Sentences with phrase «feel guilty about it in»

I felt guilty about that in itself but on a deeper level I felt guilty because I struggled so much with the breastfeeding that I was glad she wanted the formula so I could rest.
I mean, you shouldn't feel guilty about it in general, but I get it.
Ive been feeling guilty about it in RL now lol.
My mom made me feel guilty about that in a way that has stayed with me for thirty years.

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Draw the line in the sand and don't feel guilty about it.
So, when deciding whether or not to feel guilty about an iPad or iPhone because it was made in tough conditions, it's also important to consider the alternative — that if factory workers in China didn't have their hard jobs, the facts suggest they'd be starving and dying.
The weather in Taiwan is pretty hot, so this is a good treat to help cool off and not feel guilty about eating something sweet.
Feeling guilty about putting family funds into the company, he agreed to step in.
Often, people feel guilty about not coming in to work.
«I always felt a little guilty about the fact that I don't eat any animals processed in slaughterhouses, but I feed them to my animals,» he says.
The issue for the industry, and for Hershey in particular, is that while people are eating more snacks, they're seeking out ones they feel less guilty about eating.
Don't feel guilty about this 10 % leeway and don't try to make up for it in extreme ways.
In fact Eat Stop Eat does not involve binging, guilty feeling about food, or using fasting as a form of punishment.
Some of us feel really guilty about something we've done, so we suffer in hopes of feeling better.
It made me feel really guilty about how badly we raised our Doberman back in the 1960s.
Most put in more than 55 hours per week on parish work, and many feel guilty about taking time off.
Most of the northern ministers did not stay long in Mississippi (something some still feel guilty about).
In sum, our reporter friend and those like him should not feel guilty about agreeing with Steele, Loury, Crouch, and other writers who are waking us up to the disastrous consequences of policies promoted under the banner of «civil rights.»
Whats more, I don't feel in the least bit guilty about it.
Many of them gave me the impression they felt rather guilty about their feelings that the church could get along with good language from the past if it could not find anything in the present that was not ugly.
Bringing a child late to his sessions, canceling them at the drop of a hat, making the child feel guilty about the money being spent, undermining the child's confidence in the counselor, are all subtle ways of sabotage.
If you want to say that engaging in gay s e x is a choice, yes, that's true, just like engaging in hetro s e x is a choice and you can choose to remain celibate if that's your thing or if someone made you feel so guilty about your preference at some point.
Not every way of communication honors the truth: sometimes the manner in which something gets conveyed subverts reality, as when a preacher says all the right words about God's love but in a tone of voice and with a concluding string of «oughts» (therefore we ought to do this and we ought to do that) that makes you feel guiltier than ever.
While you may deny it, you know in your heart that you have felt guilty about things that others didn't know about.
One of the great gifts of coastal, rain forest living here in the north is that the sun rarely streams in and so I rarely feel guilty about the state of my floors.
I'm tired of feeling guilty about those 52 unanswered emails in my inbox.
You no longer have to feel guilty about not spending enough time in prayer; you can always tell someone you pray nonstop during your waking hours.
I often feel guilty about the house I live in, the car I drive, the food I throw away, the money I spend on clothes.
Unfortunately in my experience, when it comes round to doing something about it, I have been accused of being «insensitive», «guilty of the good old fashioned sin of pride» or «I feel like you are attacking me».
Yet I suspect that the results of the sermon, in addition to transmitting certain head - level ideas about anger, were to make his congregation feel guilty about their unresolved hostility and to arouse hidden anger toward the minister himself.
In fact, I've often found myself marveling at the good and wonderful things that people will do for one another, only to suddenly feel guilty for thinking positively about the human spirit.
Just as we kids always felt guilty and bad about ourselves in his presence, the parishioners were always uneasy and felt guilty in relation to him.
It's easy to feel guilty about forcing myself to reflect and pray when shopping and wrapping and draping the tree in tinsel all come so easily.
In Walking on Water, Madeleine L'Engle said, «I've long since stopped feeling guilty about taking beingtime; it's something we all need for our spiritual health, and often we don't take enough of it.»
Furthermore, what happens most often in accountability groups is that if a person doesn't want to talk about his sin, all the accountability group does is make him feel more guilty about it, which then makes him fall into the sin even more.
They have done everything in their power to make men and women feel guilty about having sex with each other, while the leadership was having homosexual relations behind closed doors.
Raised Catholic... Catholic school... church every morning before class... and taught in religious classes to feel guilty about life and the decisions you make.
Even though no one knew about my transgression other than random strangers in an airport, I felt incredibly guilty about it.
Hi Liz, thank you I love to nibble on it throughout the day it's great as I don't feel too guilty about it with all the healthy add ins
I don't think there's one ingredient that you'll feel guilty about indulging in.
So go ahead, enjoy a guilty pleasure food on Thanksgiving without feeling terrible about eating 3 (or more) servings in one meal.
I'm not one to feel guilty about food that I eat but if I can sneak in some healthy ingredients that don't adversely effect the texture or taste of a recipe, I will do that.
I was very tempted to have cereal for dinner too the first night I made this but I was feeling pretty guilty about letting food go to waste in the fridge.
For the real cheese buffs, we offer our Classic Vermont Sharp Cheddar in a 2 - pound Specialty Waxed Wheel, so you never have to feel guilty about going back for seconds.
I love creating desserts that family and friends can enjoy without being left in pain or feeling guilty about what they've eaten.
(I could've tossed the one I used in the laundry but it was a plain white flour sack towel that had seen better days to begin with so I didn't feel guilty about throwing it away.)
Using Sweet Potatoes instead of Pumpkin, and by substituting the traditional cream cheese, white sugar and flour in a Pumpkin or Sweet Potato cheesecake, it can actually become a wonderfully nutritious, wonderfully delicious vegan sugar - free dessert that won't make you feel guilty about having an extra slice or two around the holidays....
I may flirt with strawberries in the winter but I usually feel guilty about my inconstancy.
I'm going to Italy in a few weeks and now I don't have to feel guilty about my dessert!
and feeling less guilty about popping 20 of these in one sitting.
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