Sentences with phrase «federal research dollars»

More importantly, it shows that most federal research dollars actually support people, both the senior scientist on the grant and those working in his or her lab.
Its faculty physicians undertake research in an extensive array of areas and are among the top recipients of federal research dollars.
DOD accounted for 12.3 % of the $ 40.1 billion in federal research dollars universities received in 2012, up from about 8 % a decade ago.
That surprising conclusion is the top recommendation in a report out [Tuesday] by a National Academies committee that Congress asked to examine the current regulatory jungle confronting universities that receive federal research dollars,» Mervis wrote that day at ScienceInsider.
Price also advocated streamlining the Food and Drug Administration's approval processes for new antibiotics and medical devices, and giving scientists more discretion in how federal research dollars are allocated.
University administrators and faculty members have long complained that some of the never - ending stream of rules designed to ensure that precious federal research dollars are spent wisely are time - consuming, unnecessary, and occasionally even conflicting.
He said increasing federal research dollars to fight the disease «is both going to be certainly one of my priorities, but I also think it will be National Institutes of Health's priority as we move into the coming years.
«It has always been in their interest to portray global warming as alarming, and therefore in need of even more federal research dollars,» Michaels wrote.
Kroll says that, with more researchers competing for a declining pool of federal research dollars, issues surrounding research integrity will continue to be a strong focus for his office, as well as for research institutions that receive federal funds.
The agencies together receive about US$ 60 billion in federal research dollars each year, with about half going to the NIH, so the number of papers available annually could double under the proposal, says Heather Joseph, another petition leader and executive director of the pro-open access Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, based in Washington DC.
It is intended to set the goals and priorities for federal research dollars, «which most effectively advance scientific understanding of global change and provide usable information on which to base policy decisions related to global climate change.»
But for the many others who can not or do not wish to do so, the only sure thing in this election year is that, even if politicians» promises are plentiful, federal research dollars will be increasingly scarce.
Several times a year, Birnbaum visits communities — many of them in low - income, minority areas — where these federal research dollars are spent to study environmental pollutants and human health.
Universities receive some 10 % of their federal research dollars from the Department of Defense (DOD).
U.S. universities complain about the high cost of complying with rules to ensure that federal research dollars are being spent properly.
Hopkins advocates radical action by the commission — even recommending that federal research dollars go to easing the struggles of women scientists through child - care funding, for example.
Maris Vinovskis calls attention to the misuse of the federal research dollar in education and the need for a basic restructuring of the federal research enterprise.
In their effort to obtain a federal bailout, the Big Three Detroit automakers are increasingly touting their efforts and programs in the biofuels realm, and federal research dollars have been supporting a growing number of biofuel - research efforts.
These rights figure in the Bayh - Dole Act of 1980, which is intended to ensure that valuable inventions reach the public by allowing universities and other recipient of federal research dollars to apply for patents that protect resulting inventions, and provide incentives for their development.
Lured by a combination of large business customers, federal research dollars, and a large hiring pool fed by the area's universities, Chicago is also home to a growing number of startup companies like 37signals, Groupon and Feedburner.
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