Sentences with phrase «feel emotions such»

You might feel emotions such as anger or sadness, or physical symptoms such as weight change or migraines.
«Let them know it's OK to feel emotions such as anger, but some ways of dealing with them are not helpful.
Anyone who has ever had a dog knows that they can also feel emotions such as loneliness and jealousy.
The art of man requires you to feel emotions such as offense, anger, lust, pride.

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In developing their resilience scale, the researchers highlighted traits such as being a good problem - solver, having control over your emotions, being able to maintain a feeling of optimism and a feeling of self - efficacy.
Tap into emotion and ask questions such as, «How would you like to feel the same way Jamie does?
The central concepts of such a facility will help all types of traders develop the required levels of patience, confidence and perseverance that will enable them to control their emotions and gut feelings.
However, if we use the tremendous empathy we feel, when we see such painful and tragic images, to further our resolve to rid the Palestinians (and the world for that matter) of organizations such as Hamas, then it will serve as the powerful and positive emotion that it is.»
This is a very difficult word to translate, for it carries such intense feeling and emotion.
I felt such a rush of emotions at first.
One of the best definitions on forgiveness comes from — of all places — Wikipedia, where it's described as «the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.»
When certain sciences, such as psychology, study particular feelings, they do their work in an objective fashion, i.e., with other people's emotions.
Yet, given this option, whether this abstract mathematical world — which is supposed to explain our particular, individual, personal «feelings, thoughts and emotions,» but which is not supposed to be dependent upon such feelings — whether «such a world [is] merely but one huge fairy tale» (TM 33, cf. 32ff.).
By contrast, those — and they seem primarily to be women — who approach experience intuitively, grasping feeling tone and insisting that value, emotion, and purpose are experienced within reality are usually patted on the head for contributing such insights and then dismissed as too emotional or intuitive to be trusted with contributing anything important about the «real» world.
But look at other Islamic Arabs majority countries such Egypt, Sudan, All North African Countries you would find Worship houses for Muslims, Christians, Jews and God know what else and been living for years in Peace and Respect until this Era since WW's + 1948 unjust decisions the world is changing badly separating brothers of one blood in different faith & beliefs become to doubt each other in to some race towards power and dominance over each other in to some Jungle Laws, this has brought negative feeling and emotions among all multi religion cultures that were living and trading in peace...!
But the passion and emotion that goes into creating a dish, watching someone really enjoy it, is such a great feeling
Unfortunately in the UAE I can't feel such wonderful emotions in full, but I can bring the festive mood and flavours to my home by baking some winter treats.
I am lucky to do it at the club I like so much and feel such a connection with, and maybe that makes me lead the club with a different emotion.
There should be legal actions against media, newspapers, agents or anyone spreading such rumours...... you can't just play with the feelings and emotions of fans for their clubs.....
You can also help him understand that it's okay to have conflicting emotions, such as when he feels both nervous and excited about his new tumbling class.
Other people might notice the symptoms first, which can include changes in appetite and sleep patterns, withdrawal from social activities, increased anxiety, or emotions that are either heightened (such as excessive crying or irritability) or decreased (feeling empty or unconcerned).
«Certainly, experiencing feelings of guilt or regret in the short - term after an abortion is not a mental health problem; in fact, such emotions are a normal part of making a life decision that many women in this study found to be difficult,» the study said.
If your child only expresses negative emotions in your presence, or in specific areas such as only at home, this is a sign that she feels safest with you.
Grief, shame, and anger are just a few of the powerful emotions that may well up in a new mom who feels that she is somehow to blame for not having the birth she worked towards with such high hopes.
It can be frightening to feel such intense emotions or sensations and not know how to handle it.
I never imagined I could feel such a range of emotions, from happiness and love to fear and worry.
Around the preschool years, many kids start to use the word «hungry» to express other feelings such as boredom, loneliness, sadness, or other emotions they don't understand or can't name.
When we ignore feelings, when we say harsh words or forget how scary it can feel to be lost in such big emotions when you are so very small.
And if there are later consequences from a decision not to breastfeed, such as a child who becomes ill with a condition that may have been prevented, the emotion felt is not guilt - but regret.
You may feel strong emotionssuch as anger, sadness, or fear — which is a normal reaction to an unexpected and challenging life event.
Never had I felt such a strange mix of emotions — I was elated to know that at least one of my children was alive but I was so very scared that I was going to experience another loss.
But there will be many who feel that - setting aside these unavoidable emotions - seen through the lens of classic British reserve such tabloid openness about such matters is a little distasteful.
Jim Rehg of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, who has worked on the SenseGlass project, says those who have trouble recognising or expressing their emotions, such as people with autism, might benefit by being able to use the device's measurements to communicate how they are feeling to others.
«Emotions such as guilt about where time is being spent or fear over loss of income both generate stress, and make a person feel more pressed for time than they actually are.»
It teaches patients specific coping skills, such as mindfulness (observing their own thoughts and feelings nonjudgmentally), tolerating distress and mastering negative emotions.
They also feel it is bad if they show emotions such as sadness.
It is not clear whether it is the feeling of disgust that changes a person's confidence in this way, or whether inducing alertness with a different emotion, such as anger or fear, would have the same effect.
Adults who binge eat — defined in the study as eating unusually large amounts of food in an uncontrolled manner without compensatory behaviors such as purging — often struggle with feelings of shame and guilt about their behavior and have difficulty regulating their emotions, studies have found.
We also found that this increased sense of weight was related to participants» heightened feelings of guilt, and not other negative emotions, such as sadness or disgust.
People fear positive emotions for many reasons, such as feeling unworthy or believing good fortune inevitably leads to a fall, according to two new studies.
Soldiers told her that attachment to their robots didn't affect their performance, yet acknowledged they felt a range of emotions such as frustration, anger and even sadness when their field robot was destroyed.
With the resulting software, an animator need only pick out points on their character's face that correspond to points in the model, such as the corners of the lips, then set the activity or emotion the character is feeling, and watch as the face colour changes automatically.
Thanks to his work as a senior scientist with the Gallup Organization, which conducts a huge, ongoing telephone survey in the United States with questions on topics such as how well the president is doing his job and how confident consumers are in the economy, he was able to help write questions about specific emotions people felt the day before they took the survey.
Twenty - six non-lactating women between the ages of 23 and 35 were asked to recall and re-experience a past relationship event that caused them to feel a positive emotion, such as love or infatuation, and a negative emotion, such as loss or abandonment.
Researchers such as Barbara Frederickson at University of Michigan and Rollin McCraty at the Institute of HeartMath have shown that emotions like happiness, gratitude and a sense of meaningfulness not only feel good in our bodies, but they also give us the energy to do great things, even beyond what we might think is possible.
It is gratitude that gives us feelings of contentment, love, and joy which alleviates negative emotions, such as anxiety.
«Diaphragmatic breathing is the essence of how we can control our levels of emotional wellbeing — stimulating the «relaxation response» (parasympathetic nervous system) that is associated with emotions such as peace, love and joy, as opposed to the «fight - or - flight» response (sympathetic nervous system) which can generate feelings of fear and anger.»
However, in order to practice emotional tolerance, we need to be able to feel the emotion first, and avoiding such emotions leaves us that much more dependent on our vice or substance (s).
When we feel any emotion at all, whether that is happiness, anger or sadness, we experience hormonal reactions which create physical reactions such as smiling when we feel happy or crying when we have feelings of sadness.
This is a fast and powerful technique you can use immediately when you begin feeling a stressful emotion such as frustration, irritation, anxiety or anger — and a technique that I'll even use prior to situations when I know I'm going to experience stress, such as an important business meeting, public speaking engagement, tennis match, or triathlon.
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