Sentences with phrase «feel ashamed about feeling»

(On a side note, many people, especially men, feel ashamed about feeling lonely or needing their partner.

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But instead of feeling ashamed about your lack of savings, just start by saving something.
«Other people are struggling with that as well, and these feelings are totally ok and nothing to feel ashamed about
Maybe she was so ashamed that she felt the need to make up a cockamamie story about divine impregnation.
We can feel judged and ashamed about our lack of relationship with God, which makes us not want to share how we feel.
Religion should be ashamed for making these people feel bad about how they feel naturally.
I am ashamed to admit that neither I nor anyone else suggested that the issue was not one of feeling or figuring but that there just might be a preexistent truth about the nature of an unborn child.
But there were secrets and habits that I felt too ashamed to talk about, and I didn't know how to break them.
You're as God made you and there's no reason to feel ashamed about it.
I do not recall feeling scared or ashamed or superior or confident about this difference.
I have think I may have sinned deliberately, I sinned today or yesterday at 1 am with my own will to watch pornography and spill my seed, and three days after that I seen some images on my friends facebook page and I noticed these images which caused me to have lustful intent and I went to these images and looked at them then when to go spill my seed elsewhere, and then I did the same thing before when I recently became christian but that time I did it three times, I, m 18 years old and I felt convicted when I had done them i didn't feel right, because I felt grievy, and I didn't know anything about willfully sinning until I read this article and I, m still learning and i feel ashamed and scared of my eternity.
I recall feeling ashamed at my part with bombing civilians and burdened with guilt about that in spite of my discharge from the Air Force being honourable and my conduct being exemplary.
I'm not talking about pride getting in the way or feeling so ashamed that you can't bring yourself to repent for it because you automatically assume that God won't forgive you.
But that's not a bad thing or anything to feel ashamed about.
The part I feel ashamed about, is for many years I sat quiet, and saw some very serious abuses take place by leaders.
It leaves one feeling disjointed and separated, unconnected and even ashamed about one's body.
I don't know about you, but growing up as a Protestant, I was under the impression that all Catholics went to hell.Looking back, I feel really ashamed of this assumption.
Anyone who even thinks about suicide typically feels deeply ashamed, but Christians in this situation have even more guilt heaped upon them due to the way suicide is usually treated as the gravest of sins.
I know that it is very important to have a healthy sex life in marriage nor do I feel ashamed to discuss sex or even think about it.
If we make him too ashamed to think them consciously, he'll feel them in his unconscious where he is unaware of them and so can do nothing about them.
«You should be ashamed about how you feel» certainly does not equate to «People should be ashamed of what they did» either.
Losing to them is nothing to feel ashamed about.
We beat them and they felt ashamed about us beating them.
The other day, T and I got in a screaming stand - off about which I feel truly ashamed.
I really loved Natasha's (Natural Urban Mama's) post about this,, because she calls attention to the fact that women are feeling so guilty and ashamed about their parenting choices that they are projecting it onto this issue when it is so obviously not about that.
If you feel ashamed of your body and you want to make sure that they don't feel ashamed of theirs, then don't act very shamy about it.
I feel slightly ashamed that I didn't know anything about the Nestle boycott until today, when someone in our office (I'm in Oxford in the UK) said we shouldn't be buying Nescafe because of the African baby scandal.
If I feel man is attractive I will be all over him like I used to but he made me feel so rejected, skinny, then fat and ugly, that I just feel ashamed of even thinking about asking for some.
The boy «has come to feel ashamed and guilty about breastfeeding as a result of his being removed from his mother's care due to their nursing.
Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask about movement changes.
An interview with best selling author Dr. Cara Natterson offering advice for parents on how they can talk to boys about their bodies as they enter puberty and express their feelings without feeling ashamed.
Don't make a big deal about it because scolding him only teaches him to feel ashamed of his body and giggling encourages him to continue his streaking antics.
Not because I was ashamed, or worried about what people might think or say but just because naturally I am a very private person and just felt more comfortable doing it elsewhere.
It is nothing I feel ashamed about or have the urgent need / desire to change.
When you show him it isn't a secret, he's less likely to feel ashamed or embarrassed about his disability and he's more likely to feel comfortable in his own skin when he knows you're OK talking about it.
With fingers perched on the button that will change the fate of their marriage (and their life), the last thing they want is for someone to come along and talk them out of it or try to make them feel awful or ashamed about wanting to make a break.
In Europe the is an obsession sometimes about having the baby sleep in his / her own room, and people feel ashamed when they say that the kid still sleep in the room with them (parents).
Remember, kids often don't tell adults about bullying because they feel embarrassed, ashamed, or confused.
Don't make her feel ashamed, don't exile her to the bathroom, don't make erroneous assumptions about her motives, don't compare feeding her baby to defecating, don't make hypocritical cultural statements, don't make it harder to do than it already is.
Become informed, but then make your own decision and trust your feelings and feel good about and not ashamed of your decision.
So, today as I am thinking about my reactions, and feeling ashamed and unkind, I wanted to make an intentional decision to do a better job next time.
First, I don't believe any parent should feel ashamed about the food they are able (or are not able) to provide to their child.
It's really great to have them supporting us and, but I am a part of this broader culture that we live in our community and so I do feel like the whole thing I mentioned about kind of not really liking to breastfeed in public and Rose you mentioned how you don't tell people often how you breastfeed until four and it kind of makes me sad because I think you know, if everyone else in the world is doing it until 4, maybe everyone else here is doing until 4 and we just, we are all too ashamed or maybe we would kind of be, if I would be a little more brave about it, I would find a different circle of people that I am not so different from.
Rather than only focusing on the risks and making people feel ashamed about their bodies, it's time to start promoting positive information and resources to empower women to make healthy decisions.
You even start to feel confused, guilty and ashamed by these thoughts, dreaming at night about bad things happening to your pregnancy or, worse, to your baby.
This is nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about.
By allowing myself to feel ashamed and fib about my decision, I only made it more difficult for other women to be honest about their choices.
PS — I totally get what Madge is saying but I would worry that any kind of consequential language in this realm could backfire — it really feels like a lack of control / power thing to me (which is I guess sometimes the root of bullying behavior) but consequences could make him feel both more powerful (he gets more attention from his request) AND more ashamed (about peeing etc.) I would re-inforce two things: 1) his own control / power over his own body (that means being totally ok with having an accident) AND 2) another person's right to privacy (he has no right to talk to another person about their own bathroom behavior)
No one should be forced to feel ashamed of their bodies, yet our society has taught women to be sheepish and apologetic about their form (especially if it doesn't adhere to a particular social standard).
Although this question is a little ignorant, it's akin to asking «What do Americans think about slavery, do they feel ashamed about it?»
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