Sentences with phrase «feel guilty about it as»

If I'm honest, now I struggle to fit it in but I don't feel guilty about it as I know I will get there again.
My life has been so frenetic since this poor kid was born eight weeks ago, and I've been feeling guilty about that as well as overwhelmed with the amount of crap I need to do.
There are enough things to feel guilty about as a parent without having the food nazís on your back.

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Yes, but as I wrote a few weeks ago, that's not something to feel guilty about.
In fact Eat Stop Eat does not involve binging, guilty feeling about food, or using fasting as a form of punishment.
It's as though they are looking for a way to avoid having to give their money to help the poor, and to avoid feeling guilty about not doing it either.
But religious leaders spend almost as much time making you feel guilty about actually thinking, than they do raising money from the non-thinkers.
They see this as bad and feel guilty about this control.
Not every way of communication honors the truth: sometimes the manner in which something gets conveyed subverts reality, as when a preacher says all the right words about God's love but in a tone of voice and with a concluding string of «oughts» (therefore we ought to do this and we ought to do that) that makes you feel guiltier than ever.
I doubt if such a presentation of the Christian gospel is other than a palliative for those who are insecure, as well as offering a sort of reassurance to people who have been induced (often by quite dubious techniques) to feel enormously guilty about themselves.
None of the things I say or write about are intended to make people feel guilty or like they are not living up to their full potential, or like they are disappointing God, or not doing everything they should be doing as a follower of Jesus.
Just as we kids always felt guilty and bad about ourselves in his presence, the parishioners were always uneasy and felt guilty in relation to him.
«I don't know,» she replied, «except that I have always felt guilty about being as happy as I am.
Hi Liz, thank you I love to nibble on it throughout the day it's great as I don't feel too guilty about it with all the healthy add ins
I don't even feel too guilty about letting family members munch these as breakfast!
These make a great snack for mid morning as they are not overly sweet, so you don't need to feel to guilty about anything.
If you feel guilty about eating «donut holes» for an afternoon snack, feel free to think of them as cinnamon bliss energy balls instead.
Adding the extra ingredients won't even make you feel guilty about passing them off as your own!
I'm guilty of using a lot of refined sugars when I bake, but I tend to bake for gatherings or meetings, so I don't feel as bad about it.
I don't feel quite as guilty about this as I should, as I managed to share some of the orange cake with a friend as well as CT and there is still a substantial quantity left.
So happy your site is not so much about making us all feel guilty as much as it is about good food, smart ideas and fun!
As I wait for the late rush, I'm feeling guilty about how I treated Waffle House employees when I was a snotty teenager.
Finally I would point out that other clubs like Chelsea and Man United are much more guilty for what we might call cheating, so I am not going to feel bad for Pulis about Arsenal, especially as he was in charge of Stoke when they rightfully earned the tag of being a rugby team, are you?
So I just don't get the «too much pressure to breastfeed» when all around me are images of bottles, ads for formula telling me a happy feeding makes a happy mom, bottlefeeding moms, moms and doctors and nurses telling new moms that formula is «just as good» and «not to feel guilty», women getting «the look» for nursing in public, or feeling weird about doing it (I sure did)-- to me, any pressure out there is NOT to breastfeed, or do it as little as possible (not if it's not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime...)
Other suggestions: spend some time alone with your baby just holding her and letting her fall asleep on your chest, which can be incredibly relaxing, talk to your wife even if you are concerned about upsetting her as you are a team, keep in mind that your anxiety is driven by your desire to be a good father - this you should be proud of and not feel guilty about, and read up on anxiety so you know what you are dealing with (my personal favorite is Dale Carnegie's How To Stop Worrying, a classic).
my baby fell off the bed one time while i was there on the bed with her, since that day i never put her on my bed ever again accident can happens anytime but if it'll happen more than ones or twice it'll be hard to consider it as an accident anymore sorry but this is one of the reasons why co sleeping with an infant is not advisable maybe wait tell the baby gets older for co-sleeping but for now sounds like you need to put your baby in a safe place for him to sleep in, please do not wait until something bad happens to your baby before you do something in my own opinion letting baby fall off the bed 5 times is not acceptable, my baby fell off the bed when she was 7 months that was 5 months ago and until now i still feel guilty about it.
The boy «has come to feel ashamed and guilty about breastfeeding as a result of his being removed from his mother's care due to their nursing.
So if we aren't feeling this way about our pregnancy, we're made to feel guilty, like we're a terrible person and something is wrong with us Surely we're going to be a bad mom as well then?
I had pumped earlier that day and had some breast milk stored already that we could alternate with formula as my son transitioned into bottle feeding, so I felt less guilty (still plenty guilty though) about giving up.
Somehow the thinking seems to be that if we don't talk about it, mothers who apparently «choose» not to breastfeed will not feel guilty,, and healthworkers who don't know how to help mothers breastfeed can continue to suggest formula - feeding as an easier alternative.
Everyone seems so obsessed about not making mothers feeling guilty about formula feeding as opposed to those who want to breastfeed but are undermined by free formula.
We can combine mothering through breastfeeding with all of these work activities but we will always feel guilty about it, so you mine as well stay positive, look in the mirror and pat yourself on the back.
I feel guilty about not having more milk but will continue to pump and let her nurse as much as she can because I know that every little bit of breast milk helps her.
They don't have to feel guilty about making these mistakes as many signs of labor can come some days earlier.
And because we're talking more about «survival» rather than «good nutrition» during endurance exercise, you don't have to feel guilty if you use candy as fuel.
And while I feel guilty about a whole lot of things as a mother — as Jong admits she also does in her essay — I don't feel one iota of guilt about my decision to breastfeed or spend plenty of time with my kids.
They feel guilty, a failure, a bad parent enough as it is without comments about them having «excuses» to stop breastfeeding.
This confession comes off as feeling super guilty, but thankful that no one really knows about what goes on behind the scenes at camp.
Any excuse I have to feel guilty about something, I certainly take it up, and, as we know, mothering is the mother lode of guilt.
You may also consider putting your children into nursery or getting a childminder for short periods of time when they are a bit older; you shouldn't feel guilty about doing this as it will allow you to re-charge your batteries, have some time to yourself and get everything sorted.
In the end now at 10 months I am finally willing to try controlled crying, but I am still feeling guilty about it, as I never thought I would end up in this position.
It's easy to feel guilty about opting for formula when breastfeeding is presented as not only the best method, but far, far superior to formula feeding.
While parents have been happy about learning things they can do differently to make life better for their children and themselves, they have also felt frustrated and guilty (as did I) that they didn't have this information before they had their children.
As for promoting guilt, when we pussyfoot around about making women feel guilty, we are patronising them — how can anyone make an informed choice if information is deliberately withheld?
As mothers, we tend to stress and feel guilty about so many things.
When I first read this clipping from People magazine that talks about how many toys Americans have, I felt guilty as charged.
I know exactly how it feels to be overwhelmed and even feel guilty about not spending as much time with your first child as you did before.
In the meantime, get as much help as possible, sleep when the baby sleeps and don't feel guilty about making your own rest a priority.
Also, we have not felt guilty about making love in our infant's presence, and as she gets older, we will make love quietly under the covers as we've done on camping trips with his 9 yr old daughter in the tent.
And as long as you keep doing what's best for your kids and learning from your mistakes, you really have very little to feel guilty about.
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