Sentences with phrase «feel a sense of accomplishment for»

Dark Souls II is high risk and high to low reward at its purest, but those that suffer through each challenge will feel a sense of accomplishment for defeating what has been called one of the hardest games to date.
I guess it's also a time to feel a sense of accomplishment for all the people who have dedicated their lives long before it was so cool to be ecologically conscious.

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But the sense of pride, accomplishment and joy are greater than my reticence — it brought tears to my eyes — I feel so glad for you.
Sticker charts can be motivating for toddlers and helps them to feel a sense of accomplishment.
After nursing for many months or even a year, you may feel a great sense of pride and accomplishment at all you've given your baby through breastfeeding, and rightly so!
I felt such a sense of accomplishment and, after 10 months of waiting for the baby, there no better feeling than to have the process go quickly and smoothly.
The Legislature Failed To Do Enough To Overcome A Scandal - Plagued Session That Will Be Remembered For The Wrong Reasons The 2015 legislative session ends with too many lawmakers leaving Albany with a feeling of relief, rather than a sense of accomplishment.
Once you have mastered side splits you will feel a great sense of pride in your accomplishment and although the time taken to nail it varies for each individual many people manage it in as little time as 2 - 3 months so why not follow this plan and master it yourself?
This stretch is an iconic demonstration of flexibility and as such it is the one stretch that everybody associates with extreme suppleness so once you have mastered it you will feel a great sense of pride in your accomplishment and although the time taken to nail it varies for each individual many people manage it in as little time as six weeks
Mr. Mother Thyme and I have been taking advantage of the nice weather preparing the flower beds for summer and now I feel a sense of accomplishment.
From a mental and physical perspective, every one of my Yin practices continues to have its challenges, but I feel a sense of accomplishment as I progress further into the postures; my ability to hold, and fold into them calmly for longer periods, has improved.
The addition of single player challenges is a great way for Dr. Mario enthusiasts to test their abilities and feel a well - earned sense of accomplishment upon completion.
I did say you fight monsters for like an hour sometimes... that is a battle and challenge and yes you do feel a real sense of accomplishment when you beat one.
To get high marks you really have to work at it, and although I felt it to be far too frustrating for my own liking, but when I did get my first 5 star rating it was still a major sense of accomplishment and relief.
Deanna Spagnuolo, apps onboarder for the eCommerce platform Shopify, noted in a blog post [2] that users «love feeling that sense of accomplishment» that comes with being able to put what they've downloaded to use.
«Think of the engaging elements of why people play games — it's not just for the points — it's for the sense of engagement, immediate feedback, feeling of accomplishment, and success of striving against a challenge and overcoming it.
I feel a sense of accomplishment having made it this far, so I'm happy to sell it to allow me to focus on my other book startups, for Netflix - style book rental - by - mail and for rewarding readers to discover the best free kindle books.
Nioh takes the flash of previous hack - and - slash games and adds the sense of accomplishment Souls players so often feel when combat finally seems to come together for them.
For me personally (I realize that I'm old - school and look at most things through that lens), most games today don't give me a sense of accomplishment because I feel they're too easy
In spite of this, I still felt an exhilarating sense of accomplishment when I didn't have to check for solutions for any of the puzzles (barring one instance where a glitch meant that my puzzle solution, while correct, did not activate as it should have).
I felt a great sense of accomplishment for being able to surpass the challenge and this is no doubt where the game succeeds.
The reason for this is because the developers claim that the grinding will feel more «meaningful» and give players a sense of «accomplishment», which is similar to what EA and DICE said about implementing the loot box progression system in Star Wars: Battlefront II.
It was very satisfying to win among such strong competition, and for the rest of the trip after the award ceremony I felt a sense of euphoria and accomplishment.
Learning to be a safe and competent driver will be an enjoyable experience for you, and will give you the sense of responsibility, feeling of accomplishment, and attitude of liberty that having a driver's license brings with it.
On the other hand, if you find yourself feeling a real sense of accomplishment when a colleague grasps a new concept or makes real progress on a piece of work because of your input, then management is a natural step for you.
While you may feel an initial sense of accomplishment, casting a random, wide net probably won't give you the results you're looking for in your job search.
This way, even if you don't get a particular job you can still feel a sense of accomplishment in making it to the interview stage, or making a new contact, for example.
However, the sense of pride and accomplishment that most investors feel after completing a flip can lead to unrealistic expectations for how much money it should sell for.
After feeling extra crazy for what seemed like forever Micah and I wanted to finish off the family room built - in cabinets to give ourselves a sense of accomplishment and sanity.
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