Sentences with phrase «feel about green smoothies»

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Mellissa — My BFF got me started 2 years ago on LC - i've been up and down — my weakness is good beer and Rye — SO to stay strong I started really looking for easy things — I had tried the Keto, but found myself just feeling always yucky - so I'm doing 30g — a few weeks ago I found this smoothie and i am in LOVE I actually bag up all my ingredients and freeze them (no greens) so all I have to do is pull and blend I put about 10oz in a shaker bottle with protein powder and Chia seeds.
The world of plant - based home cooking used to feel quite lonely when we first started this blog back in 2010 (back when it was considered wild to post about things like chia pudding and green smoothies).
That's why I'm all about health hacks that make me feel great in my body from the inside out — like adding healthy fats to my coffee to taking in my caffeine and breakfast all in one (more on that below) and adding greens powder to some water, nut milk, or tossed in a smoothie with ice to get a megadose of nutritious greens, vitamins, and minerals in a single scoop.
It's really worth taking the time to check in to see if there are things you're taking in - on TV, online, on your social media or wherever you have control of the feed - that aren't serving you - and aren't making you feel as good about yourself as those green smoothies do.
Feel free to ask me any questions about this contest, about green smoothies, or anything on your mind by commenting below!
But all the green smoothies and cross-fit in the world won't make us like ourselves any more, or compensate for painful feelings that we need to express, or make what feels wrong about our lives really go away.
To add an extra boost (since I also feel good about myself when I eat green) I added a big handful of spinach to the smoothie.
Also great for anyone (kids or adults) who doesn't like veggies, just sneak a scoop of PhytoGreens into a smoothie and never feel guilty again about not eating your greens.
She talks about mixing this with your green smoothies, do you feel that okay for beauty pairing, or better to drink rejuvelac on its own?
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