Sentences with phrase «feel at peace in»

I can not wait to rid myself of swine and finally feel at peace in my house!
Whether you are lounging on the daybeds or enjoying a barbeque at the alfresco dining set, you will no doubt feel at peace in the tranquil and picturesque grounds.
Many families want their pet to feel at peace in the privacy of their own home until their very last breaths.
Taking your own pulse helps you to re-connect with your spirit and feel at peace in the moment.
As i grew older i became more intellectually and scientifically driven and although i do still go to church when i can its more for me a place when i am having a bad day that is a refuge a place that i just feel at peace in probably because i grew up in a church was there every Sunday and every holy day of obligation with my parents it brings back peacful memories.
I felt at peace in my own space.

Not exact matches

I have no feeling I have any advantage in bringing on world peace, but I am pretty good at dormitories.
It's a «feel good» message that gives everyone warm feelings before they die and go to Hell because the «chaplin» wanted to make sure that they were «at peace» in their current state, and lost sight of the state to follow.
Three - quarters of evangelicals feel a deep sense of spiritual peace at least once a week, up from 68 percent in 2007.
He was well situated in the established church, but didn't feel quite at peace with himself, or with God, in such a position.
This is liberating, if you're like me, because at least as often as I feel deep gratitude and peace in the presence of God, there are times where I feel like I've been cast off.
Looking at this side of the ambiguity, we see a church in which many first - world Christians of our day could feel comfortable and undisturbed: a church that lives without question or resistance in a state founded on violence and made prosperous by the exploitation of less fortunate nations; a church that accepts various perquisites from that state as its due; a church where changing jobs for the sake of peace and justice is seldom considered; a church that constantly speaks in the language of war; a church given to eloquent invective in its internal disputes and against outside opponents; a church quite sure that God will punish the wicked.
When I'm in a good writing stretch, I feel the same way I do when I'm knitting: at peace and fully present.
i can feel love for him throughout my heart and soul... i want to grow old with this man... i am 47 and he is 45... he has never been married... he said there is not a chance of getting back together again regardless of how we feel towards each other because we committed adultery and God will never forgive us and it will be wrong to do so... so am i supposed to go on living my life being so deeply in love with this man i can never have... why would God put him in my life to make me feel so spiritually happy, so wonderful, so at peace with myself and someone I can finally worship Him with just to take him away from me... I've never been with someone who was so religious and i thought this was it... i finally have someone to read the bible with and go to church with and put God first and share things with my self and my daughter as a loving relationship would be....
This is the feeling that I am on good terms with the universe, that I am accepted by and am at peace with that which is, that I belong here and am grounded here in such a way that I can offer hospitality to others.
it is awful because i have no lasting peace in this... beyond healing and then the conviction of sins and a few visions and what what i thought was jesus telling i was forgiven but to have faith in him, [my dad even called me up when this first happened and told me that the spirit had come to him in great power and told him to let me know i was forgiven and saved by his grace - he did not know i was going through this at the time and felt an urgent need to call me with this message] so why can i not get inner confirmation in this and why am i still so afraid....
But as it seems every thing that has happened in this era was - is still stupid and am fed up with but have nothing in hand to change destiny that seems not going good at all and many inoccents will pay the price of faults that they have not made or agreed for... Honestly watching the news that is becoming to be of our area I feel tonight so much depressed and no sight of any glimpse of light to peace on earth for all in general.
I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joints at night, I smoke two joints in the afternoon and it makes me feel alright I smoke two joints in time of peace and two in time of war smoke two joints before I smoke two joints and then I smoke two more
But look at other Islamic Arabs majority countries such Egypt, Sudan, All North African Countries you would find Worship houses for Muslims, Christians, Jews and God know what else and been living for years in Peace and Respect until this Era since WW's + 1948 unjust decisions the world is changing badly separating brothers of one blood in different faith & beliefs become to doubt each other in to some race towards power and dominance over each other in to some Jungle Laws, this has brought negative feeling and emotions among all multi religion cultures that were living and trading in peacPeace and Respect until this Era since WW's + 1948 unjust decisions the world is changing badly separating brothers of one blood in different faith & beliefs become to doubt each other in to some race towards power and dominance over each other in to some Jungle Laws, this has brought negative feeling and emotions among all multi religion cultures that were living and trading in peacepeace...!
And I swear I feel like I'm getting color therapy when drinking this latte — the fluffy, pink foam is so soothing to look at, I'm in a complete state of peace by the time I've taken my last sip.
has done it all, seems very at peace with himself, have to wonder how much fire he has in him still... RDA still feels he has a lot to prove.
But, this confidence is also best supported in a space where a woman can feel at peace and that she is being celebrated in a gentle and beautiful way.
Ultimately, it's about creating the environment in which you feel most safe, most at peace.
«Open adoption is an open heart to learning what the birth mom and adoptive parents need in the relationship to feel worthy, content, and overall, at peace
How could I make this child feel at peace with growing up without her father, BUT, still have sooo many pieces of him glaringly ALIVE IN HER... HOW??»
I'm feeling at peace about this whole process as I've had time for it to sink in about what I'm doing!
Charlie Rae: I went into the birth of my daughter feeling very educated and at peace with my decisions on my care provider and plan to have a natural birth in a hospital setting.
I feel calmer, more at peace in the face of my daughter's tantrums with you.
After over two years, I finally felt at peace with her ability to communicate and glean love in other ways.
With your posts and through the comments and responses of other I now at least have a plan in place, which brings me so much more peace than simply feeling like «I have no idea what to do!!!!» Thank you again, praise God for this resource and I pray for blessings upon your families!
Would my dad have felt so at peace in a house that he had only lived in briefly or that he knew his family might soon lose?
This ongoing rebellion is another consequence of the failed peace process in Congo, which reduced the RCD (at the time occupying a third of the country) to a small network within the apparatus of state and military that felt threatened from many sides.
There have been so many school shootings in recent years, parents will probably never feel totally at peace when they put their kids on the bus again.
A year earlier, the Marquis de Caulaincourt had written that «the need for rest was so universally felt through every class of society, and in the army, that peace at any price had become the ruling passion of the day.»
Take on each day's exercise, and by the end of the week you'll feel more settled and at peace in your mind.
Find one that works for you, and in no time you'll start feeling more relaxed and at peace.
In fact, after you have completed the exercise, you will be able to look at your naked body and feel relaxed, energized and at peace!
If you feel at peace and in joy when you think about a new situation, it's driven from your intuitive guidance.
You can cue up targeted exercises — for calm or focus, for example — in whatever environment that makes you feel most at peace, such as alongside a waterfall, beneath the Northern Lights or even underwater in a coral reef.
IstockphotoSmall changes in your routine can make you feel much more at peace.
In each sequence you will connect the Breath allowing you to Relax & De-stress creating a hormonal harmony necessary to Burn fat & feel at Peace.
Are you at diet rock bottom and longing for food peace yet feel just as stuck in things like mindful eating and intuitive eating?
It wasn't until I became empowered to eat intuitively and became at peace with eating in large gatherings with family and friends that I finally understood how to actually feel light and clear the day after — food baby and carb hangover free at last!
I love savasana because if you really allow yourself to consciously relax, without letting your mind wander all over creation, then you can arrive in this blissful state somewhere between sleep and awake where you feel completely centered and at peace.
In just 1 month of attending on Wednesday nights, I feel more calm and at peace with what is.
I feel and believe that I am at peace with myself, be it temporarily or longer than expected, and that I can rid myself of the poisons in my life and energy.
Not only does it sooth inflammation in the body, but it also acts as a sedative oil, helping one feeling calm and at peace with life.
His goal is to help you find peace and balance in your life by using you as a foundation, working on 1 imbalance at a time until you feel that you are stable in your life and then continue to help you maintain that balance.
It helped me be at peace with myself from issues, feelings and the things that I participated in at war... Through that I have been able to come to peace with some of the things that I did and the way I felt about them.
I discovered Kefir a month ago and I love its taste, but really love how calm and peaceful I feel since taking only about 1/2 cup in a.m. and 1/2 cup in p.m. My intestines feel at peace.
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