Sentences with phrase «federal lunch program»

If the «resources in the home» variable is a reliable proxy for family income data, as the authors claim, then why use the flawed federal lunch program variable at all?
Case Farms, which produces nearly a billion annual pounds of chicken for both mega-chains such as Kentucky Fried Chicken and for federal lunch programs, hired Guatemalan asylum - seeker Osiel López Pérez when he was just 17 years old.
some schools around the country are dropping out of the healthier new federal lunch program, complaining that so many students turned up their noses at meals packed with whole grains, fruits and vegetables that the cafeterias were losing money.
On a recent chilly afternoon, students in the dining room were enjoying her fragrant apple crisp made from government - issued apples while Robinson mashed overripe federal lunch program bananas for quick breads.
Last week the Associated Press ran a widely disseminated article indicating that: some schools around the country are dropping out of the healthier new federal lunch program, complaining that so many students turned up their noses at meals packed... [Continue reading]
Even the lowest estimates, however, suggest that millions of children in the federal lunch program could experience gastrointestinal problems after consuming milk.
Most criticism of the federal lunch program in recent years has centered on health and nutrition, but documented abuses in school districts in North Carolina, Ohio, New Jersey and elsewhere have prompted questions about accountability.
A Tribune analysis in January highlighted flaws in the federal lunch program.
The Institute of Medicine made its school lunch recommendation late last year after determining that standards for the federal lunch program don't match up with the government's own dietary guidelines, calling for lots of fresh fruits and veggies and more whole grains.
But schools also are deterred by USDA regulations that require students to pass by a cash register or «point of sale» station after they have been to the salad bar to ensure that they have served themselves the correct portions of fruits and vegetables required under the federal lunch program.
I feel terrible for families who rely on the federal lunch program due to financial struggles, and I think this is an absolute outrage!
I have a few quibbles with this post — for example, it says that there are no maximum nutritional requirements for the federal lunch program, only minimums, but in fact meals can't provide more than 30 % of calories from fat and or more than 10 % from saturated fat.
State law requires that all public schools offer a free meal to eligible students even if the schools do not participate in the federal lunch program, said Mark Haller, who supervises child nutrition programs at the Illinois State Board of Education.
Officials with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which runs the federal lunch program, say artificially sweetened milk with proper labeling already is being served in schools.
(Keep in mind that what I am about to write violates the federal lunch program guidelines).
The authors acknowledge that their original measure of family income via the federal lunch program was biased against the private schools, many of which do not participate.
In the NAEP analysis, the authors estimate student poverty with data from the federal lunch program and estimate additional student characteristics using data on possession of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and English Language Learner (ELL) status, admittedly a common practice when analyzing education data.
However, such adjustments are particularly challenging in the case of virtual schools, because their students may be less likely to participate in some of the programs that are used to measure student backgrounds, such as the federal lunch program.
In particular, we know each student's gender, ethnicity, whether they received free or reduced - price lunch through the federal lunch program, whether they were English language learners or received special education services, and their record of suspensions and absences from school.
These characteristics include race, gender, eligibility for the federal lunch program, limited English proficiency, and, most important, previous student achievement.
More than 50 percent of the district's students qualify for the federal lunch program, a common measure of disadvantage.
The schools serve largely poor and minority student populations; 88 percent of their students are enrolled in the federal lunch program, 18 percent speak limited English, and only 1 percent are white.
Relative to otherwise similar whites, blacks do attend schools with more students eligible for the federal lunch program and schools in which subjective reports from officials indicated higher levels of gang activity, loitering in front of the school, and litter around the school.
Just over 98 percent of the schools that received an F grade have more than 50 percent of their students eligible for free and reduced lunch while 94 percent of schools that earned a D had a majority of students who qualify for the federal lunch program.
Our recruiting efforts focus on individuals who share the racial and / or economic backgrounds of students in underserved public schools, many of whom are African American or Latinx and many of whom are eligible for the federal lunch program.
It notes that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which oversees the federal lunch program, endorsed in a 2016 memo «share tables» as an «innovative strategy» that food service directors should consider.
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