Sentences with phrase «feel helpless at»

Do not vent to your child, but rather let them know that it's OK to feel helpless at times.
«These classes will empower men and women who might otherwise feel helpless at time when our City is experiencing an increase in attacks against our LGBT brothers and sisters,» said Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer.
It is normal to feel helpless at times, and it is very okay to call the doctor if you are in any doubt.
i feel helpless at times..
This subtype «is the result of feeling helpless at work,» according to Wilding.
After another bloody mass shooting — this time at the Newtown elementary school in Connecticut — we are once again left numb and feeling helpless at the senseless violence.

Not exact matches

@Todd — Man, replies like yours really makes me feel so helpless at the level of ignorance out there.
We all feel utterly helpless at moments and it's nice to have something to reach out / in to.
no no absolutely not, you should stop thinking that all arsenal fans would be great guys and would love the club very much, every team has bad / very bad fans and nope i have had arguements with him a lot of times and you are wrong you should look up in the dictionary that isnt even close to irony thats simple cynism he ridicules the team and mocks it at every chance he gets... and for my feeling even if he is frustrated and feeling helpless, people who react like that because of frustration and helplessness are just weak - minded and lack conviction
I'm very interested to see if Carmella ends up eating the pin in this match — if she does, it makes me feel like she's going to get a cash - in opportunity for her Money in the Bank briefcase at WrestleMania 34, because WWE loves to make it seem like the briefcase holder is totally useless and helpless before they cash in.
You said: My comment above on FB was prompted by friends whose kid is SO entirely dependent on his parents to sleep at night, that he is depriving them of their couple time and their desperately needed sleep, and as a result, they are constantly frustrated, at odds with each other, and left feeling helpless and misunderstood and «joke» about divorce.
I am so scared that she is being scarred for life by this and I am helpless being stuck at work all day and feeling terribly guilty about not being able to be home for her.
It can happen to anybody at any time, and the fact that it's something you can't physically see can make you feel pretty helpless.
In know I have questions I'd sure like to have answered by been - there - done - that moms and I feel so helpless to answer some of your questions at times because, frankly, I've no idea how to deal with some of the stuff despite what I'm learning.
Both because I'm amazed at his resilience and because I still sometimes feel so helpless and sad in the face of all the pain he's weathered in his short life.
I had irrational fears about what it would be like at work, felt completely helpless on multiple occasions, and had a very hard time letting my son out of my sight even to run to the bathroom (when my husband was home).
If you have other children to care for or need to work to pay for medical bills, then NOT being in the NICU 24/7 feeling helpless and being distressed looking at your tiny, sick infant may be the best thing you can do for your baby and yourself.
If your child is having a difficult time at school learning how to self - advocate, or feeling helpless — then you might want to reach out for some assistance for him / her.
Parenting is difficult at the best of times and in others there are issues beyond our control that leave us feeling helpless, deflated, or even inadequate.
After particularly contentious days, I lay awake at night grieving for the lost intimacy with my daughter, feeling helpless to renew it, and yearning to curl up against her little body, so appealingly innocent in sleep, to make up for all the love I had failed to deliver during the day.
A birth is defined as traumatic if the woman was or believed she or her baby was in danger of injury or death, and she felt helpless, out of control, or alone, and can occur at any point in labor and birth (Beck, 2004a).
As your partner leaves for work on his first day back, you may find yourself feeling a little helpless as you stare at your beautiful newborn baby, and wonder whether you'll be able to cope alone.
Parents of babies that cry excessively are suffering sleep deprivation, going through massive life changes, listening to a sound that we are biologically wired to find stressful, feeling helpless, exhausted and wondering if it will ever end, at the same time as enduring other fallout from the massive pressure that colic puts on family relationships.
«I've never felt so helpless,» Rangel told reporters at a recent roundtable in his office on 125th Street of the redistricting process taking place behind closed doors in Albany.
A 30 - year review of the scientific literature, published in 2004, suggested that cancer patients who feel helpless or who suppress negative emotions may be at greater risk of having their cancer spread than those who play a role in their healing.
When we feel empowered to change the things that get us down, we boost our body's ability to fight disease, whereas when we feel helpless, at the mercy of life, our immune systems weaken, and we are prone to illness.
If you had parents who were invasive, you were controlled at a very young age, and likely felt helpless and angry as a result.
It's scary, at 24 years old, to feel completely helpless and to have allowed myself to get so sick.
At 35 I felt completely helpless.
I've found that looking at myself in the mirror and repeating positive, motivational phrases helps to get me through the down days, especially the ones where I feel completely out of control and helpless (which means I don't want to do annnnything).
You have some fear of rejection, you feel helpless about your body shape, you are not able to change your habits that came from life long experience and all these things make you little sad about dating at 50 years old.
Harry chose to return to the forest, but felt helpless against Voldemort's Elder Wand, although Dumbledore advised: «Help will always be given at Hogwarts, Harry, to those who ask for it,» amended to: «Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it.»
The setting is fantastic, the mechanics are wonderful at making you feel damn near helpless, and the music is spine - tingling.
Being overwhelmed at work can make employees feel helpless, as if their job duties are taking over their lives.
I feel so helpless and trapped at the moment.
Feeling helpless, Glorilyn does the only thing she can — volunteer at one of the local shelters over summer break.
But, looking at them as a reflection of teenage girls» psyches, I'm saddened by what I see and left feeling helpless in the face of forces that seem unstoppable.
At that time I felt helpless, guilty and hopeless about my financial future.
I felt helpless and at the mercy of whatever ailment might happen next, until I started coming here and getting on track with the right foods and supplements.»
When our beloved pets are diagnosed with something as terrifying as parvovirus, we instantly feel helpless... and, at times, hopeless.
Speaking at the event, Fisher said «There is so much animal suffering in the world, and much of it you feel helpless to end.
You may feel helpless in trying to help your dog cope with the his fear, and want your dog to live a comfortable life where he doesn't tremble at every sound or every thing he comes in contact with.
That person probably startled the dogs at best and like others, I feel pretty helpless in what to do about it.
We talked at length about the heartbreak of losing a pet, about how hard it is to make that final decision, and how helpless one feels in the situation.
So, I felt a bit helpless at first.
One of the knocks on it however, is that at times you will feel utterly helpless to move past certain bosses because you just can't seem to gather the right materials to upgrade your weapon or expand your armor.
These moments took away considerably from the game as I felt helpless and confused in a world that also made me feel powerful and unbeatable at its best.
At times it can be easy to feel helpless, especially when the major governments and corporations of the...
At times it can be easy to feel helpless, especially when the major governments and corporations of the world seem disinterested in doing anything to change our current course.
At the law firm of J&Y, we recognize that victims of elder abuse are often left feeling afraid and helpless, and we fight to restore their dignity and obtain just compensation for their suffering.
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