Sentences with phrase «feel it while»

The treatment, NKTR - 181, is designed to reduce the amount of euphoria that patients feel while taking the drug (while still relieving pain symptoms).
By going deeper and understanding the reward Tad was seeking from his behavior — feeling successful — Perlow was able to engineer an office environment that provided this feeling while sparing Tad the physical and psychological toll that constant connectivity can bring.
But why don't all of my friends and family members feel it while holding my daughter?
This is why some scientists think male hormonal changes associated with a pregnancy might help prepare men for fatherhood (and in my case, contribute to the strong buzz I feel while holding my baby).
Mindful eating is the practice of deliberately paying attention while eating, focusing on nothing but your food and how your body feels while eating it.
Grasshopper: this is the phone system that I use to create a professional feel while still being able to answer calls from anywhere in the world (yes, that includes the beaches in Hawaii and the golf course!).
I had the feeling while watching the three debates so far (I include the Vice-presidential debate) that Romney and Ryan had taken more time than Obama and Biden.
I never had that experience or feeling while at my grandparents church.
During one of J. T.'s recent midday naps, Mike told me about the yearning and anxiety that he and Kerry felt while they waited hopefully to become adoptive parents of an infant.
That connection I felt while standing or kneeling at the altar in prayer was found in a drum circle and in a Buddhist meditation and other places and situations.
My favorite example is probably the «electricity» in the air at a major sporting event, there's something there that you can feel while not being able to touch it.
Some may argue that it is right to follow homosexual feelings while some may argue it is wrong.
Nor is this contention weakened by Whitehead's statement that God's experience originates from conceptual feelings while the experience of finite occasions originates from physical feelings.
I feel like such a hypocrite, harboring these feelings while trying to worship God.]
The Beach Boys were a pretty good model of what thoroughly middle class folk with no blues or country apprenticeship possibilities can aspire to do, working to keep a rhythm n» blues feel while trying to work something fresh out of elements (barbershop, surf instros) that reflected their backgrounds.
While part of me wonders if the priest and the Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan were actually just introverts who felt afraid to utter the first «hello,» the other part of me knows that the needs of my neighbor should come before how comfortable I feel while lending them a helping hand.
It's salty and has a decadent, rich mouth feel while giving food a bit of unusual flavor.
My son now reminds me of how I felt while pregnant — a grapefruit fanatic.
I was impressed with how comfortable we felt while staying in someone's home.
Here in New Zealand it is a grey wintry day and the thought of picking deep red cherry tomatoes straight off the plant while still warm is a comfort even though it does feel a while off yet.
Hi Michelle, I am making this dish today hope it turns out as good it made me feel while reading it.
It's stringy so you sort of get that spaghetti feel while adding one more veggie for the day.
Find out what it's like to dine on top of the world — which is exactly how you'll feel while you dine at Cygnus27.
The above statement is the only way I could describe to you how I felt while consuming these gems.
«Whatever we can do to reduce the pressure our girls feel while they compete, we will do it,» team coach Bailey Hopper said of EBSA choosing the PINK meet as its season - opener.
Hiccups can be a neat experience for any mom to feel while her baby is in utero, just like feeling kicks and movement.
Thank you Holly for saying exactly what I was feeling while reading this article.
You will feel all of the feelings while on your NICU journey.
Make a paper plate feelings spinner, and help your child learn about identifying and naming feelings while having loads of fun!
Reading these comments make me realize that the pain I currently feel while nursing is more just the fact that my newborn nurses constantly and is not thrush.
These support stockings have a soft, comfortable feel while delivering 30 - 40mmHg compression support to relieve tired, aching legs and feet.; Soft to the touch and even softer on your legs, Jobst Relief support hose combine the compression that you need with all - day comfort.
Have your child explore the sounds of music and describe how he / she feels while hearing the different types.
It is learning to accept our feelings while choosing to not act on them.
Typically, they clue their partners in about any changes in their feelings while taking care not to be hurtful.
If your husband can ignore his hurt feelings while spending time with your baby, and focus on FUN, chances are that your baby will also feel the shift and feel more secure!
In short, this unit is made to provide a solid, realistic feel while also possessing the ability to take a pounding from eager players.
Other effects of oxytocin that you may feel while you are nursing could include sleepiness, thirst, headache, nausea and vomiting, hot flashes, and night sweats.
It is made of polyester and gives you a soft feeling while you cuddle with it.
Something heartfelt can be said by being honest about your feelings while addressing the joy that is to come in her marriage:
Incorporating those element is an awesome way for mommy's to keep that grown up feeling while being surrounded by binkys and baby wipes.
The Chicco Liteway umbrella stroller has an aluminum frame made from thick elliptical tubing, which gives it a sturdy feel while still being lightweight.
This pillow comes with a back support to relieve the back pain some mothers have mentioned they begin to feel while breastfeeding two babies at once.
This hormone is responsible for the tingling sensation some mothers feel before a milk ejection reflex, or letdown, and the postpartum uterine cramping felt while breastfeeding.
The goal is to create a campus feel while maintaining separate identities, which has been a sticking point between the two boards over the last year.
After all, it just makes sense that your child would feel most comfortable in an environment similar to she felt while being cradled in the womb, right?
To be sure you don't act on any dangerous feelings while you're waiting for help, try to get a neighbor, relative or friend to stay with you or put your baby in a safe place (like a crib).
That's because it mimics the security they felt while they were in the womb.
Most babies find baby wraps to be extremely comforting too as it mimics the motions they felt while they were inside your body.
Just like other names on the list, Harlyn employs a familial feeling while also being utterly exceptional — this is not a name you run across on a daily basis.
Anton has a sophisticated feel while being uber cute for your adorable bouncing baby boy.
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