Sentences with phrase «feces of infected dogs»

This bacterium is spread through feces of infected dogs and is most commonly found in puppies that have developed the disease after exposure to infected adult dog's feces.
CPV can spread to dogs from any animal, human, or object that comes in contact with feces of an infected dog.
Luckily, dogs and cats can not infect each other or humans with heartworm, and they can not get it by sniffing feces of infected dogs or being around them in the dog park.
Parvovirus is spread through feces of an infected dog and can remain infectious in contaminated areas for 5 months or longer.
A puppy may get worms from his mother, and an adult dog may get them from infected food or drink, from the saliva or feces of an infected dog, or from swallowing fleas and lice which act as hosts to tapeworm eggs - but never from sugar.
This doesn't mean your puppy necessarily has to eat the feces of an infected dog, your puppy can get parvo by simply licking his paws after walking on contaminated soil or the sole of your shoes (fomites).
It is spread through contact with the feces of infected dogs and can be carried on shoes, crates, equipment, or on the hair or feet of infected dogs.
It can also be brought into your dog's environment if someone steps on the feces of an infected dog and the remnants are on their shoe.
Parvo is a disease that attacks the intestines and heart, and is spread when one dog comes into contact with the feces of another infected dog, directly or indirectly.
Dogs become infected with roundworms when they unknowingly ingest the eggs contained in other dog's feces, or when they eat something with dirt on it that once contained the feces of an infected dog.
Dogs can also contract Parvo either by direct contact with an infected dog or by eating the feces of an infected dog.
In dogs, lungworms most commonly affect puppies, becoming infected from the saliva or feces of an infected dog, usually their mother.
It is contracted from the feces of infected dogs and can be transmitted on shoes, car tires, other animals, food bowls and pavement.
It is shed in the feces of infected dogs, but it can live on objects such as toys, bedding, and cage floors for up to six months.
The virus is shed in the feces of infected dogs, but can be carried on a variety of objects and can live in soil.
The main source of this virus is the feces of infected dogs.
Remove Feces: Parvo is shed in the feces of infected dogs.
The virus is shed in the feces of infected dogs, but can be carried on a variety of objects and can also live in soil.
Canine parvovirus (parvo) is extremely contagious and is contracted through the feces of an infected dog.
The feces of an infected dog have high concentrations of the virus, so when a healthy dog sniffs or ingests infected feces, it may contract the disease.
The virus is usually transmitted either indirectly from the feces of an infected dog, or directly by contact with an infected dog.
Whipworm eggs pass into the environment through feces of infected dogs.
When a dog consumes the feces of an infected dog it will begin to show symptoms once the tapeworm establishes itself in the intestines of the newly infected dog.
There are a number of types of worms that can be spread through the feces of an infected dog.
Since the virus can also reside in the gastrointestinal tract of infected dogs, transmission can also occur indirectly through the sharing of food and water bowls as well as other equipment that can get in contact with the saliva or even the feces of an infected dog.
Canine parvovirus is extremely contagious and potentially deadly, contracted through contact with the feces of an infected dog.
The feces of infected dogs are the main source of infection and even dogs that have recovered can act as carriers for months.
Roundworms do not require an intermediate host to spread from dog to dog, but can be transmitted by ingestion of eggs that are shed in the feces of infected dogs.
The main source of the virus is the feces of infected dogs.
The virus sheds in the feces of infected dogs and enters the soil or surrounding environment.
The virus is also shed in the feces of an infected dog.
During this «switchover,» puppies are more vulnerable to viruses, especially parvovirus, which is shed through the feces of infected dogs and can linger in the environment for months.
Parvovirus organisms are passed in the feces of infected dogs, and they remain contagious in the environment for weeks to months after they are shed.
CCV is spread through the feces of infected dogs.
As the adult matures, individual segments, called proglottids, are passed in the feces of an infected dog.
It is spread by virus shedding in the feces of infected dogs.
Parvovirus is spread through the feces of an infected dog or puppy.
Dogs are exposed to parvovirus through feces of infected dogs or from surfaces that have previously been contaminated.
Parvovirus infection is another infectious disease readily transmitted to a healthy dog when it comes in contact with the feces of an infected dog.
Pups become infected by eating the saliva or feces of an infected dog.
Female hookworms pass hundreds of microscopic eggs in the feces of infected dogs, where they contaminate the environment.
More specifically, the virus can be transmitted through the feces of infected dogs, infected bitches and through indirect fomites (surfaces or other objects that contain the virus).
A: Dogs and cats are most commonly infected when they ingest (eat) intestinal worm eggs that have been passed through the feces of an infected dog or cat.
The highly resistant and potentially fatal canine Parvo virus can be easily spread through contact with the feces of an infected dog.
It is excreted in the feces of infected dogs, and if someone — human, dog, bird, etc. — steps in (or otherwise comes in contact with) the excrement, the possibility for contamination is great.
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