Sentences with phrase «federal research programs»

But a number of federal research programs and projects remain in Trump's cross hairs, including five of NASA's Earth science missions and various research, including on climate or environmental science, at the EPA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Geological Survey.
It's certainly conceivable that Soon's work was too radical for standard federal research programs and that these energy companies were really taking a chance on blue - sky high risk research that might have the potential to shake things up.
If the new administration really wants to restore U.S. manufacturing, fix the trade deficit, and boost innovation, it should leverage the best ideas that come from federal research programs and invest in funding the next big thing.
President Donald Trump today unveiled a 2019 budget request that — once again — calls for eliminating numerous federal research programs, including a fleet of NASA satellites, energy research efforts, and climate and environmental science programs.
A bill (S. 4053) to enlarge and broaden two long - running federal research programs that help high - tech startups was rushed through the Senate by unanimous consent on the morning of the final day of the 111th Congress.
NASA was once a shining star among federal research programs, but the agency's annual budget is collapsing, too — at its lowest in four years at just $ 17.7 billion.
But as the recent court case shows, it is not sturdy enough to support a multimillion - dollar, decades - long federal research program.
It's certainly conceivable that Soon's work was too radical for standard federal research programs and that these energy companies were really taking a chance on blue - sky high risk research that might have the potential to shake things up.
She addressed some of the familiar criticisms about the federal research programs in a recent article titled: «Federally - supported education research doesn't need a do - over.»
So there is a contradiction buried in the report: it recommends the initiation of a federal research program into albedo modification but does not give a plausible analysis of the circumstances in which the solar shield might be deployed.
Most notably, the new strategy aims to enhance the federal research program's science - for - society component by informing decision - makers with good scientific communication.
This is about as comprehensive a synthesis of what is known about these problems as has been put out by the federal research program.
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