Sentences with phrase «feel superior in»

You may feel superior in the situation; nevertheless, this is the person that you chose to be your child's parent.
On the contrary, if you'd like to feel superior in your maximum temperature experiences and look down on your ancestors, you should trust the story told by the respectable long - lived trees (the green graph).
Some readers want to feel superior in terms of what they are reading.
It's just so important to be right, or to feel like you are, just as humankind struggles to feel superior in any way, shape or form they can.
Bullying is so prevalent, in my opinion, because teens want to feel superior in that bubble of their school.
Wenger is happy with his fat paycheck, Kroenke is very happy with the money Wenger makes for him, as fans, I thought we'd be happy with success (success for me is winning EPL title and UCL, — FA cup is a tool Wenger uses to deceive everyone that it's better than the EPL title), as fans I thought titles will make us very happy and feel superior in front of other fans, but we are a laughing stock and some fans don't wan na realize that as long as their «God» is still the manager
I think you want to believe that non-believers are spoiled children who just want to be allowed to party because that makes you feel superior in your choice.
Way to make utterly unjustified as.sumptions and unconvincingly attempt to mask your as.inine desire to demean somebody and feel superior in ostensibly loving words... how textbook Christian of you!
Almost everyone draws happiness from feeling superior in one of these ways, and sadly, it is almost impossible for a person to have a rich happiness without such a feeling.

Not exact matches

It's the supervisors and superiors who set the tone, not the company retreats where people talk endlessly about feelings, or participate in «trust falls.»
According to new research from Harvard University and the University of Virginia, when people seek out extraordinary experiences like vacationing in exotic locales, those who had the experience enjoyed that their adventures were superior to ones their peers had, but during subsequent social interactions the adventurer ultimately felt excluded and worse off than they would have felt if they had an ordinary experience like everyone else.
In some cases, leaders who are doing everything listed above may still have an employee who feels superior to others.
«So you can put in a significantly superior product with a great story that's organic and you don't feel any pain vs. upgrading to grass fed beef.»
Each employee working in an organization likes to feel that the work that they put in is being recognized by both their peers and superiors.
In fact, put it right into your RRSP — you'll get a jump on those contributions and feel disciplined, virtuous, and generally superior to everyone in the world (but don't gloat!In fact, put it right into your RRSP — you'll get a jump on those contributions and feel disciplined, virtuous, and generally superior to everyone in the world (but don't gloat!in the world (but don't gloat!).
Again, we should not feel too superior to our Asian neighbours in this respect; it takes decades or more to develop these, and as recently as the late eighties we still had some glaring deficiencies.
But do not insult my personal religious path in order to make yours feel superior.
Just ask any non-Christian in the military if they feel threatened by a fundamentalist superior officer should they dare to opt out of such an event.
So, using simple logic that I assume you would be able to perform (since you feel you are superior), atheism can be defined as a religion, in that it is a belief system and worldview (i.e: a religion).
After watching the History Channel on Ancient Aliens, I feel as though my faith, not in God or a superior being, but religion in itself, is waning.
Marcus Aurelius observed in his Meditations (170 — 80) the importance of «keeping the divinity within us free from violence and unharmed, superior to pain and pleasure... not feeling the need of another's doing or not doing something; and, furthermore, accepting all that happens and all that is allotted us, as coming from the source, wherever it is, whence it itself came.»
The curse of the white man applied here as with the Negro problem — he felt his color so superior and his civilization so much better that he could not share it in fellowship.
Faith makes me realize how much I don't need it to be a great person, and in a way, it makes me feel superior.
Vic Alright, reasonable response, but why do you have to display your praise in public, does it make you feel superior.
Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.
Surely feel that you are not aware of the proper way of how to preform ablutions or keep your A$ $ as clean...!?! So please speak of no superior or inferior we are all of Adam & Eve and are as equal only those who fear God most are more superior but as I see you are not God fearful since you look upon his creations and Worshipers as if inferior to you although they might be remembering, worshiping and praying to God more than you do... or will do in your life...
You wouldn't feel superior to a person in liver failure so why now?
You crave punishment because it makes you feel somehow superior, or correct in your discovery of «God's Word» in a book which was written and edited and re-edited (as well as redacted) by countless rulers and scholars along the way, each wishing to have some stake in the claim of the Eternal.
If you claim to worship a loving God who loves all mankind, then heaven & he - ll don't make any sense, which is why I believe they only exist in the minds of imperfect humans who want to feel superior to others.
Faith based on trust in Divine Providence promotes a feeling in the faithful that, beyond all the suffering and the problems, a superior wisdom will prevail.
The practical advantage of sense - perception over causal feeling lies in its superior clarity and definiteness.
Woman has neither the selfishly developed conception of the self nor the intellectuality of man, for all that she is his superior in tenderness and fineness of feeling.
Thomas Jefferson felt this overwhelming sovereignty of God over all things, because he wrote (in his bill for religious liberty in Virginia) that no sooner did a person become aware of the proper relation between creature and Creator, to whom the creature's very existence is owed, than the creature becomes aware of a self - evident duty to worship and give thanks to so infinitely superior a Being.
A spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe — a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which with with our modest powers must feel humble...
Just Claims - YOU like to feel smug and superior without basis in fact.
But in their hearts they must feel the warm glow of hate and feeling superior to anyone who hasn't given in to their fairytale dog [sic] haha
The sin of feeling morally superior to others is the sin that leads us to do violence in the name of God toward others (Girard, I See Satan Fall Like Lightning, 20).
It's something I can mention at parties in order to sound interesting, something I can intellectually espouse in order to feel morally superior, something I can claim with confidence because it will likely never be tested.
We looking outside world for answer, who can close the eyes and detach themselves from the world and simply merge in the goodness and love in heart and feel the best what we have, never worry or argue the different name of God or argue who is superior or inferior, the people who argues never even know himself or herself and started defying anything which cant be define, We can answer the very question of God and super power, it is not complicated, close the eyes, breath deeply and start detaching yourself from outside world and stop controlling your body, your thoughts, your so called worldly knowledge, ego and just feel the power and light within, you sure will get answer, it wont be Christ, Krishna, Allah, Those names wont matter, You will merge into supreme strength, and peace, we will have answer then, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ANSWER LOOKING INSIDE OUT, WHEN ANSWER IS WITHIN,
As an Atheist, I don't feel morally superior to anybody, that's for the self - righteous religious people — I simply don't think a belief in something as fantastical and unprovable as any version of god is necessary in order for a person to be a good person.
I also think that the ecological model of Birch and Cobb is superior in explanatory power to any present mechanical model because the ecological model accepts human feelings as primary givens.
It stirred up enough controversy while I was in the church that my superiors, having received heretic - hunters» letters, felt it necessary to call me on it.
The feeling of helplessness in the face of superior powers has been dispelled.
Sure, you may not prohibit someone of a different race from eating with you in the office cafeteria, but are you judging her and feeling superior as you eat together?
But all my pangs were due to some terrible remorse I used to feel after a heavy carousal, the remorse taking the shape of regret after my folly in wasting my life in such a way — a man of superior talents and education.
Just keep telling yourself that your faith makes you superior, it feels good to believe yourself better than everyone else, to have that confidence in you getting a reward when others won't.
«Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe — a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.»
If you did not will to impose what you feel is your superior morality in the courts and in legislature then you can most certainly frolic in the tulips of your mind, but until then, you are the enemy.
But many Christians also «use» the threat of God's judgment and their own interpretation of Scripture (which they equate with God) as a way of feeling superior to others and getting brownie points in the Kingdom.
He sought after false accusations and unjust reprimands as opportunities of humility; and such was his obedience that, when a room - mate, having no more paper, asked him for a sheet, he did not feel free to give it to him without first obtaining the permission of the superior, who, as such, stood in the place of God, and transmitted his orders.
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