so filled with the joy of having a healthy, happy, well socialized puppy, innocently do not realize that they must protect their puppies from being exposed to the dreaded Parvo virus that is often contracted from sniffing the feces of other infected dogs in such places as public parks.
Feline coronavirus can be found in large quantities in the saliva and feces of cats during the acute infection, and to a lesser extent in recovered or carrier cats, so it can be transmitted through cat - to - cat contact and exposure to feces.
While this parasite may be found at low levels in the feces of seemingly healthy hamsters, it is often associated with gastroenteritis.
Roundworms do not require an intermediate host to spread from dog to dog, but can be transmitted by ingestion of eggs that are shed in the feces of infected dogs.
Adult cats get it by ingesting the eggs of this parasite, or by ingesting an infected rodent or the feces of an infected cat.
Until your puppy has acquired sufficient active immunity, it is too risky to allow him to socialize with dogs of dubious immunization history, or with dogs that have been in contact with the urine and feces of dogs potentially infected with parvovirus and other serious puppy diseases.
These diseases can be spread to people by direct contact with the feces of an infected cat or by contact with soil that has been contaminated by the feces of an infected cat.
Some favour only poopsicles (frozen poop); others will eat only the feces of a particular animal and some dogs only indulge their habit at certain times of the year.
Keep feces cleaned up, and keep your dog away from the feces of other animals.
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