Sentences with phrase «feces out»

I first had to get all the court cases under control which meant totally buttoning the building up and literally shoveling foot tall by three foot in diameter piles of dried feces out of the place.
This is due to the exorbitant amount of water used to grow the food for the livestock, the water they drink and are bathed in and then the water used to try to wash the blood, urine and feces out of the flesh to be sold in grocery stores.
Scooping urine and feces out of the litter box daily, and giving the box a thorough cleaning once a week will help your cat to feel comfortable using it.
Some dogs will eat feces out of boredom or anxiety.
Keeping cat feces out of the yard prevents the spread of disease.
You will also have to clean the feces out of the whelping box after your bitch decides that's no longer her job.
People just walked up to the bloody carcasses and carried on entirely normal conversations, as though a man wasn't standing there squeezing deer feces out of a large intestine and small children weren't playing football with a liver.
And here is an excerpt from the book: How to Keep Feces Out of Your Bloodstream (or Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days).
This creates upward pressure on the rectum and makes it harder to get feces out.
«Septic tanks aren't keeping feces out of rivers, lakes.»
They also had clean drinking water from aqueducts and laws that involved taking rubbish and feces out of towns to try and make them cleaner.
I, personally, have always gone to great lengths to keep feces out of my children's faces.

Not exact matches

Wellness is a hot topic, with brands «looking at everything, from dream tonics to improve your slumber to feces analysis to find out what's missing from your diet.»
you agree with the feces coming out of ted's drug - addled skull, but think that the «message» needs to come from a more credible source.
And I certainly get how you could listen to the pabulum shoveled out in your average high school biology class and think «That's a load of feces, and no more reasonable (or scientific) than my beliefs.»
Please do not inhale too deeply when near me, my putrid stench of dried feces and semen that lingers in the air around me might just make you pass out before you can gaze into the rotted hole that's where my face should be as I am a brutal depository of all that is foul and decayed, putrid and filthy attempting to spew out my brain eating cancer that is religion on any unsuspecting dupe that crosses my slimy viscous path...
Ray, If you take a huge crap on the building, how will the dogs used to sniff out cadavers be able to distinguish between the smell of human feces and muslim remains?
And the way they figured this out is that you incubate cooked vegetable juice with fresh human feces and voila!
Insoluble fiber is found in fruits and veggies and acts like a broom to sweep feces and toxins out through the bowels.
This is only preliminary, but there's evidence that resistant starch may actually treat small intestinal bacterial overgrowth by «flushing» the pathogenic bacteria out in the feces.
The blend of insoluble and soluble fiber helps to sweep and sponge microorganisms and environmental toxins out of the colon and into the feces (7, 8).
Only babies who wear diapers get diaper rash (cloth or disposable)... and out of these, only those who are left to sit in their urine and feces for longer than a few minutes develop diaper rash at all.
Blood stained poo is indicative of constipation, this happens when the skin around the babies anus ruptures (anal fissure) due to excessive pressure being applied to pass out the feces.
In our practical experience and lots of testing with our customers, we found the cold prerinse set in stains and make it much harder to wash the fresh feces and urine out of the diapers.
Second, I always like to throw out the analogy of storing your husband's work shirts in urine and feces for a week and see how easily you can get them fresh and sparkly on Sunday wash day.
When bilirubin reaches the liver, it is changed into a form that can be transported to the intestines and passed out of the body in the baby's feces.
You may just have been lucky because you refused to put a diaper on your child after he requested one so he could poop, and the stars were perfectly aligned so that when you placed him on the potty the feces practically fell out of him, but you were not using doggie poop bags and Clorox after he was done.
The Apple cider vinegar will dilute the acids in feces and urine and prevent a break out.
Pushing out feces requires a great deal of abdominal strength, so exercising helps your child with low muscle tone learn to use these muscles.
As temperatures warm, the Arctic permafrost thaws and pools into lakes, where bacteria feast on its carbon - rich material — much of it animal remains, food, and feces from before the Ice Age — and churn out methane, a heat trapper 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
And we think that one possible explanation for this could be that the collection of the feces and rubbish from towns under Roman law was then taken out to fertilize the crops, which gave you more plants, but unfortunately resulted in recontamination of the population, because the human feces then got onto the plants that were then eaten again.
That's Disgusting by Rachel Herz Psychologist Rachel Herz's charmingly revolting new book examines repugnance in all its iterations: why bad table manners make us shudder, why gross - out movies make us laugh, even why most people will refuse to eat a snack that looks like dog feces — no matter how sure they are that it's really chocolate fudge.
And so my Ph.D. student, Ivy Yeh, who's first author on the paper, she went out to China took some scrapings from the feces adherent to the cloth.
The grubs chewed their way out before the ferns fossilized, but they left behind feces (dark dots in photo), which, Labandeira found, contained resin - filled cells identical to surrounding plant cells.
And you know, what these folks say again, is «If the people that are buying meat out there in the world had any idea of the way in which meat is produced; if they had a look at, you know, inside a factory farm where animals are raised in their own feces and, you know, slaughtered and then ground up and so on.
The next step was to chemically analyze the frass to find out which odor components of the flies» feces were appetizing.
Hog farmers crowd the animals, dose them with antibiotics, and spray out their drug - tainted feces, wreaking havoc on fields, streams — and you.
Even so, the authors consider this habit of parent birds to be the result of several factors: «We can not rule out that parental behaviour may be altered by the presence of feces near the nest,» they state.
In 97 % of living birds, the male doesn't have a penis; instead, he secretes sperm out of an opening called a cloaca, which is also used for excretion of urine and feces.
Negatively charged clay molecules easily bind to positively charged toxins in the stomach and gut — preventing those toxins from entering the bloodstream by ferrying them through the intestines and out of the body in feces.
To find out if longer bleats signaled more aggressive males, researchers looked for various hormones in the male's feces.
Beforehand, he thought he should sweep away rodent feces that had accumulated and throw out some old cardboard boxes, because the telescope had only been used intermittently since astronomer George Ellery Hale first installed it in 1904.
On the other hand, Ann Olga Koloski - Ostrow, the self - professed «Queen of Latrines» and a classical archaeologist at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, who was not involved in the study, points out that it's difficult to know exactly how prevalent the use of human feces as fertilizer actually was during the Roman Empire: «We can just say that in some early farming texts, we know that they'd build the slave toilets over an area where the excrement could be collected and then spread over the crops, but that was just on isolated farms here and there.»
In the new study, she says, the gut similarly combined ingredients of the modified chocolate to form a soap that washed out in the feces.
Nunez, Kim, Sakamoto and their colleagues carried out a careful series of experiments using both newborn and adult germ - free mice, and samples of gut microbes taken from the feces of 4 - day - old, 12 - day - old and 16 - day - old normal mice.
The waste matter in the body is expelled out in form of sweat, urine, feces and CO2.
When you shift to low carb from super high carbs like bread, cereal and pasta particularly if the person is using supplemental fiber for «movement», the colon can potentially be so distended that it does not have the ability to contract small enough to push out the feces and thus constipation and diverticulitis....
The toxic substances essentially become captive within the porous, sieve - like architecture of ZeoBind and are then shuttled out of the body via the feces or urine.
The neutralized toxicants pass to the gallbladder in bile and are over time excreted out of the body as feces.
It absorbs toxins excreted with the bile into intestine, and takes them out with the feces.
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