Sentences with phrase «feel are the right»

In an era of petty politics and cabinet ministers who put their principles second to their allegiances, Flaherty drew strength — even joy — from doing what he felt was right.
«We feel it is the right thing to do,» said Blair Cromwell, a Wal - Mart spokeswoman.
I felt that was the right thing to do.»
While Hickenlooper later clarified that he was excitedly pursuing the headquarters because he felt it was the right thing for the city and state, he allowed that some citizens would feel «a sense of relief if they choose somewhere else because there are a lot of challenges and lot of hard work we will be avoiding.»
If combining categories makes it seem to complicated for you, then certainly stick with the categories you feel are right.
He did what he felt was right for him.
ok you read the Bible and you know and feel it's right, and sure I believe you; now, there's lots of people that read the Bible and understands it differently and feel they are right, people that read the Qu «ran and feel it to be true, lots of people that read Buddhist texts and feel the same, lots of people that feels and sees and know for sure they are right and I believe them.
I think it would be a VERY responsible decision to terminate the pregnancy, if they both feel that's the right thing to do.
I believe there must be about 1,324 varying opinions on each and every verse in the Bible, and of course, everyone feels theirs is the right (and only) way to interpret it.
You and your religion hate the infidels who refuse to convert to Islam or follow your religion, while my religion feels it's your right to believe in whatever you want as long as it doesn't intrude on anyone else's rights or life.
I am glad you found a solution to your bloody problem and feel it's your right to use contraceptives as you wish.
Over incarnations, if one leads a moral life and chooses a spiritual path that he feels is right for him, he is sure to find God.
I am glad you found a solution to your problem and feel it's your right to use contraceptives as you wish.
You may feel it's wrong to steal, but if another person feels it's right to steal, you have no objective reference by which to say he is wrong and you are right; you are at an impasse.
Interesting how having faith means setting aside all normal human decency and refusing others rights to interpret the «word of god» as they feel is right and correct.
Anyway, do what you feel is right regardless of the pressure, and I wish you best of luck with whatever you decide
The only time I feel it's right to infringe on free will is if the action being taken is illegal or will cause undue harm to another.
Since that time, I've come to the conclusion that most of the time people say «God spoke to me to do this or say this or take this job, etc,» it's just Christianize code for «this is what I feel is the right thing to do.»
Funny how those folks were «devout» in either the Christian, Muslim and Hebrew faith and feel they are right to do so for their «real» god.
Nowadays, morality is addressed in terms of «empathy» or doing «what you FEEL is right»... but morality is OBjective, not SUBjective, and God is the One to let us know what that morality is... not what you «think»...
And parents are allowed to teach their children whatever they feel is right.
Religious leaders know that people want to feel they're right.
Why can't we all just mind our own business when it comes to peoples bedrooms and wedding albums, neither side get's to preach in schools, though I understand how you would think of it as the atheist getting his way by just not having you preach your God to his children in a publicly funded school, but he's not sending an atheist spokesman to influence your children, he just doesn't feel it's right to allow the religious spokesman into the schools to influence any children on his tax dollar.
The idea of being tolerant is linked to the idea of subjective morality (do whatever you FEEL is right).
It is not you as a new organizations job to report what you feel is right or wrong in our «FAITH».
when i feel converted to confusion, or face struggle, the best way out for me is to just stop struggling, and just surrender and submit and just float back into reversion to my most natural state, what I feel is right, is right, what i feel is wrong, must be wrong for I am not able to avert anything, nothing is within my control and I am in the hand of my creator.
Actually, non-believers that do good deserve far more credit than Christians because they do it because they feel it's right, rather than due to bribes (heaven) and threats (hell).
Doesn't that mean that they actually drew upon their own consciences and senses of compassion to do what they felt was right, directly contrary to what the Bible and common Christian thinking at the time suggested?
This is barbaric and I hope Iran lets go off this man and let him practice and preach whatever he feels is right.
You then say «We decide what is right or wrong», that means I can pour boiling water on a puppy's head if I feel it is the right thing to do?
It is men who have «taken what they want» and «discarded the rest» that embark on religious crusades, and pogroms, and persecution of their neighbors, and who practice their pedophilic filth and perversion in the Houses of the Lord because their false idols of personal vaingloriousness tell them that everything they're doing is somehow acceptable, because they're doing «what they feel is right», instead of doing what they are told.
Good on you — this is a brave step but personally, I feel it is the right one — please don't be discouraged but I have felt the edge a little rounded lately on your blogs — so this is meant to be encouragement that you are taking the right step.
I help others not because a church says it's the right thing to do but rather because I personally feel it's the right thing to do.
Belief in general should be about what you feel is right otherwise in the end you will just play lip service to it then feel bad when you violate it later which most people usually do.
Since whatever I feel is right, and good feelings are from God, I am always justified without recourse to tradition or reason.
We currently ammend our laws to fit what society feels is right or punishable, is this not in a way a moral standard itself?
When I proved a theorem, I felt a rush of emotion, I deeply felt it was right.
Why did she feel it's her right to force her beliefs on others that may have appreciated the piece for what it was.
First, we have to test our own heart, and even if we feel we are right, there is only one who is righteous and that is Jesus, and even though He had no sin he chose to be sin by taking the blame Himself.
Trying to stop doing the things you don't feel are right and not doing the things that you feel you aught to do is nothing new Paul had the same problem.
We can not just «ignore» those who believe since they feel it's their right to shove their fairy tale belief down our throats.
LinCA — What Me is saying is that while both sides feel they are right both sides have their extremist that put forth the image of open arrogance to anyone who does not share their views.
You said, «What Me is saying is that while both sides feel they are right both sides have their extremist that put forth the image of open arrogance to anyone who does not share their views.»
For my wife and me it was a choice we felt was right for us and we have not regretted our decision.
It is a critical lens of legitimacy through which the enlightened libertarian can view the world, and gives the libertarian the ability to take a stand on what he feels is right and wrong.
«judge not lest ye be judged» rock it lilmoma do what you feel is right in your heart and let God be your judge..
He did what HE felt was right, which is all that matters.
How about she be allowed to stand up for what she feels is right without some man trying to hold her back?
no god, no religion, no compass but «whatever I feel is right for me.»
So while I don't like that religious groups attempt to control what others do, so long as they aren't doing it in government (or directly infringing on others rights, which is generally against the law anyway) they are free to do as they feel is right.
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