Sentences with phrase «feel about each of your children»

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Twenty - two percent of parents chose not to share their knowledge because they felt they didn't know enough about their child's career, while the same percentage said they didn't feel their child would listen.
«It is an ongoing process where parents perform the activities with their children, and they talk with their children about how they felt,» said Dwight Burlingame, a professor of philanthropic studies at
Even Steve Jobs, the poster child for fearless empire - building, reportedly felt insecure about his achievements much of the time.
How does the church feel about IVF that results in the termination of many un-implanted embryos but also gives infertile couples a chance at having a child?
Then in 2015 Mr Page gave an interview to the BBC about freedom of religion where he reiterated his original position, saying: «My responsibility as a magistrate, as I saw it, was to do what I considered best for the child, and my feeling was therefore that it would be better if it was a man and woman who were the adopted parents.»
I am ashamed to admit that neither I nor anyone else suggested that the issue was not one of feeling or figuring but that there just might be a preexistent truth about the nature of an unborn child.
Although he sympathized with the civil rights movement and actively opposed the Vietnam War» he was (with Richard John Neuhaus) a member of the steering committee of Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam» he felt increasingly alarmed at the radicalism of the Movement, which reminded him of the street violence he had witnessed as a child in Nazi Germany.
Since there still is about 5 % of people who do not share the production of oxytocin in the brain, which has been called the empathy chemical, on stimulus which means they would feel nothing after stealing a childs candy because they are chemically unable to relate to the child and all they can think about is that they now have the candy.
To hold that same - sex marriage is part of the fundamental right to marry, or necessary for giving LGBT people the equal protection of the laws, the Court implicitly made a number of other assumptions: that one - flesh union has no distinct value in itself, only the feelings fostered by any kind of consensual sex; that there is nothing special about knowing the love of the two people whose union gave you life, whose bodies gave you yours, so long as you have two sources of care and support; that what children need is parenting in some disembodied sense, and not mothering and fathering.
You could feel their love for these children present in the room with us, it was warm and gentle and I think that's sort of what the Bible means when it talks about how we'll be known by our love, everything we do can feel like loving.
If you have other children, they should also have opportunities to talk or play through their feelings — jealousy about special treatment of him, nonrational guilt about being unhandicapped, a sense of family stigma.
(One of the reasons I feel nervous about having children is because I still haven't resolved these questions in my mind.)
(iii) you are a complete blowhard who has never studied one subject of university level biology, never been on an archaeological dig, never studied a thing about paleontology, geology, astronomy, linguistics or archaeology, but feel perfectly sure that you know more than the best biologists, archaeologists, paleontologists, doctors, astronomers botanists and linguists in the World because your mommy and daddy taught you some comforting stories from Bronze Age Palestine as a child.
• Be honest with your children about the depth of the pain he or she will feel.
I love watching animated movies in theaters full of children where I feel less insecure about laughing super-loud and gasping at scary scenes.
In it, the reader mentioned the fact that sometimes she felt insecure about her decision to pursue a family life before a career, explaining how challenging it can be to find time to write amidst the craziness of having young children at home.
Although parents (and indeed governors and teachers) are often uneasy about early or explicit SRE or providing access to family planning services, their feelings are sometimes ambiguous due to a concern that, if they do not follow such a course, children will be at greater risk of underage pregnancy.
Bringing a child late to his sessions, canceling them at the drop of a hat, making the child feel guilty about the money being spent, undermining the child's confidence in the counselor, are all subtle ways of sabotage.
A small child need only be informed of the plans and helped to deal with his feelings about it.
Reacting to the findings, Rev Dr Sandra Millar, head of life events at the Church of England told Premier: It can feel like the pressure to do something material for them [children] is overwhelming but actually, in the long - term, when we look back at our parents, what we remember about our mums are those values [they taught].»
It is easy for parents to feel left out, or angry, or doubtful about the value of it when their child is involved in counseling.
Gary Johnson said he felt «time sort of froze» when his older brother asked him about what he had kept a secret since he was a child.
Another member said she was helped to discover that other members also had feelings of anxiety about their children.
I don't know about you, but I think it's more humane to terminate a cluster of cells that lacks the ability to feel pain than it is to insist that a child be born into a situation where it is unwanted, unloved, unprotected and may end up abused or dead.
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
Early in development children are taught by example, if not by word of mouth, to conceal their real feelings about many things.
This means facing honestly such issues as their emotional maturity, capacity to bear the responsibilities of child - rearing, and their deep feelings about each other.
To this day, I continue to feel rushed and afraid, (not to mention completely paranoid about birth control), despite my husband's insistence that we will share the responsibility of raising children equally.
Would legalizing euthanasia / PAS affect the way we think about mental and physical decline, about suffering, about the obligations of adult children to their parents or of how parents needing care feel toward their children?
However one feels personally about sm.u.t, I hope we can all agree that is the healthiest example of it... As for the «won't somebody think of the children
When children do not share the values and attitudes of parents about sexuality, marriage, or family, parents feel they have failed.
but thats not what i'm talking about... i am discussing the god you claim to worship... even if you believe jesus was god on earth it doesn't matter for if you take what he had to say as law then you should take with equal fervor words and commands given from god itself... it stands as logical to do this and i am confused since most only do what jesus said... the dude was only here for 30 years and god has been here for the whole time — he has added, taken away, and revised everything he has set previous to jesus and after his death... thru the prophets — i base my argument on the book itself, so if you have a counter argument i believe you haven't a full understanding of the book — and that would be my overall point... belief without full understanding of or consideration to real life or consequences for the hereafter is equal to a childs belief in santa which is why we atheists feel it is an equal comparision... and santa is clearly a bs story... based on real events from a real historical person but not a magical being by any means!
The report also found that one in five young parents worry about the prospect of their child self - harming or feeling suicidal and only 10 per cent of parents would turn to a children's charity or a church for support.
He asked each member what first name she liked to use, inquired into the ages of the children represented, introduced himself, and then said: «Well, how do you feel about being here in this group?»
The group succeeded in reaching a feeling level, discussing such matters as their perceptions of each other, feelings about having children as this relates to marital intimacy, and the grief experience of one member.
Parents who have a relatively comfortable feeling about their own bodies and a firm sense of autonomy transmit these affirming feelings to their children during this stage.
During these times, they talk about their inner feelings and about the practical decisions they can make to help reduce the pressure of Roger's job and allow Karen to use her energies and abilities as the children leave.
(iii) you are a complete blowhard who has never studied one subject of university level biology, never been on an archeological dig, never studied a thing about paleontology, geology, astronomy, linguistics or archeology, but feel perfectly sure that you know more than the best biologists, archeologists, paleontologists, doctors, astronomers botanists and linguists in the World because your mommy and daddy taught you some comforting stories from Bronze Age Palestine as a child.
Stock imagines musical parents turning their children into prodigies, and a parent who «feels so good about his optimism and energy that he may want more of it for his child
If he sees a child about to fall into a well, he feels immediate alarm and commiseration; but the feeling of humanities does not extend only to his «brothers.»
The report for the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) found almost three quarters of parents feel anxious about their child starting school.
Basic attitudes and feelings about sex (and the physical side of human life in general) are caught by children in the home.
The minister indicated that his wife and he had these feelings about their oldest child, but that children are remarkably resilient and that becoming aware of errors in the past often creates the opportunity to make up for them in the present.
I am wholeheartedly in favour of initiatives which support parents in teaching their own children about puberty, at home and in the way they feel is most appropriate.
I wondered when we would know better how to help children more widely in schools and homes to understand their feelings, and when we would be able to help parents understand theirs, so that the boys and girls now growing up might know not only about tanks and bullets but about the most powerful of all weapons for both good and evil — the human feelings that propel us, if we do not understand them, into hating in place of loving, into killing instead of creation.
But a freedom and openness about the existence of feelings in parents helps children to be able to own their own feelings and increases parent - child intimacy.
The third period often occurs during the middle years — the forties and fifties — when the exodus of the children confronts the couple with their own relationship, in the context of their feelings about aging.
I've never thought of believing in my soul merely as a way to eternal life and I wasn't taught as a child about my soul or the Bible - for as long as I can remember I felt communion with the earth and nature, and was fully aware of my soul and spirit, years before I ever learned of such things in the Bible.
I feel bad about all those years of wasting money because it did and does affect my husband and children.
If multiple adults are asking embarrassing questions while the child is still on the grounds of the church or the school, the child may begin to associate negative feelings with the place where they are being asked about the abuse.
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