Sentences with phrase «feedback like this»

It means more than you know to get feedback like this.
We continually strive to provide a superior service for every customer and it makes it all worthwhile when we receive positive feedback like yours.
Several have told us that they've never received feedback like this before.
Not only do most recognition approaches treat feedback like a formal event, administered by managers from on high, they also fail to acknowledge how that hard work often involves helping someone else.
I'm guessing it is because you used almond flour as I haven't had any other feedback like this.
It's how you get results and I ever get tired of feedback like this.
Surely you have encounter some folks who never saw a negative feedback they liked?
Frequent real - time feedback like that can be a powerful tool for managers and executives, according to those following the trend in the field.
I always appreciate feedback like this and have to say nothing is too embarrassing to share (especially if it helps someone else).
While I suppose feedback like «good job» is appreciated, it does not inspire the student to take the next step in his or her learning.
Only feedbacks like yours help us to improve our way of work.
It must be cool to get feedback like that from people who've read your books and connected with them on that level.
I love it when I here positive feedback like this so thank you for taking the time to tell me.
I can't tell you how much it means to me to receive feedback like this.
This should only vary in time for situations were the time period is too short for the timescales of, say, cumulus convection (weeks) or for ~ very ~ slow feedbacks like CO2 outgassing.
Our supporters are also raving about it with feedback like, «I REALLY like how well the design and organization communicate the essentials of our message» and «This report looks gorgeous!
It also uses some haptic feedback like Apple's iPhones to create a virtual feeling of pressing a home button, though it only works on the very specific spot where the software home button appears.
It's great feedback like yours that keeps me going
Try not to complete sentences or interrupt your child's speech, just give him time with good eye contact and appropriate non-verbal feedback like patiently nodding your head.
Most video - game - playing AIs use reinforcement learning to develop a strategy, relying on feedback like game points to tell them when they are playing well.
I was observed, but I didn't get targeted feedback like I do now,» said Davida Smith - Keita, an English teacher at Manassas High School with eight years on the job.
If you recently had a positive or Truly Exceptional experience at Toyota Chula Vista that you would like to share with other prospective customers, we would truly appreciate the time taken to visit any of the sites below to leave your feedback
No matter what genre they read, good beta readers can provide valuable feedback like:
Some authors need feedback like they need air.
No author wants to send their book out to betas and get back feedback like, «Yeah, it was good.»
I've had some lovely feedback like: «Dear Dave, I just have to say how inspiring your newsletter is to me with the wealth of information and the testimonials.
Valuable feedback like yours helps us to know the we are delivering the standard we aim towards.
Sakurai: Mostly I don't incorporate feedback like that.
The feel is more convincing, more coherent, and it slots in perfectly with games that have well - programmed force feedback like Gran Turismo Sport.
Still, user interface designer Lukas Mathis says you should consider using feedback like an hourglass or spinner for anything that takes longer than.1 seconds.
Alexa had no trouble answering my queries, but the interaction was purely conversational, with no visual feedback like you get with Google Assistant.
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