Sentences with phrase «feel entitled»

One's knowledge and experience are definitely limited and there are seldom more than two or three enterprises at any given time in which I personally feel myself entitled to put full confidence.»
But for those that feel entitled to something for nothing — to «investing without investment» — I'm afraid that I have nothing to offer but an attempt to change their mind and their course.
A procuring cause dispute occurs when the homebuyer or seller has worked with multiple real estate agents in their efforts to buy or sell a home, and multiple agents feel entitled to the commission generated from the purchase or sale conducted by the buyer or seller.
2) lLong term Tenants start to feel entitled to the property and do not always report maintenance issues.
What I find so sad is that you feel entitled to respond to Brian's post here, instead of under the article where he submitted.
Lots of people paying $ 2K + for 1BDR units want pets and feel entitled to them.
Although each parent may feel entitled to a...
In the case of both an order and an agreement, it can be presumed that the parties feel entitled to conduct themselves as if the order or agreement represents something relatively binding.
It's bad enough that many of today's children feel entitled to be part of every discussion their parents have about them, but it's worse when their parents feel ambivalent about exercising proper parental teamwork.
It's a sign that they are in need of social skills, communication skills, or perhaps just healing from their own wounds if this type of behavior was done to them and they feel entitled to do it to others.
She came to feel entitled, and it caused resentment.
That's because these kids don't handle indulgence well and feel entitled (similar to reactive attachment disorder kids during the holidays)
Sure, kids in general tend to feel entitled this time of year.
Unlike typical summer camps, your child won't feel entitled to constant entertainment and will stay busy.
Issues of selfhood We feel entitled to expect our partner's unwavering validation, acceptance and support.
Success in an open adoption means to me that the adoptive parents feel entitled to be the parents of their child, honor whatever contact agreement they have made with birth parents, speak comfortably and with respect about adoption and birth parents and answer questions honestly that children ask, and respect the relationship between birth parents and the child.
Whether or not it's your retirement plan, you feel entitled to some form of financial protection in your elderly days, and thus your desire to maintain at least some part of this benefit is quite profound.
Your individual family culture taught you to be trusting or to be perpetually hyper - vigilant; whether to express feelings or to suffer silently; to be undeserving or to feel entitled; to blend in or to become the target of another person's unhappiness and anger.
As law professor Tim Wu points out in his book The Attention Merchants, consumer capitalism is the most creative force in the contemporary world, able to hijack any personal or collective ideal by turning it into consumer desire, encouraging us to feel entitled to the best possible relationships that require low maintenance and offer high rewards.
The paying parent might feel entitled to deduct the tuition from the monthly child support payment.
It's common for partners not to feel entitled to their dreams, but when you bury a dream, it can lead to resentment and ultimately gridlock.
It can involve things like acknowledging that «you may or may not be right», that «it is probably ridiculous to even bring this up, but...», or that you don't want to start a fight and you know that your partner is «doing many things right, but...» This is different from a more abrupt start up where you communicate that you feel entitled to your complaint and come across as self - rigtheous and accusatory.
It prevents you from having to go into all of the gory details of your divorce with people who barely know you, but still feel entitled to ask prying questions;
The number one reason why couples end up compromising too much is that they don't feel entitled to their feelings, wishes, or thoughts.
Be realistic about your goals and don't feel entitled to the same lifestyle.
It was once believed that openness in adoption would undermine adoptive parents» ability to feel entitled to parent their children, that children would be confused about the roles and rights of their adoptive parents in light of contact with their birth parents, that adoptive parents would lose all sense of control or that birth parents would not be able to successfully resolve their grief and loss in reference to their decision to place their child for adoption.
I never imagined how becoming the primary breadwinner for my family would influence how I feel and what I feel entitled to.
While the laundry - for - sex campaign is meant to be cute, Valenti says «in a culture where men are already taught to feel entitled to women sexually, I don't find it cute in the least.»
Young people — in particular recent college graduates — can often feel entitled, like the job force owes them a position.
How do you show off your accomplishments and skills without coming off that you feel entitled to the job?
You may feel entitled to duck out given your record of providing hours of unpaid overtime to your organisation but that won't impress a potential employer.
The average person doesn't feel entitled to the money, but they do make bad choices out of desperation.
When you've had something to which you feel entitled (the right to vote, electrical power, preferential treatment because of your race or gender, etc.) and then lose it, you grow angry and self - destructive.
We never feel entitled to anyone's business.
As such, if you're a healthy individual who is deemed overweight, you probably still feel entitled to a discount or preferred rate.
You may feel entitled to a $ 3,000 insurance check, since that is what you originally paid for the TV, but that's not how it always works.
You want to make good money, but by contributing to the growth and success of the business, not because you feel entitled to it in some way.
With a lot of «working poor» in Louisiana, Donelon has noted that those in auto accidents see ads by lawyers saying they will get them money and feel entitled to get a big check for a minor accident.
While we may feel entitled to get into chambers as quickly as we feel necessary, arguably this is not an absolute right in all cases just by virtue of our status as lawyers.
But you know that tolerance only goes so far and as the client I do feel entitled to test their support structure so that the busy work that they delegate I know it's being handled efficiently.
If my company can be billed for it, I feel entitled to audit it.
The firms faring poorly will make excuses: response rates are low and negatively biased; the poll captures attitudes from a generation of young attorneys who feel entitled, and... you know the list.
In short, knowing the law does nothing to stop whatever the police at that particular moment feel entitled to do.
The biggest myth, Rikleen says, is the idea that millennials feel entitled.
If you have been hurt and feel entitled to a settlement, contact an experienced Springfield pedestrian accident attorney at your earliest convenience.
Some family members may feel entitled to a certain property, while others may be excluded from the entire distribution process.
As major business generators, they feel entitled to the role and can corral the votes to get what they want.
So if you've pledged some money to Greenpeace, you feel entitled to enjoying the convenience of a plastic bag.
Once elected, our representatives feel entitled to become part of an elite class.
It is entitlement narcissism and so great is the self - proclaimed right of all catastrophist - junkies of Western academia to believe whatever they choose to believe that they feel entitled to lie to the rest of us if it suits them.
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