Sentences with phrase «federal climate scientists»

Two independent investigations revealed persistent political interference in the work of federal climate scientists.
I didn't have time to discuss it on NPR, but the pattern was multifaceted, affecting media communications, Congressional testimony, science program reports, scientific assessment activity, and other political interference with federal climate scientists.
In the United States, a weakened Arctic blast moving south to collide with moist air from the Gulf of Mexico can mean less rain and snow in some areas, including the drought - stricken Southeast, said Michael MacCracken, a former federal climate scientist who now heads the nonprofit Climate Institute.
He points to the fact that Smith is currently investigating the activities of federal climate scientists whose research last year undermined claims by Climate Change skeptics that global warming was going through a «hiatus».
AAAS leads intersociety letter expressing «grave concern» about congressional inquiry that unfoundedly called into question federal climate scientists» integrity [November 24, 2015]
Smith, one of the leading opponents of mainstream climate science in Congress, has repeatedly accused federal climate scientists of engaging in a massive conspiracy to falsify climate data.
It builds on Watts's Surface Stations web project — which was challenged by federal climate scientists here, critiqued by the climate blogger Peter Sinclair here and defended here.
In the meantime, statistical analysis by federal climate scientists points to a decline in the number of hurricanes making landfall in the United States since the mid 1800s.
For more than a year, Rep. Lamar Smith, the chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, has been hounding federal climate scientists about a landmark scientific study, published in 2015, whose results he didn't like.
A new study led by Susan Solomon, a federal climate scientist and co-leader of the 2007 science review by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, is fascinating not only for the revelations, but the underlying lessons, too.
But broader reviews have shown no clear relationship to global warming, with the frequency of the destructive categories of twisters in the U.S. unchanged or slightly declining since the 1950s, according to federal climate scientists.
As Kintisch points out, the research budget available to CCSP has declined from $ 1.9 billion in 1994, whereas climate research advocates estimate approximately $ 4.5 billion will be needed by 2014 to sustain the needs of both academic and federal climate scientists.
[3] In 2007, at a Senate hearing on political interference with federal climate scientists, he called the Bush administration's evasion and misrepresentation of climate science and its implications for policymaking «Orwellian.»
At the same time, GAP conducted 40 in - depth interviews with federal climate scientists and other officials and analyzed thousands of pages of government documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and inside sources, regarding agency media policies and congressional communications.
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