Sentences with phrase «federal constitution»

A federal constitution refers to a set of rules and principles that outline the structure and powers of a country's government. It specifically applies to a nation that is made up of separate states or regions, where both the central or federal government and the individual states have their own specific roles and authority. The federal constitution establishes how these governments interact and divides power between them to ensure the smooth functioning of the country. Full definition
The Brazilian Federal Constitution protects privacy and personal data as a fundamental right.
(The Swiss federal constitution, by the way, repays reading, particularly the lengthy portion on rights.)
A proposed amendment to te Federal Constitution is considered pending before the states indefinitely unless Congress establishes a deadline by which the states must act.
Some of the 68 items on the Exclusive Federal List should be transferred to the Residual List, as it was in most federal constitutions.
Obviously, this would be a very major change in the constitutional landscape of the UK, necessitating the drafting of an overall federal constitution.
I see a reference to age discrimination under Swiss law which says: The prohibition of age discrimination is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Swiss Federal Constitution (Article 8,...
In the not very remote future [the Federal Constitution] will have to be modified in certain essential matters — both by amendment and by interpretation.
And, since VHA is not a religious institution, it could not have raised a Free Exercise claim under the federal Constitution.
Oregon's Supreme Court, which had already concluded that this question was irrelevant, dutifully answered that in its judgment criminal prosecution of Smith and Black would violate the federal Constitution.
When religious liberty was established by the Federal Constitution it meant that in many states people had no formal ties with the Churches unless they joined by choice.
This is clear from the First Amendment to the Federal Constitution, in which the Congress is denied the power to make any «laws respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.»
The Association of Churches in Sarawak applauded the ruling for protecting the fundamental right to freedom of religion: «We call upon the federal government [in Kuala Lumpur] to honor and give effect to the guarantee of religious freedom as provided in the Malaysia Agreement [which formed the basis of Sarawak and Sabah state's union with Malaysia] and uphold the constitutional rights and fundamental liberties accorded by the federal constitution to all citizens of Malaysia.»
Their organization, which has come under criticism from Islamic authorities for its opposition to prosecuting Muslims attempting to leave Islam, said the judgment reaffirmed the supremacy of the federal constitution.
The legal problem is not the federal Constitution; under current doctrine the Establishment clause of the First Amendment is irrelevant.
However, it is the threat of a local majority that leads non-Catholics to emphasize the protections of religious liberty in the Federal Constitution.
At the time of the writing of the Federal Constitution it was determined to count slaves as two thirds of a person in computing the basis for representation.
I would add that the federal Constitution expressly forbids states from engaging in foreign diplomacy since the OP asked about that.
All this has a raft of significant consequences: a new parliament and government for England, a written constitution defining the powers of the two tiers, endowment of the Supreme Court with powers to interpret and enforce the federal constitution, transformation of the House of Lords into a federal Senate, negotiation of a framework for revenue allocation, and much more.
If a state law or local law is thought to be in violation of a federal law or the federal Constitution, it can be challenged in court as such by someone who is deemed by the court to have standing to bring the case.
Unlike the federal government, state governments are not constrained to the powers enumerated in the federal constitution.
In general, the only way for a local law which contradicts a state law to stand in a challenge would be for the state law to be struck down, such as if it violated some provision of the federal constitution or of that state's constitution.
The federal Constitution forms a happy combination in this respect; the great and aggregate interests being referred to the national, the local and particular to the State legislatures.
In America they are the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the Federal Constitution of 1788, Jacksonian Democracy in the 1830s, the Civil War, and the Voting Rights act of 1965.
The Iraq Resolution known as «AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF MILITARY FORCE AGAINST IRAQ RESOLUTION OF 2002» cites national policy, a war on «terrorism», and United Nations Security Council Resolutions to justify authorization of military force against Iraq, but I am not aware of any document by which the United States has been legally bound by a declaration of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11).
Article VIII furthers the State's interest in adding a term limits amendment to the Federal Constitution in two ways.
Douglas Kampfer, a 60 - year - old cemetery maintenance person who represented himself in court, had asked the country's highest court to hear his case against Cuomo, which claimed the state's ban violated the federal constitution.
As a commenter mentioned, state constitutions will sometimes include rights not specifically stated in the federal Constitution.
But as noted in the comments, «Bundesverfassung» (which means «federal constitution») is used as «Grundgesetz» in Germany, that is to refer to the particular constitution of Austria.
And compared to the federal constitution, New York's document provides more protections against many forms of government intrusion and more rights.
Items such as union and worker protections as well as rights to an education and environmental safeguards are not specifically mentioned in the federal constitution, which is the U.S. Supreme Court's guiding document.
Because SUNY is a public institution, students» due process rights are automatically protected under the state and federal constitutions.
«As much as I'd like to turn back the clock,» Buchwald said, «we're not permitted, under the federal constitution, to increase the penalties for past crimes.»
The recall of Members was considered during the time of the drafting of the federal Constitution in 1787, but no such provisions were included in the final version sent to the states for ratification, and the specific drafting and ratifying debates indicate an express understanding of the framers and ratifiers that no right or power to recall a Senator or Representative in Congress exists under the Constitution.
It might be more comprehensive if you mentioned that the federal constitution prevents states from being made from the territory of existing states (Article 4, section 3.1).
Ultimately, the federal Constitution makes it the job of the State Legislature to appoint electors by December 13th (this year).
Note that federal constitution has systems for preventing popular states from dominating congress or the white house by the great compromise or electoral voting system.
In addition, there hasn't been a rewrite of the federal constitution since 1789, but the states have been able to do so more often.
Since real marriages and gun rights are universal throughout the states (either by state laws or the federal Constitution), reciprocity exists.
On February 22, 2014, the U.S. District Court for Arizona, in a two - to - one decision, ruled that the state's independent redistricting commission does not violate the federal constitution.
The landlord of the building, Mushlam, Inc., filed suit in New York State Supreme Court Sept. 10, claiming the special provision was a violation of state and federal Constitutions, and should be struck down.
Sen. Mike Nozzolio, LATFOR's Republican co-chairman, said, «the plan as proposed totally complies with the state constitution, the federal constitution and especially the Voting Rights Act, in both letter and spirit.»
Under the federal constitution of the Liberal Democrats the leader is required to be a member of the House of Commons.
The federal constitution prohibits the state from imposing additional penalties for past crimes, so the change would not affect several state politicians convicted of crimes in recent years.
It would not just be a matter of changing the rules in the UK, but also in Commonwealth countries such as Canada and Australia which have federal constitutions.
Miranda, with the Bar Association, says now might be time to at least examine how well the document, which is seven times longer than the federal constitution, holds up.
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